Laravel eloquent query model with pivot - laravel

I have a user model with pivot table role_user.
In my user table I have a field 'active'.
And a user can have multiple roles which are saved in pivot table.
How can I pull all the users where active = 1 and where user has specific role in pivot table?

Try this. This assumes you have an eloquent relationship set up between users and roles. I've only used this type of query in a hasMany / belongsTo relationship, but I think it'll work in your example as well.
$users = User::where('active', 1)->whereHas('roles', function ($query) {
$query->where('role', 'foo');

To filter users by role use whereHas() method:
User::whereHas('roles', function($q) use ($role) {
$q->where('role', $role);
})->where('active', 1)->get();


Laravel eloquent and query with two join tables criterias

Here the situation.
I have a user table, a role table (different users can have the same role) and a post table (different users can be linked to a same post - multi authors post). I also have two join tables that link user and role and user and post. I have built all relationships (many-to-many).
But now I try to get all users that have a particular role ('id' = 2 for example) and have contributed to a particular post ('id' = 45 for example).
I can do it with one criteria :
$roles = App\Role::where('id', 2)->first();
foreach ($roles->users as $user) {
But I didn't find the solution with two criterias (role id and post id).
You can use relationship existence to to achieve your goal. And the whereHas() function is for checking relationship existence.
Assuming that you have defined relationships on models
$roleId = 2;
$postId = 45;
$users = User::whereHas('role', function($query) use ($roleId) {
$query->where('id', $roleId);
->whereHas('post', function ($query) use ($postId) {
$query->where('id', $postId);

Why is the ID replaced with a value from another table? Laravel BelongsTo

I have 4 tables. Championships, Users, Roles and users_roles.
One user belongs to championship as judge. But I have to select only users who have role 'Judge'.
For this, I created new column in championships table which is called "main_judge" and created new relationship
class Championship extends Model
public function mainJudge()
return $this->hasOne('App\User', 'id', 'main_judge');
Then I add to query some code
$query->join('users_roles', '', '=', 'users_roles.user_id')
->join('roles', 'users_roles.role_id', '=', '')
->where('roles.alias', '=', 'judge');
when I print query as sql I got (see screen)
and after $query->get() instead of user ID i got a role ID (see screen)
I would suggest using eloquent rather than the query builder as it will remove the need to manually define any joins.
You should just be able to do this:
$championship = Championship::find($id);
$judge = $championship->mainJudge;
If you then dd($judge) you should end up with the appropriate User object.

Laravel, How to retrieve parent records with certain Pivot table values belongsToMany

How can I retrieve all records of my model based on certain ID's in my pivot table?
I have the following 3 tables
public function stats()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\stats', 'stats_selected', 'user_id', 'stats_id')->withTimestamps();
// Get all users with example of stats ID's
$aFilterWithStatsIDs = [1,10,13];
$oUser = User::with(['stats' => function ($query) use($aFilterWithStatsIDs ) {
$query->whereIn('stats_id', $aFilterWithStatsIDs);
->orderBy('name', 'desc')
This outputs just all the users. Btw, fetching users with there stats and saving those selected stats into the DB is not a problem. That works fine with the above lines.
But how do I retrieve only the users which has certain stats_id's within them?
But how do I retrieve only the users which has certain stats_id's within them?
Use a whereHas conditional.
User::whereHas('stats', function ($stats) use ($aFilterWithStatsIDs) {
$stats->whereIn('id', $aFilterWithStatsIDs);

Laravel and pivot table to relate different model

I'm wondering how, but it's bit confusing.
I have fine belongs to many relation between users and groups tables as well as appropriate models for all of that.
But i also have table students, where not all users are student so i students table i maintain user_id field.
My question would be: Can i use pivot table "group_user" for relations between student and group model, in students table i have "user_id" field? and how?
I tried something like
public function students()
return $this->belongsToMany('Student','group_user','group_id','user_id');
but i don't see the way how to tell eloquent not to take but to take students.user_id???
Assuming these relations:
Subject belongsTo Group
Group belongsToMany User
User hasOne Student
you can easily do this:
$subject = Subject::find($someId);
// of course for multiple subject use eager loading:
// $subjects = Subject::with('group.users.student')->get();
$users = $subject->group->users; // related users
foreach ($users as $user)
$user->student; // null|student model

Laravel 4/5, order by a foreign column

In Laravel 4/5 how can order a table results based in a field that are connected to this table by a relationship?
My case:
I have the users that only store the e-mail and password fields. But I have an another table called details that store the name, birthday, etc...
How can I get the users table results ordering by the
P.S.: Since users is a central table that have many others relations and have many items, I can't just make a inverse search like Details::...
I would recommend using join. (Models should be named in the singular form; User; Detail)
$users = User::join('details', '', '=', 'details.user_id') //'details' and 'users' is the table name; not the model name
->orderBy('', 'asc')
If you use this query many times, you could save it in a scope in the Model.
class User extends \Eloquent {
public function scopeUserDetails($query) {
return $query->join('details', '', '=', 'details.user_id')
Then call the query from your controller.
$users = User::userDetails()->orderBy('', 'asc')->get();
