Why is this throwing "read access violation"? - windows

Now I'm trying to show a progressbar dialog while reading and processing a file, but my code throws "read access violation" on closing the dialog.
Exact error message is,
**__pUnknown** was 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
And below is my code.
void LoadFile(StorageFile^ file) {
ContentDialog^ loaderDialog = ref new ContentDialog();
loaderDialog->Title = L"Loading...";
loaderDialog->Content = ref new ProgressBar();
.then([&](Platform::String^ fileText) {
// File processing parts are omitted.
// ...
loaderDialog->Hide(); // Read access violation!
Why this becomes an error?

From: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/ccx-part-2-of-n-types-that-wear-hats/
So, what exactly is a ^ type? A hat type is a smart pointer type that
(1) automatically manages the lifetime of a Windows Runtime object and
(2) provides automatic type conversion capabilities to simplify use of
Windows Runtime objects.
You are taking a ref to the smart pointer, hence you are not increasing its reference count, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/com/rules-for-managing-reference-counts .
This means that when the continuation is executed the reference is dangling.
You can try capturing by value [=] instead of reference [&].
Please note that you should consider, in the capture, capturing each variable instead of using [=] or [&]


How to convert a v8::Local<v8::Value> into a uint32_t

Given the following code how can I convert the v8::Local<v8::Value> into a uint32_t. Or other types based on the Is* method?
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = v8::Context::New(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent());
if(value->IsUint32()) {
v8::MaybeLocal<Int32> maybeLocal = value->Uint32Value(context);
uint32_t i = maybeLocal;
Your posted code doesn't work because value->Uint32Value(context) doesn't return a v8::MaybeLocal<Int32>. C++ types are your friend (just like TypeScript)!
You have two possibilities:
(1) You can use Value::Uint32Value(...) which returns a Maybe<uint32_t>. Since you already checked that value->IsUint32(), this conversion cannot fail, so you can extract the uint32_t wrapped in the Maybe using Maybe::ToChecked().
(2) You can use Value::ToUint32(...) which returns a MaybeLocal<Uint32>. Again, since you already checked that value->IsUint32(), that cannot fail, so you can get a Local<Uint32> via MaybeLocal::ToLocalChecked(), and then simply use -> syntax to call the wrapped Uint32's Value() method, which gives a uint32_t.
If you're only interested in the final uint32_t (and not in the intermediate Local<Uint32>, which you could pass back to JavaScript), then option (1) will be slightly more efficient.
Note that IsUint32() will say false for objects like {valueOf: () => 42; }. If you want to handle such objects, then attempt the conversion, and handle failures, e.g.:
Maybe<uint32_t> maybe_uint = value->Uint32Value(context);
if (maybe_uint.IsJust()) {
uint32_t i = maybe_uint.FromJust();
} else {
// Conversion failed. Maybe it threw an exception (use a `v8::TryCatch` to catch it), or maybe the object wasn't convertible to a uint32.
// Handle that somehow.
Also, note that most of these concepts are illustrated in V8's samples and API tests. Reading comments and implementations in the API headers themselves also provides a lot of insight.
Final note: you'll probably want to track the current context you're using, rather than creating a fresh context every time you need one.

Solving tcsncpy_s.inl assertion (line 24)

I've a fairly simple program which needs user input in the form of a text string. I've a CLR form with an edit box and I need to take that input and pass it into my class which just copies it to a member variable.
In the Form.h code, handling the TextChanged event is...
int textLength = m_userDest->TextLength;
if (textLength > 2 && textLength < 5)
// Could be an ICAO code in here
char dest[5];
String^ text = m_userDest->Text->ToUpper();
sprintf_s(dest, 5, "%s", text);
My class (airTraffic) SetUserDest function is just
void CAirTraffic::SetUserDest(char* dest)
strncpy_s(m_userDest, 5, dest, 5);
When this is run I get this debug assertion, it doesn't stay on the screen and automatically clears after a few seconds.
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program: ...sual Studio 2010\Projects\FSAirTraffic\Debug\FSAirTraffic.exe
File: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\tcsncpy_s.inl
Line: 24
Expression: ((_Dst)) != NULL && ((_SizeInBytes)) > 0
I don't have an f:\ drive so I'm guessing this is some internal Microsoft(?) code so I can't see the context of the assertion and exactly what it's problem is. I don't have a file called tcsncpy_s.inl on my machine.
If I don't call my class function then there's no assertion so I assumed that was the problem.
Curiously though, when stepping through the debugger the assertion occurs as I step out of the TextChanged event, with the rest of the functions operating as intended (as far as I can see).
Does anyone know what the problem is and how I can go about solving it?
I don't understand how your code works. You use m_userDest twice, first it appears to be a pointer to a structure of some sort, maybe a handle to a TextBox control:
int textLength = m_userDest->TextLength;
Later you pass it to strncpy_s, which needs a char*, not a pointer to some structure.
void CAirTraffic::SetUserDest(char* dest)
strncpy_s(m_userDest, 5, dest, 5);
While it's possible for a structure to implicitly convert to a char*, it's not possible for a structure pointer to do so. Perhaps there's a smart pointer involved? Or you are using the same member variable name for completely different purposes in different classes1?
In any case, strncpy_s is inspecting the value of its first argument and not liking it.
1 Note that the new "wisdom" saying not to use Hungarian notation has destroyed the ability to understand this code in textual form. We don't have an IDE providing mouseover information about the data type of variables. Applications Hungarian is still a good idea in the real world, despite how many "best practices" documents decry it. Amazing how many code style documents are written from a purely theoretical basis.

