Solving tcsncpy_s.inl assertion (line 24) - windows

I've a fairly simple program which needs user input in the form of a text string. I've a CLR form with an edit box and I need to take that input and pass it into my class which just copies it to a member variable.
In the Form.h code, handling the TextChanged event is...
int textLength = m_userDest->TextLength;
if (textLength > 2 && textLength < 5)
// Could be an ICAO code in here
char dest[5];
String^ text = m_userDest->Text->ToUpper();
sprintf_s(dest, 5, "%s", text);
My class (airTraffic) SetUserDest function is just
void CAirTraffic::SetUserDest(char* dest)
strncpy_s(m_userDest, 5, dest, 5);
When this is run I get this debug assertion, it doesn't stay on the screen and automatically clears after a few seconds.
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program: ...sual Studio 2010\Projects\FSAirTraffic\Debug\FSAirTraffic.exe
File: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\tcsncpy_s.inl
Line: 24
Expression: ((_Dst)) != NULL && ((_SizeInBytes)) > 0
I don't have an f:\ drive so I'm guessing this is some internal Microsoft(?) code so I can't see the context of the assertion and exactly what it's problem is. I don't have a file called tcsncpy_s.inl on my machine.
If I don't call my class function then there's no assertion so I assumed that was the problem.
Curiously though, when stepping through the debugger the assertion occurs as I step out of the TextChanged event, with the rest of the functions operating as intended (as far as I can see).
Does anyone know what the problem is and how I can go about solving it?

I don't understand how your code works. You use m_userDest twice, first it appears to be a pointer to a structure of some sort, maybe a handle to a TextBox control:
int textLength = m_userDest->TextLength;
Later you pass it to strncpy_s, which needs a char*, not a pointer to some structure.
void CAirTraffic::SetUserDest(char* dest)
strncpy_s(m_userDest, 5, dest, 5);
While it's possible for a structure to implicitly convert to a char*, it's not possible for a structure pointer to do so. Perhaps there's a smart pointer involved? Or you are using the same member variable name for completely different purposes in different classes1?
In any case, strncpy_s is inspecting the value of its first argument and not liking it.
1 Note that the new "wisdom" saying not to use Hungarian notation has destroyed the ability to understand this code in textual form. We don't have an IDE providing mouseover information about the data type of variables. Applications Hungarian is still a good idea in the real world, despite how many "best practices" documents decry it. Amazing how many code style documents are written from a purely theoretical basis.


