Tile server for mapbox - geoserver

I've tried to get this running with versions 2.14.4 and 2.15.2 without success I can run on version 2.13. I'm trying to figure out the issue, step one is as below;
In both versions this is what I see after installing the vectortile extension and restarting but this differs from the screengrab shown in the documentation. So my question is whether the documentation image is out of date or my install has not worked (2.14.4 with Vectortile extension 2.14.4).

I resolved the bug which means I can confirm that the above screenshot does mean that the vectortiles extension has installed properly


BaseApplicationCustomizer throws errors

So today I was updating one of our SPFX extensions to use the latest spfx framework (1.16) with node (16.13) and after finishing my updates I got the following inside my code:
I am not exactly sure why these are not coming in, I suspect the newest version of spfx moves these classes out of sp-application-base, but why? and where is the documentation for it? Because there is this link that is only 6 months old and explains to use this code for the top and bottom headers.
I was expecting this code to remain in sp-application-base, but it appears it isn't in that package.
How did you perform the upgrade? I highly recommend using the Microsoft 365 CLI to upgrade projects, as the developers of that app do thier best to cover every part of the project that needs to change. Learn more at https://pnp.github.io/cli-microsoft365/cmd/spfx/project/project-upgrade/
Here are the commands to run from the root of your project
npm install -g #pnp/cli-microsoft365
m365 spfx project upgrade --output text
This will give a list of npm commands and code update instructions to follow. See the above documentation for other options for output and use whatever works best for you.
It is still there. What version of #microsoft/sp-application-base is in your project? Should be 1.16.1 I believe. I will say that I am new to all of this as well, but I am using the latest framework and VS is not flagging any issues with these.

Problems Installing VSCode to Windows 10

Can anyone help me out whilst I still have some hair left.
I have been running VSCode on Windows 10 since January. Yesterday it attempted to update to the latest version 1.54 but failed. VSCoce will now not run.
I am trying to re-install from the VSCode site installer. However when I download and run the installer file windows gives an error saying the file is corrupt.
Windows Error Message
I seem to remember having this problem when installing the 1.52 version in January but I can find no reference to what I did to resolve this. I believe I was pointed to an alternative install program, but I cannot find this now.
Please can anyone assist?
Many thanks.
Colin Murdoch.
OK. I have now managed to re-install VScode by downloading the .zip file and extracting all the elements into a directory within Program Files. It remains to be seen if this will work properly as with no official install routine, nothing will have been added to the registry. However the program loads OK and seems to recognise the PlatformIO extension that was already loaded.
I still don’t understand why I cannot run the official install routines. There must be something odd about my Windows installation.
check your antivirus program. I recognize that message. I had the same issue when trying to install an SQL server.

Menu is black and empty on new SonarQube 5.6 install

We do not get an issue if we install SQ5.6 on a client machine but on our Amazon servers when we fire up the server for the first time with defaults so we can install plugins, we get:
Note the black, empty menu at the top of the screen. We get this in chrome and IE11. Previous versions of SQ did not have this issue.
We have the pre-requisites correctly installed, so any ideas what could be causing this?
Thanks in advance.
Upgrade to latest (Version 5.6) using yum.
It does help if the browser being used is actually listed as compatible on the SonarQube site :D

Warning message when installing devtools

When I try to install devtools in Rstudio 3.2.3 (Windows 10) using the command install.packages("devtools"), I get the following message:
warning in install.packages :
'lib = "c:/Program Files/R/R-3.2.3//library"' is not writable
I'm a newby and I've been hunting for solutions but so far am coming up empty. I would appreciate any advice that might get me through this step. Thanks.
I stumbled upon the same issue earlier. This "problem" arises when you try to install a library for the first time and R does not have a a dedicated library for it yet.
Two pop-up should appear one after the other when you try to install a package like:
The questions are the following:
Would you like to use a personal library instead?
Would you like to create a personal library 'C:\Users\bartlein\Documents/R/win-library/3.2' to install packages into?
Answer yes to both questions and you should be fine.
The ressources I used came from here.

libpng warning: Application built with libpng-1.2.26 but running with 1.5.2

I have a problem on my mac when trying in R to produce png images.
I am getting this warnings:
libpng warning: Application built with libpng-1.2.26 but running with 1.5.2
I am running the R 2.14 version using the R-studio GUI.
I am not excatly sure about the libpng problem. When I am doing locate libpng-config I'm getting several hits, some with libong-config12, some with libpng-config14, some without nay numbers:
ayeroslaviz:~ ayeroslaviz$ locate libpng-config
When doing which libpng-config I'm getting: /usr/local/bin/libpng-config
Is there a way to uninstall older versions of libpng or update the paths to the right version. Unfortunately I am not even sure, what thesource of this warning, so I hope I gave here all the needed information.
I would be grateful for anyone who gives me a hint about how to solve this problem.
Fortunately, you're using a Mac, so there's a simpler (but not documented) method.
quartz.save('my_filename.png', type='png')
Note that the image you want to save must be the currently active quartz window.
If your code still works, then don't worry about it. The fact this this is a warning rather than an error message means that there might be a problem, not that there definitely is a problem. IF you don't want to see the warning, wrap your R code in a call to suppressMessages.
This problem could occur because RStudio (or some other library you are using in your project) is using in-built libpng libraries (v1.2) and when the application run, the version installed in the system is v1.5: http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/pngfaq.html#mismatch. If this is the point, you could try to upgrade RStudio libpng libraries or downgrade system libpng ones.
