Use default value if no arguments are set except the first one in a bash script - bash

From "Process all arguments except the first one (in a bash script)" I have learned how to get all arguments except the first one. Is it also possible to substitute null with another value, so I can define a default value?
I've tried the following, but I think I don't get some little detail about the syntax:
echo "${#:2-$DEFAULTPARAM}"
Here are my test cases:
$ firstparam another more
another more
$ firstparam another
$ firstparam

You cannot combine 2 expressions like that in bash. You can get all arguments from position 2 into a separate variable and then check/get default value:
from2nd="${#:2}" # all arguments from position 2
echo "${from2nd:-$defaultParam}" # return default value if from2nd is empty
PS: It is recommended to avoid all caps variable names in your bash script.
./ firstparam
./ firstparam second
./ firstparam second third
second third

bash doesn't generally allow combining different types of special parameter expansions; this is one of the combos that doesn't work. I think the easiest way to get this effect is to do an explicit test to decide whether to use the default value. Exactly how to do this depends on the larger situation, but probably something like this:
if (( $# >= 2 )); then
echo "${allbutfirstarg[#]}"


Delayed expansion of composite variable in Bash

I'm defining a variable as a composition of other variables and some text, and I'm trying to get this variable to not expand its containing variables on the assigning. But I want it to expand when called later. That way I could reuse the same template to print different results as the inner variables keep changing. I'm truing to avoid eval as much as possible as I will be receiving some of the inner variables from third parties, and I do not know what to expect.
My use case, as below, is to have some "calling stack" so I can log all messages with the same format and keep a record of the script, function, and line of the logged message in some format like this:
My attempted solution
SCRIPT_NAME="`basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"`"
echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}:${FUNCNAME[0]}:${LINENO[0]}"
echo "${CURR_STACK}"
function _func_1 {
echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}:${FUNCNAME[0]}:${LINENO[0]}"
echo "${CURR_STACK}"
So, I intend to get the same results while printing the "${CURR_STACK}" as when printing the previous line.
If there is some built-in or other clever way to log this 'call stack', by all means, let me know! I'll gladly wave my code good-bye, but I'd still like to know how to prevent the variables from expanding right away on the assigning of CURR_STACK, but still keep them able to expand further ahead.
Am I missing some shopt?
What I've tried:
Case 1 (expanding on line 4):
CURR_STACK="`echo "\${SCRIPT_NAME}:\${FUNCNAME[0]}:\${LINENO[0]}"`" <------------------| These are control lines <---------------. .------------| With the results I expect to get.
X <---´ `-------| Both indicate that the values expanded <-------------------------| on line 4 - when CURR_STACK was set.
Case 2 (not expanding at all):
${SCRIPT_NAME}:${FUNNAME[0]}:${LINENO[0]} <-------.----| No expansion at all!...
/ /
${SCRIPT_NAME}:${FUNNAME[0]}:${LINENO[0]} <----´
Shell variables are store plain inert text(*), not executable code; there isn't really any concept of delayed evaluation here. To make something that does something when used, create a function instead of a variable:
print_curr_stack() {
echo "$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[1]}"):${FUNCNAME[1]}:${BASH_LINENO[0]}"
# ...
echo "We are now at $(print_curr_stack)"
# Or just run it directly:
Note: using BASH_SOURCE[1] and FUNCNAME[1] gets info about context the function was run from, rather than where it is in the function itself. But for some reason I'm not clear on, BASH_LINENO[1] gets the wrong info, and BASH_LINENO[0] is what you want.
You could also write it to allow the caller to specify additional text to print:
print_curr_stack() {
echo "$#" "$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[1]}"):${FUNCNAME[1]}:${BASH_LINENO[0]}"
# ...
print_curr_stack "We are now at"
(* There's an exception to what I said about variables just contain inert text: some variables -- like $LINENO, $RANDOM, etc -- are handled specially by the shell itself. But you can't create new ones like this except by modifying the shell itself.)
Are you familiar with eval?
$ a=this; b=is; c=a; d=test;
$ e='echo "$a $b $c $d"';
$ eval $e;
this is a test
$ b='is NOT'; # modify one of the variables
$ eval $e;
this is NOT a test
$ f=$(eval $e); # capture the value of the "eval" statement
$ echo $f;
this is NOT a test

Construct a variable with command parameters that contains a space

I have the following in a bash script
COUNTRY="$(findcountry /data/"
./program $PARAMS
If $(findcountry /data/ returns e.g. Mexico, there is no issue.
But if it returns United States, there's an issue because of the space.
In that case calls the "program" with 3 arguments, because one of the arguments contains a space. like it was called like so:
./program '--name=Test' '--country=United' 'States'
The program does not understand this, it expects there to be only 2 arguments, like.
./program '--name=Test' '--country=United States'
How can I fix this ?
(Note that the 4 lines of bash script is just a vast simplification, there are a lot more arguments than the 2 shown here that I add to my $PARAMS , all which could also have the issue of containing whitespace..)
Use an array; it's what they're made for.
COUNTRY="$(findcountry /data/"
PARAMS=( "--name=Test" )
./program "${PARAMS[#]}"
When a string is used unquoted, it is split on the values of IFS.
That is something you want to use to separate both arguments.
A very simple solution that works for two arguments is:
country="$(findcountry /data/"
./program "$params" "--country=$country"
For more arguments, you should use an array variable and +=:
country="$(findcountry /data/"
./program "${params[#]}"