Removing a std::function<()> from a vector c++

I'm building a publish-subscribe class (called SystermInterface), which is responsible to receive updates from its instances, and publish them to subscribers.
Adding a subscriber callback function is trivial and has no issues, but removing it yields an error, because std::function<()> is not comparable in C++.
std::vector<std::function<void()> subs;
void subscribe(std::function<void()> f)
void unsubscribe(std::function<void()> f)
std::remove(subs.begin(), subs.end(), f); // Error
I've came down to five solutions to this error:
Registering the function using a weak_ptr, where the subscriber must keep the returned shared_ptr alive.
Solution example at this link.
Instead of registering at a vector, map the callback function by a custom key, unique per callback function.
Solution example at this link
Using vector of function pointers. Example
Make the callback function comparable by utilizing the address.
Use an interface class (parent class) to call a virtual function.
In my design, all intended classes inherits a parent class called
ServiceCore, So instead of registering a callback function, just
register ServiceCore reference in the vector.
Given that the SystemInterface class has a field attribute per instance (ID) (Which is managed by ServiceCore, and supplied to SystemInterface by constructing a ServiceCore child instance).
To my perspective, the first solution is neat and would work, but it requires handling at subscribers, which is something I don't really prefer.
The second solution would make my implementation more complex, where my implementation looks as:
using namespace std;
enum INFO_SUB_IMPORTANCE : uint8_t
INFO_SUB_PRIMARY, // Only gets the important updates.
INFO_SUB_ALL // Gets all updates
using CBF = function<void(string,string)>;
using REQINF_SUBS = map<string, INFO_SUBTREE>; // It's keyed by an iterator, explaining it goes out of the question scope.
using INFSRC_SUBS = map<string, INFO_SUBTREE>;
REQINF_SUBS infoSubrs;
INFSRC_SUBS sourceSubrs;
WILD_SUBS wildSubrs;
void subscribeInfo(string info, INFO_SUB_IMPORTANCE imp, CBF f) {
void subscribeSource(string source, INFO_SUB_IMPORTANCE imp, CBF f) {
void subscribeWild(INFO_SUB_IMPORTANCE imp, CBF f) {
The second solution would require INFO_SUBTREE to be an extended map, but can be keyed by an ID:
using KEY_T = uint32_t; // or string...
For the third solution, I'm not aware of the limitations given by using function pointers, and the consequences of the fourth solution.
The Fifth solution would eliminate the purpose of dealing with CBFs, but it'll be more complex at subscriber-side, where a subscriber is required to override the virtual function and so receives all updates at one place, in which further requires filteration of the message id and so direct the payload to the intended routines using multiple if/else blocks, which will increase by increasing subscriptions.
What I'm looking for is an advice for the best available option.
Regarding your proposed solutions:
That would work. It can be made easy for the caller: have subscribe() create the shared_ptr and corresponding weak_ptr objects, and let it return the shared_ptr.
Then the caller must not lose the key. In a way this is similar to the above.
This of course is less generic, and then you can no longer have (the equivalent of) captures.
You can't: there is no way to get the address of the function stored inside a std::function. You can do &f inside subscribe() but that will only give you the address of the local variable f, which will go out of scope as soon as you return.
That works, and is in a way similar to 1 and 2, although now the "key" is provided by the caller.
Options 1, 2 and 5 are similar in that there is some other data stored in subs that refers to the actual std::function: either a std::shared_ptr, a key or a pointer to a base class. I'll present option 6 here, which is kind of similar in spirit but avoids storing any extra data:
Store a std::function<void()> directly, and return the index in the vector where it was stored. When removing an item, don't std::remove() it, but just set it to std::nullptr. Next time subscribe() is called, it checks if there is an empty element in the vector and reuses it:
std::vector<std::function<void()> subs;
std::size_t subscribe(std::function<void()> f) {
if (auto it = std::find(subs.begin(), subs.end(), std::nullptr); it != subs.end()) {
*it = f;
return std::distance(subs.begin(), it);
} else {
return subs.size() - 1;
void unsubscribe(std::size_t index) {
subs[index] = std::nullptr;
The code that actually calls the functions stored in subs must now of course first check against std::nullptrs. The above works because std::nullptr is treated as the "empty" function, and there is an operator==() overload that can check a std::function against std::nullptr, thus making std::find() work.
One drawback of option 6 as shown above is that a std::size_t is a rather generic type. To make it safer, you might wrap it in a class SubscriptionHandle or something like that.
As for the best solution: option 1 is quite heavy-weight. Options 2 and 5 are very reasonable, but 6 is, I think, the most efficient.

How to convert a v8::Local<v8::Value> into a uint32_t

Given the following code how can I convert the v8::Local<v8::Value> into a uint32_t. Or other types based on the Is* method?
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = v8::Context::New(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent());
if(value->IsUint32()) {
v8::MaybeLocal<Int32> maybeLocal = value->Uint32Value(context);
uint32_t i = maybeLocal;
Your posted code doesn't work because value->Uint32Value(context) doesn't return a v8::MaybeLocal<Int32>. C++ types are your friend (just like TypeScript)!
You have two possibilities:
(1) You can use Value::Uint32Value(...) which returns a Maybe<uint32_t>. Since you already checked that value->IsUint32(), this conversion cannot fail, so you can extract the uint32_t wrapped in the Maybe using Maybe::ToChecked().
(2) You can use Value::ToUint32(...) which returns a MaybeLocal<Uint32>. Again, since you already checked that value->IsUint32(), that cannot fail, so you can get a Local<Uint32> via MaybeLocal::ToLocalChecked(), and then simply use -> syntax to call the wrapped Uint32's Value() method, which gives a uint32_t.
If you're only interested in the final uint32_t (and not in the intermediate Local<Uint32>, which you could pass back to JavaScript), then option (1) will be slightly more efficient.
Note that IsUint32() will say false for objects like {valueOf: () => 42; }. If you want to handle such objects, then attempt the conversion, and handle failures, e.g.:
Maybe<uint32_t> maybe_uint = value->Uint32Value(context);
if (maybe_uint.IsJust()) {
uint32_t i = maybe_uint.FromJust();
} else {
// Conversion failed. Maybe it threw an exception (use a `v8::TryCatch` to catch it), or maybe the object wasn't convertible to a uint32.
// Handle that somehow.
Also, note that most of these concepts are illustrated in V8's samples and API tests. Reading comments and implementations in the API headers themselves also provides a lot of insight.
Final note: you'll probably want to track the current context you're using, rather than creating a fresh context every time you need one.

