Laravel eloquent and query with two join tables criterias - laravel

Here the situation.
I have a user table, a role table (different users can have the same role) and a post table (different users can be linked to a same post - multi authors post). I also have two join tables that link user and role and user and post. I have built all relationships (many-to-many).
But now I try to get all users that have a particular role ('id' = 2 for example) and have contributed to a particular post ('id' = 45 for example).
I can do it with one criteria :
$roles = App\Role::where('id', 2)->first();
foreach ($roles->users as $user) {
But I didn't find the solution with two criterias (role id and post id).

You can use relationship existence to to achieve your goal. And the whereHas() function is for checking relationship existence.
Assuming that you have defined relationships on models
$roleId = 2;
$postId = 45;
$users = User::whereHas('role', function($query) use ($roleId) {
$query->where('id', $roleId);
->whereHas('post', function ($query) use ($postId) {
$query->where('id', $postId);


how to get list of users who are not under belongsToMany relation under a table in laravel?

Consider the following case.
we have the Users table and Tasks table. they are in relation with belongsToMany with table task_user.
How to get the list of all users who are not under any task? i.e. their user_id is not at all under that given task or even in the task_user table.
why I need this is because like this we can only provide a list of users who are yet to be assigned a task. the task will be assigned to users and not a single user at a time.
also how to filter with users based on group table? below is not working
$users = Group::with(['subscribers' => function ($q){
Assuming you've named your relationships properly, you should be able to use doesntHave("tasks"):
$tasklessUsers = User::doesntHave("tasks")->get();
doesntHave() checks for the non-existence of the supplied relationship ("tasks", in this case) and returns all objects that pass this check.
If your function name is different, use that, but the relationship should be:
public function tasks(){
return $this->belongsToMany(Task::class, "task_user");
Edit: doesntHave() is the simple version, whereDoesntHave() allows a custom query. See for full details.
Second Edit:
As stated in the comments below, with() will not filter the Model it is being called on, so this query won't work as you'd expect:
$users = Group::with(['subscribers' => function ($q){
To fix this, use a chained doesntHave() query:
$query = Group::doesntHave('subscribers.tasks')
->where('id', '=', $gid)
// OR
$query = Group::whereHas('subscribers', function($subQuery){
})->where('id', '=', $gid)
$users = $query->subscribers; // Return `users` (aliased to `subscribers`)
Either approach will check the existence of subscribers that don't have any associated tasks relationship, and also only return where id is $gid.
Note: Used first() for the queries, as using id in a query should only ever return a single Group record, and get() is for returning multiple records in a Collection

Laravel Eloquent: orderBy related table

I would like to order result of eloquent by field on the other related table.
I have users table. Every user has one profile. Profile has sponsored (which is boolean) field. So when I would like to get all users, I want to display first sponsored users, then non sponsored.
public function profile(){
return $this->hasOne('App\Doctor');
There are two ways:
1)You have to join tables,
2)Order by eager loading
User::with(array('profile' => function($query) {
$query->orderBy('sponsored', 'DESC');
Try this one
User::leftJoin('profile', '', '=', 'profile.user_id')
->orderBy('profile.sponsored', 'ASC')
I highly recommend not using table joins as it would fail you on the scale.
A better solution is to get users, get their profiles and then sort them using laravel collection methods.
You can use this sample to achieve this solution.
//get all users
$users = User::all();
//extract your users Ids
$userIds = $users->pluck('id')->toArray();
//get all profiles of your user Ids
$profiles = Profile::whereIn('user_id', $userIds)->get()->keyBy('user_id');
//now sort users based on being sponsored or not
$users = $users->sort(function($item1, $item2) use ($profiles) {
if($profiles[$item1->id]->sponsored == 1 && $profiles[$item2->id]->sponsored == 1){
return 0;
if($profiles[$item1->id]->sponsored == 1) return 1;
return -1;
You can check this link which explains on laravel collection sorts.
$order = 'desc';
$users = User::join('profile', '', '=', '')
->orderBy('', $order)->select('users.*')->get();

laravel relation issue in many to many case

i have three table in mysql:
table of users
table of project
there is id and project_id and user_id for relation
there is two model : user and project
the relation between these table are belongsToMany
when a project create maybe one project define for two person
NOW how can i show the project of each person?
Assuming you properly defined your relationships, do
$users = User::with('projects')->get();
//show each user projects
foreach($users as $user) {
echo $user->projects;
//Getting project users
$projects = Project::with('users')->get();
This will give you projects list, in each list you can see which user has access or not.
Taking project with specified user_id
$projects = Project::with(['users' => function ($query) use ($user_id) {
$query->where('user_id', '=', $user_id);
New code
Or try to to get the user
$user = User::with('projects')->where('id', $user_id)->first();
Or via projects, constraining by user_id
$projects = Project::with('users')->whereHas('users', function ($query) use ($user_id) {
the way i solve it:
//save user_id
$user_id = $request->id;
//select in project_user where user_id = $user_id
$project_user = DB::table('project_user')->where('user_id', '=', $user_id)->get();
//create an empty array
$p_id = array();
//fill empty array with project_id
foreach($project_user as $pro) {
$p_id[] = $pro->project_id;
//select code and id in project table where id = one of that [$p_id] array
$data = Project::select('code','id')->whereIn('id', $p_id)->get();
//return your data in json
return response()->json($data);
As far as I understood your question, you want to query Project as per user_id. Here is how you do it.
Project::with('users')->whereHas('users', function ($query) use ($user_id_array) {
This will give you projects whose user_id are from $user_id_array. Let me know if you need any further help.

Laravel eloquent query model with pivot

I have a user model with pivot table role_user.
In my user table I have a field 'active'.
And a user can have multiple roles which are saved in pivot table.
How can I pull all the users where active = 1 and where user has specific role in pivot table?
Try this. This assumes you have an eloquent relationship set up between users and roles. I've only used this type of query in a hasMany / belongsTo relationship, but I think it'll work in your example as well.
$users = User::where('active', 1)->whereHas('roles', function ($query) {
$query->where('role', 'foo');
To filter users by role use whereHas() method:
User::whereHas('roles', function($q) use ($role) {
$q->where('role', $role);
})->where('active', 1)->get();

Laravel database relations - get all children from more than one parent

I have users and books.
User model:
public function books() {
return $this->hasMany('Books');
I can do the following:
$user = User::find(1);
$books = $user->books;
Now, I want to get all books from several users with the name Brian.
So what I did is:
$users = User::where('name', 'Brian')->get();
$books = $users->books;
Of course this does not work because books() is a method of a user and not of a group of users.
How can I can all books from all users named Brian? I could loop through all Brians but that does not seem best practice.
How could I do this?
This is the perfect spot for a whereHas call:
Give books a user relationship, then simply do:
Book::whereHas('user', function($q) {
