Couldn't import package when I download it using pip download <name_of_package> ? It went to Lib and I am unable to import it - pip

I am just learning coding
I wanted to download a package from using the pip function . but after I downloaded it , I wasn't able to import the openpyxl package . I checked where the openpyxl file was that I had downloaded and found the it was in lib\site-packages directory instead of being in a sit-packages which is a different directory.
*In the picture if have taken pictures of all the visible information that I could find out about this problem and put it one picture, I hope you can understand what my question is by the image .
*Also should i be worried about the red color text that is showing in my terminal .
please if you can help , that would be great , I use windows 10 with python 3.10.
I have taken multiple pictures of messages that I could see then put them all in one picture using photoshop , that is why the picture might look inaccurate , I just wanted all the information to be in one picture , hope you can understand my question, and i would be great full if you could help .

You have installed openpyxl to your global python, but your project in python is using a virtual environment that has its own set of packages. To install into the environment used by your project go (in Pycharm) to File -> Settings -> Project -> Python Interpreter, then hit the small plus button, search for openpyxl and hit Install Package


Gauss 21 Software: how do I install the following packages?

I tried running the code:
library optmum, pgraph; optset; graphset;
and obviously it says I need to install the packages and all but I am not sure where exactly I am supposed to go to find these. I went to the Install application and package manager but neither seems to have the packages I am looking for. Ideally, I would like to have these packages in my library and run the command above. How do i proceed with this Gauss software?
pgraph comes standard with GAUSS, so you only need the optmum library. It is listed with the name of "op" and description of "Optmization 3.1".
If you don't own it, it will show up with a light red background to indicate that you don't own the package.

installing packages in mathematica

I'm a beginner with Mathematica 9 and was trying to install a package that does an inverse Laplace transform. I tried the instructions on Wolfram website which is mainly: File -> install, the install window opens, select the package source, and give it a name, and click OK. I did exactly that but when I type the Needs command, I get the following answer:
Needs::nocont: "Context "talb` was not created when Needs was evaluated."
Any suggestion on how to properly install a package?
Make sure you are saving this file under the addOns folder and then execute << FixedTalbotNumericalLaplaceInversion in your mathematica notebook.

Shortcut to install libraries in Goland

I'm following the instructions in and trying to use Goland. I'm surprised though that I can't find a fast way to install the library I'm writing. According to the tutorial, you should use install to install your code in the pkg or bin folders, yet I can't find a way to do this in Goland other than writing it in the console.
What am I missing?
There are two ways to import Go packages using GoLand:
copy-paste the code that needs the package into the IDE and then on the import declaration use Show Intention to see the list of actions available and choose the first one, go get -t <package-name>/...
copy the URL of the Github repository into your clipboard, switch to the IDE and use the pop-up to run go get on the package. The pop-up disappears after a few seconds.
I've attached the image which shows these options.
This will download libraries in the correct GOPATH directory and run go install as part of the go get action.
As for installing the libraries that you are developing in GOPATH/pkg, there is no need for that, as soon as you run any configuration from the IDE, be it an application or a test that depend on those libraries, the IDE will install those libraries as well.

openNLPmodels.en error while trying to extract entity in text analysis

I am using R3.1.2 for text analysis to extract entity(kind=person). i have loaded openNLP and openNLPmodels.en from but i get the following error.
Error in Maxent_Simple_Entity_Detector(language, kind, probs, model) :
Could not find model file for language 'en' and kind 'person'.
Apparently, package 'openNLPmodels.en' is installed
but does not provide this model.
What is the resolution?
Let me provide the exact steps that worked for me. These steps assume you already have have OpenNLP, rJava libraries working.
Install openNLPmodels.en
install.packages("openNLPmodels.en", dependencies=TRUE, repos = "")
Navigate to the openNLPmodels.en library folder. For me, this was \filesrv\users\MYNAME\My Documents\R\win-library\3.4\openNLPmodels.en
Create a new folder within openNLPmodels.en called models
Visit the openNLP models page on sourceforge and download
two files: en-chunker.bin and en-ner-person.bin
Place those files in your models folder.
Install the openNLPmodels.en from This package is no more available on CRAN. So, download is offline and install it on your R/Rstudio. It is working for me. ! Hurray !
I had the same issue and was able to resolve it installing the additional packages "RWeka" and "qdap". Additionally, ensure you have 'rJava' installed. In short, run the following and see if, after requiring the packages, you are able to run your code.
install.packages(c("NLP", "openNLP", "RWeka", "qdap", "rJava"))
as you have probably installed openNLPmodels.en and its loading properly. I went into the source code of parse.R of openNLP and found something like this
package <- "openNLPmodels.en"
model <- system.file("models/en-parser-chunking.bin",
package = package) .
Points to be noted ..
1) I am on a Linux machine with R version of 3.3.2. and
2) have installed version of openNLPmodels.en form . to my surprise i didn't find "models/en-parser-chunking.bin" in its i have downloaded the corresponding parser file. from and placed it in the folder called models. and was able to get it working.
parse_annotator <- Parse_Annotator()
## Compute the parse annotations only.
p <- parse_annotator(s, a2)
now this code worked for me.
Prior to this i as having similar error with.
annotate(s, Maxent_Chunk_Annotator(), a3)
#Error in Maxent_Simple_Chunker(language, probs, model) :
Could not find model file for language 'en'.
Apparently, package 'openNLPmodels.en' is installed
Now Guess what, i have given the path to model (chunker.bin file) in Maxent_Simple_Chunker and was able to get it work.
apologize for my poor formatting skills
all the parse and chunker code i used can be found in the documentation.if you want to reproduce the examples

How to install wxPython for Python 3.3?

I need wxPython for a project I'm currently writing. It's a basic text editor- it'll eventually have markdown and bbcode editing supported (with error checking), but right now I want to get the program working. The guide I'm using uses wxPython, but it's official support is only up to 2.5. I'm using Python 3.3, and I grabbed one of the development builds.
I just don't know how to install it, but I found this comment, but I'm not sure what it's telling me to do. Is it telling me to create a folder in one of python's subfolders, then use the bit of code in every wx program I make? Or is it telling me something else?
Edit: I found the site-packages folder and made the folder, then pasted the appropriate folder in the folder I made, but it threw the error :
ImportError: No module named 'wxversion'
Using Ninja IDE 2.2, if it helps at all.
Edit 2: So I wx instead of wxversion, and it seemed to work, but now Ninja IDE pulls up and tells me
ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
Does anyone know what this means, and how I can fix it?
If you don't have another version of wxPython installed then you don't have any need to use wxversion. Just put Phoenix's wx package folder directly in site-packages and use it normally.