Identifying the EINVAL in a Kernel Control ctl_enqueuedata call

I want to send messages from a kernel extension into a userland program using kernel controls. I'm experiencing an EINVAL error when calling ctl_enqueuedata.
I've set up a Kernel Control and I'm trying to send messages through it using ctl_enqueuedata. I'm setting
ep_ctl.ctl_flags = 0
before passing to ctl_register, which, the documents suggest, should result in ctl_unit being automatically set.
To quote kern_control.h:
For a dynamically assigned control ID, do not set the CTL_FLAG_REG_ID_UNIT flag.
static struct kern_ctl_reg ep_ctl;
static kern_ctl_ref kctlref;
errno_t error;
bzero(&ep_ctl, sizeof(ep_ctl)); // sets ctl_unit to 0
ep_ctl.ctl_id = 0;
ep_ctl.ctl_unit = 0;
strncpy(ep_ctl.ctl_name, CONTROL_NAME, strlen(CONTROL_NAME));
ep_ctl.ctl_flags = 0x0; // not CTL_FLAG_REG_ID_UNIT so unit gets supplied. Not CTL_FLAG_PRIVILEGED either.
ep_ctl.ctl_send = EPHandleSend;
ep_ctl.ctl_getopt = EPHandleGet;
ep_ctl.ctl_setopt = EPHandleSet;
ep_ctl.ctl_connect = EPHandleConnect;
ep_ctl.ctl_disconnect = EPHandleDisconnect;
error = ctl_register(&ep_ctl, &kctlref);
printf("setupControl %d\n", error);
When I call ctl_register it returns 0 ok.
When I call ctl_enqueuedata, passing in my struct kern_ctl_reg I'm getting 22, which is EINVAL. One of those arguments appears to be incorrect. The other arguments I'm passing are a static test string and its length for data, and zero flags.
int result = ctl_enqueuedata(kctlref, ep_ctl.ctl_unit, filename, length, 0x0);
The value of my ep_ctl's .ctl_unit is 0, the value of .ctl_id is 6. Could it be that the ctl_unit value being passed to ctl_enqueuedata is invalid / un-initialized?
kern_control.h says of ctl_unit:
This field is ignored for a dynamically assigned control ID
Which suggests that it isn't required anyway?
Have I missed something in initializing my ep_ctl?
I believe you supply wrong value as the 2nd parameter of ctl_enqueuedata(). Instead of ep_ctl.ctl_unit, you have to remember struct sockaddr_ctl::sc_unit in the EPHandleConnect() callback and that's what you are supposed to pass into ctl_enqueuedata().
I suggest using OSX's kernel debugging facilities to figure out what's going on here. That will let you walk through the relevant kernel code, and should tell you where it's rejecting your input.

Can I use WM_COPYDATA to copy a non-struct?