Is there a way to make a moved object "invalid"?

I've some code that moves an object into another object. I won't need the original, moved object anymore in the upper level. Thus move is the right choice I think.
However, thinking about safety I wonder if there is a way to invalidate the moved object and thus preventing undefined behaviour if someone accesses it.
Here is a nice example:
// move example
#include <utility> // std::move
#include <vector> // std::vector
#include <string> // std::string
int main () {
std::string foo = "foo-string";
std::string bar = "bar-string";
std::vector<std::string> myvector;
myvector.push_back (foo); // copies
myvector.push_back (std::move(bar)); // moves
return 0;
The description says:
The first call to myvector.push_back copies the value of foo into the
vector (foo keeps the value it had before the call). The second call
moves the value of bar into the vector. This transfers its content
into the vector (while bar loses its value, and now is in a valid but
unspecified state).
Is there a way to invalidate bar, such that access to it will cause a compiler error? Something like:
myvector.push_back (std::move(bar)); // moves
invalidate(bar); //something like bar.end() will then result in a compiler error
Edit: And if there is no such thing, why?
Accessing the moved object is not undefined behavior. The moved object is still a valid object, and the program may very well want to continue using said object. For example,
template< typename T >
void swap_by_move(T &a, T &b)
using std::move;
T c = move(b);
b = move(a);
a = move(c);
The bigger picture answer is because moving or not moving is a decision made at runtime, and giving a compile-time error is a decision made at compile time.
foo(bar); // foo might move or not
bar.baz(); // compile time error or not?
It's not going to work.. you can approximate in compile time analysis, but then it's going to be really difficult for developers to either not get an error or making anything useful in order to keep a valid program or the developer has to make annoying and fragile annotations on functions called to promise not to move the argument.
To put it a different way, you are asking about having a compile time error if you use an integer variable that contains the value 42. Or if you use a pointer that contains a null pointer value. You might be succcessful in implementing an approximate build-time code convention checker using clang the analysis API, however, working on the CFG of the C++ AST and erroring out if you can't prove that std::move has not been called till a given use of a variable.
Move semantics works like that so you get an object in any it's correct state. Correct state means that all fields have correct value, and all internal invariants are still good. That was done because after move you don't actually care about contents of moved object, but stuff like resource management, assignments and destructors should work OK.
All STL classes (and all classed with default move constructor/assignment) just swap it's content with new one, so both states are correct, and it's very easy to implement, fast, and convinient enough.
You can define your class that has isValid field that's generally true and on move (i. e. in move constructor / move assignment) sets that to false. Then your object will have correct state I am invalid. Just don't forget to check it where needed (destructor, assignment etc).
That isValid field can be either one pointer having null value. The point is: you know, that object is in predictable state after move, not just random bytes in memory.
Edit: example of String:
class String {
string data;
bool m_isValid;
String(string const& b): data(, isValid(true) {}
String(String &&b): data(move( {
b.m_isValid = false;
String const& operator =(String &&b) {
data = move(;
b.m_isValid = false;
return &this;
bool isValid() {
return m_isValid;

C++ functor passing through recursion: "attempt to use a deleted function"