Bash assignment value to variable as command substitution and print value output

I would like to achieve this in Bash: echo $(a=1)and print the value of variable a
I test eval, $$a,{}, $() but none of them work as most of the times either I got literally a=1 or in one case (I don't remember which) it tried to execute the value.
I known that I can do: a=1;echo $a but because I'm little fun one command per line (even if sometimes is getting little complicated) I was wondering if is possible to do this either with echo or with printf
If you know that $a is previously unset, you can do this using the following syntax:
echo ${a:=1}
This, and other types of parameter expansion, are defined in the POSIX shell command language specification.
If you want to assign a numeric value, another option, which doesn't depend on the value previously being unset, would be to use an arithmetic expansion:
echo $(( a = 1 ))
This assigns the value and echoes the number that has been assigned.
It's worth mentioning that what you're trying to do cannot be done in a subshell by design because a child process cannot modify the environment of its parent.

concatenate variables in a bash script

Hi I would like to set a variable by concatenating two other variables.
echo $A$B
desired result being C
however the answer I get is always 12
Is it possible?
echo $D
desired result being "test"
It looks like you want indirect variable references.
BASH allows you to expand a parameter indirectly -- that is, one variable may contain the name of another variable:
# Bash
echo "${!ref}" # prints the contents of the real variable
But as Pieter21 indicates in his comment 12 is not a valid variable name.
Since 12 is not a valid variable name, here's an example with string variables:
> a='hello'
> b='world'
> declare my_$a_$b='my string'
> echo $my_hello_world
my string
What you are trying to do is (almost) called indirection:
...I did some quick tests, but it does not seem logical to do this without a third variable - you cannot do concatenated indirection directly as the variables/parts being concatenated do not evaluate to the result on their own - you would have to do another evaluation. I think concatenating them first might be the easiest. That said, there is a chance you could rethink what you're doing.
Oh, and you cannot use numbers (alone or as the starting character) for variable names.
Here we go:
# this does not work as the indirection sees "ca" and "ke", not "cake". No output.
echo ${!var1}${!var2}
# there might be some other ways of tricking it to do this, but they don't look to sensible as indirection probably needs to work on a real variable.
# ...this works, though:
echo ${!var3}

Remove last argument from argument list of shell script (bash)

This question concerns a bash script that is run in automator osx. I am using automator actions to get and filter a bunch of file references from the finder. Then I append to that list the name of the parent folder, also via an automator action. Automator then feeds these arguments to an action called "run shell script". I am not sure exactly how automator invokes the script but the argument list looks like this when echoed with: echo "$#"
/Volumes/G-Raid/Online/WAV_TEST/Testbok 50/01/01000 43-001.wav /Volumes/G-Raid/Online/WAV_TEST/Testbok 50/02/02000 43-002.wav /Volumes/G-Raid/Online/WAV_TEST/Testbok 50/03/03000 43-003.wav /Volumes/G-Raid/Online/WAV_TEST/Testbok 50
In this case path to 3 files and a folder.
In the shell script I launch an application called ripcheckc* with the args passed from automator minus the last argument(the folder) in the list.
I use this to remove the last argument:
_args=( "$#" )
unset _args[${#_args[#]}-1]
And this is echo $_args:
/Volumes/G-Raid/Online/WAV_TEST/Testbok 50/01/01000 43-001.wav /Volumes/G-Raid/Online/WAV_TEST/Testbok 50/02/02000 43-002.wav /Volumes/G-Raid/Online/WAV_TEST/Testbok 50/03/03000 43-003.wav
Same as before but without the folder.
Now, if I run ripcheckc with "$#" as argument it works (but fails later on because of that last path in the argument list) If I use ${_args[#]} the application will just abort silently. When I echo $# and _args the output looks identical except for the last argument.
My question is - what is the difference between $# and $_args that make the first valid input and the second not?
*The application is ripcheckc
I hope my question makes sense.
EDIT: Solved.
I have used this bash one-liner before
set -- "${#:1:$(($#-1))}"
It sets the argument list to the current argument list, less the last argument.
How it works:
$# is the number of arguments
$((...)) is an arithmetic expression, so $(($#-1)) is one less than the number of arguments.
${variable:position:count} is a substring expression: it extracts count characters from variable starting at position. In the special case where variable is #, which means the argument list, it extracts count arguments from the list beginning at position. Here, position is 1 for the first argument and count is one less than the number of arguments worked out previously.
set -- arg1...argn sets the argument list to the given arguments
So the end result is that the argument list is replaced with a new list, where the new list is the original list except for the last argument.
Assuming that you already have an array, you can say:
unset "array[${#array[#]}-1]"
For example, if your script contains:
array=( "$#" )
unset "array[${#array[#]}-1]" # Removes last element -- also see: help unset
for i in "${array[#]}"; do
echo "$i"
invoking it with: bash scriptname foo bar baz produces:
You can also get all but the last argument with
which, honestly, is a little sketchy, since it seems to be (ab)using the fact that arguments are numbered starting with 1, not 0.
Update: This only works due to a bug (fixed in 4.1.2 at the latest) in handling $#. It works in version 3.2.
set -- "${#:1:$#-1}"
sets the parameter list to first up to penultimate, removing the last one