Lets say I have this class in foobar-shared.lib:
class FooBar {
std::string m_helloWorld;
And I have a call in foobar-from.exe using SendCopyData like so:
extern HWND hMainWnd; // foobar-from.exe
FooBar fooBar;
HWND hWnd = FindAppWindow(); // foobar-to.exe
cds.dwData = ('f'|('o'<<8)|('o'<<16));
cds.cbData = sizeof(FooBar);
cds.lpData = (LPVOID)fooBar;
SendCopyData(hWnd, (WPARAM)hMainWnd, (LPARAM)&cds);
When from a foobar-to.exe, I handle OnCopyData:
BOOL CMainFrame::OnCopyData(CWnd* pWnd, COPYDATASTRUCT* pCopyDataStruct) {
if (pCopyDataStruct->dwData==('f'|('o'<<8)|('o'<<16))) {
FooBar fooBar = *(FooBar *)pCopyDataStruct->lpData;
This worked fine when FooBar was a struct, but now that it's a class I get this error:
First-chance exception at 0x0064ef81 in foobar-to.exe: 0xC0000005:
Access violation reading location 0x0231dd7c.
I assumed originally that this was because my fooBar instance is on the stack, so I tried moving it to the heap but got a slightly different error (I can post the result here if necessary).
According to MSDN, "The data being passed must not contain pointers or other references to objects not accessible to the application receiving the data." so I suspect that this only possible with struct data. Am I correct?
you are both correct and incorrect.
your problem here is that you don't know the implementation details of std::string. unfortunately, it seems this (standard) class uses a dynamicaly allocated buffer to store its character data. that's why WM_COPYDATA doesn't work with it.
but if your class does not contain a pointer to any external data, as suggested in the documentation, then it would be perfectly valid to copy it using WM_COPYDATA. unfortunately, this greatly limits the possible types for members of your class.
(think WM_COPYDATA is like sending data over a network: you should take care of serializing your class before sending it out in the wild...)

Where can I find a good example of ReportEvent function usage?

As with most "legacy" MSDN pages, the page for ReportEvent has too little information for me to make much sense of it. I've tried searching, but can't find a good, clean, simple example of the function's usage. Could anyone suggest one?
I ended up using this:
HANDLE eventLog;
WORD type;
const char* msg;
// ... snip ...
ReportEvent(eventLog, type, 0, 1, NULL, 1, 0, &LPCTSTR(msg), NULL);
Seems to work well enough.
Well this seems to be a very old thread, landed here looking for a good example of Report Event... but figured out you have not received any replies...and would have probably already found the solution.
The reason you see "Event Id not found" is because the EventViewer is not able to load/lookup the text resource to be displayed for the event Id. Sorry if last line sounded geeky.. but this is what i understand of EventLog:
-EventLogging has two aspects
Registering with EventLog (or in other terms creating EventSource)
Logging or Writing into Event Log
Viewing or Reading from log
When you register in event log, you simply specify a eventSource (any name that identifies that log) + EventMessageFile, Category File and SupportedEventTypes. Here EventMessageFile points to a DLL/EXE that contains your message descriptions/resources.
When you log an event, you simply log it with some data like EventID, Category ID and EventData. But when you view it using any EventViewer (or Windows eventVwr.exe) the viewer reads your events, looks for a DLL/EXE associated with your eventSource(pointed by EventMessageFile), and renders the decription from the resource section of that DLL/EXE.
This DLL is nothing but a simple resource file that was compiled using MessageCompiler, and contains a "MessageTable". This is done to provide culture specific event logging
This is the reason, When you export the log into XML/TXT etc from your EventViewer, It asks you if you want to Save it "with Display informaion" or "without display information", so that you can view it on computers that do not have EventMessageFile.
JFYI the reg entry is located at:
one catch: If you're wondering how .Net does it..., it simply does it by providing a default EventMessageFile called EventLogMessage.dll (found under %SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.Net\Framework\vXXXX\)
As I recall it is a pain to set up correctly - you need to add messages to you application using the Message Compiler - if you skip this you won't see useful messages only error codes. Take a look at Creating a Windows NT Service by Using ATL for an example
The sample Windows Service C++, is a windows service reporting to event log, you can get the code from https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/CppWindowsService-cacf4948
in particular, the following function (quoted from ServiceBase.cpp) does it
// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::WriteEventLogEntry(PWSTR, WORD)
// PURPOSE: Log a message to the Application event log.
// * pszMessage - string message to be logged.
// * wType - the type of event to be logged. The parameter can be one of
// the following values.
void CServiceBase::WriteEventLogEntry(PWSTR pszMessage, WORD wType)
HANDLE hEventSource = NULL;
LPCWSTR lpszStrings[2] = { NULL, NULL };
hEventSource = RegisterEventSource(NULL, m_name);
if (hEventSource)
lpszStrings[0] = m_name;
lpszStrings[1] = pszMessage;
ReportEvent(hEventSource, // Event log handle
wType, // Event type
0, // Event category
0, // Event identifier
NULL, // No security identifier
2, // Size of lpszStrings array
0, // No binary data
lpszStrings, // Array of strings
NULL // No binary data