Assessment piece for a data structures and algorithms course, an exercise in using an AVL tree and hash table to parse input to create a dictionary file and then use that file to perform cursory spell checking.
N.B.: I am not asking for help in solving this problem that's not what I'm having difficulty with. I am asking for help understanding an aspect of C++ function object passing/usage that is causing me considerable frustration. This aspect of C++ is not part of the assessment, there are no marks attached to it, I simply have a personal issue submitting code I dislike the design of.
Passing a functor to a recursive function results in compiler error, "attempt to use a deleted function." I thought this was an issue with passing the functor by value, so I changed the parameter to pass by reference which yields a, "no matching member function for call to <public member function of AVL tree that kicks off the recursion>," in which case I don't know how to alter the function declaration so it does match. I have also tried making the parameter: const UnaryFunction& action (a constant function-object reference), but this yields the compiler error, "no matching function for call to object of type 'const std::__1::__mem_fn<void (DictGen::*)(std::__1::basic_string<char> &)>'," in which case I can't understand why it wouldn't be matching to the DictGen::output signature.
Relevant parts of AVL tree class:
template <class T>
struct AVLNode
{ // simple data carrier node for AVL tree
AVLNode<T>* lChild;
AVLNode<T>* rChild;
AVLBalance balFac;
T data;
template <class T>
class AVLTree<T>
AVLNode<T>* root;
template <class UnaryFunction>
void inorderAction( AVLNode<T>* node, UnaryFunction action )
if ( node != NULL )
inorderAction( node->lChild, action );
action( node->data ); // << problem line
inorderAction( node->rChild, action );
template <class UnaryFunction>
void inorder( UnaryFunction action )
inorderAction( root, action );
Relevant parts of DictGen class:
class DictGen
FILE* outStream;
AVLTree<std::string> dict;
void output( std::string& word )
fprintf( outstream, "%s\n", word.c_str() );
dict.inorder( std::mem_fn( &DictGen::output ) ); // << also problem line
AVL tree class has a flexible inorder traversal that allows me to action the node however I want with the given UnaryFunction action. A DictGen object is initialised with a FILE* so DictGen instances may output to different files, hence the need to pass a member function object in the dict.inorder( ... ) call.
Efforts/research so far
My initial solution was to follow the functions as parameters example given in our textbook which involved using C function pointers and polluting global space. Although this worked I was unsatisfied with this design; I wished to bundle this behaviour in a DictGen class.
My after consulting both my lecturer and lab tutor they suggested using C++ functors but weren't able to help with implementation as neither had used functors in a while.
I forged ahead finding very handy material on SO (helping me reference a member function), several functor tutorials via Google and an excellent PDF from a Stanford course regarding functor implementation and usage. However, while all these resources have carried me this far, none have been able to shed any light on my current predicament. I was really hoping making the parameter a const UnaryFunction& would solve it but can't understand why the signature doesn't match.
I have also tried using an inline lambda but require the object context to access outStream.
I have spent the last four days ploughing away at this issue and the only remaining lead I have is an SO post that casually remarked that the C++ spec contains information about the implicit deletion of function objects but I haven't been able to make any further progress. If there is an SO post that solves my issue, I haven't been able to find it.
Does the recursion really have anything to do with this issue?
Is there some novice aspect of functor passing/usage I'm not grasping?
What is causing the function to be deleted?
What am I missing about getting the function signatures to match when it appears that function deletion isn't the issue?
This is my very first SO post, I have done my best to keep the question-asking suggestions in mind. I welcome any constructive criticism to help me improve this post so that I can it can both solve my issue and serve as a future resource for similar issues.
You need to have an instance of DictGen bound to the member function:
// ...
void gen()
std::bind( std::mem_fn( &DictGen::output ),
this, std::placeholders::_1) );
// ...
You are coding in C++11. While there are uses for std::mem_fn and std::bind, they are a very awkward way to generate these kind of functors.
void gen()
[this]( std::string& word ) { this->output(word); }
while the lambda syntax might be somewhat new to you, this is far less backwards than the std::bind( std::mem_fn( &T::method ), this, std::placeholders::_1)
The basic syntax of a lambda is:
[capture-list]( arguments )->return value { code }
where capture-list is [=] (auto-capture by value) or [&] (auto-capture by reference) or [var1, var2] (capture var1 and var2 by value) or [&var1, &var2] (capture var1 and var2 by reference) or a mixture of same. (C++1y adds new syntax, like [x = std::move(y)])
(arguments) are just a usual function argument bit. It is actually optional, but required if you want a return value.
-> return value is optional for single-statement lambdas, or lambdas that return void. (In C++1y, it is optional even with multiple returns)
Then the code.

Why do we need exception handling?

I can check for the input and if it's an invalid input from the user, I can use a simple "if condition" which prints "input invalid, please re-enter" (in case there is an invalid input).
This approach of "if there is a potential for a failure, verify it using an if condition and then specify the right behavior when failure is encountered..." seems enough for me.
If I can basically cover any kind of failure (divide by zero, etc.) with this approach, why do I need this whole exception handling mechanism (exception class and objects, checked and unchecked, etc.)?
Suppose you have func1 calling func2 with some input.
Now, suppose func2 fails for some reason.
Your suggestion is to handle the failure within func2, and then return to func1.
How will func1 "know" what error (if any) has occurred in func2 and how to proceed from that point?
The first solution that comes to mind is an error-code that func2 will return, where typically, a zero value will represent "OK", and each of the other (non-zero) values will represent a specific error that has occurred.
The problem with this mechanism is that it limits your flexibility in adding / handling new error-codes.
With the exception mechanism, you have a generic Exception object, which can be extended to any specific type of exception. In a way, it is similar to an error-code, but it can contain more information (for example, an error-message string).
You can still argue of course, "well, what's the try/catch for then? why not simply return this object?".
Fortunately, this question has already been answered here in great detail:
In C++ what are the benefits of using exceptions and try / catch instead of just returning an error code?
In general, there are two main advantages for exceptions over error-codes, both of which are different aspects of correct coding:
With an exception, the programmer must either handle it or throw it "upwards", whereas with an error-code, the programmer can mistakenly ignore it.
With the exception mechanism you can write your code much "cleaner" and have everything "automatically handled", wheres with error-codes you are obliged to implement a "tedious" switch/case, possibly in every function "up the call-stack".
Exceptions are a more object-oriented approach to handling exceptional execution flows than return codes. The drawback of return codes is that you have to come up with 'special' values to indicate different types of exceptional results, for example:
public double calculatePercentage(int a, int b) {
if (b == 0) {
return -1;
else {
return 100.0 * (a / b);
The above method uses a return code of -1 to indicate failure (because it cannot divide by zero). This would work, but your calling code needs to know about this convention, for example this could happen:
public double addPercentages(int a, int b, int c, int d) {
double percentage1 = calculatePercentage(a, b);
double percentage2 = calculatePercentage(c, c);
return percentage1 + percentage2;
Above code looks fine at first glance. But when b or d are zero the result will be unexpected. calculatePercentage will return -1 and add it to the other percentage which is likely not correct. The programmer who wrote addPercentages is unaware that there is a bug in this code until he tests it, and even then only if he really checks the validity of the results.
With exceptions you could do this:
public double calculatePercentage(int a, int b) {
if (b == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Second argument cannot be zero");
else {
return 100.0 * (a / b);
Code calling this method will compile without exception handling, but it will stop when run with incorrect values. This is often the preferred way since it leaves it up to the programmer if and where to handle exceptions.
If you want to force the programmer to handle this exception you should use a checked exception, for example:
public double calculatePercentage(int a, int b) throws MyCheckedCalculationException {
if (b == 0) {
throw new MyCheckedCalculationException("Second argument cannot be zero");
else {
return 100.0 * (a / b);
Notice that calculatePercentage has to declare the exception in its method signature. Checked exceptions have to be declared like that, and the calling code either has to catch them or declare them in their own method signature.
I think many Java developers currently agree that checked exceptions are bit invasive so most API's lately gravitate towards the use of unchecked exceptions.
The checked exception above could be defined like this:
public class MyCheckedCalculationException extends Exception {
public MyCalculationException(String message) {
Creating a custom exception type like that makes sense if you are developing a component with multiple classes and methods which are used by several other components and you want to make your API (including exception handling) very clear.
(see the Throwable class hierarchy)
Let's assume that you need to write some code for some object, which consists of n different resources (n > 3) to be allocated in the constructor and deallocated inside the destructor.
Let's even say, that some of these resources depend on each other.
E.g. in order to create an memory map of some file one would first have to successfully open the file and then perform the OS function for memory mapping.
Without exception handling you would not be able to use the constructor(s) to allocate these resources but you would likely use two-step-initialization.
You would have to take care about order of construction and destruction yourself
-- since you're not using the constructor anymore.
Without exception handling you would not be able to return rich error information to the caller -- this is why in exception free software one usually needs a debugger and debug executable to identify why some complex piece of software is suddenly failing.
This again assumes, that not every library is able to simply dump it's error information to stderr. stderr is in certain cases not available, which in turn makes all code which is using stderr for error reporting not useable.
Using C++ Exception Handling you would simply chain the classes wrapping the matching system calls into base or member class relationships AND the compiler would take care about order of construction and destruction and to only call destructors for not failed constructors.
To start with, methods are generally the block of codes or statements in a program that gives the user the ability to reuse the same code which is ultimately the saving on the excessive use of memory. This means that there is now no wastage of memory on the computer.
