I have installed JMeter in a CentOS machine (following this https://gist.github.com/smithbr/f2f19d7c362ef17530aaa7ccfaefeb06) .
The installation process went fine. No errors shown.
While trying to execute jmeter I get the following fail messages:
./jmeter: line 128: [: : integer expression expected
./jmeter: line 192: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- Not a directory
There is a very similar question to this (JMeter integer expression expected error in CentOS) which is a bit old and I think that the solution proposed is not solving the issue since now you have available newer versions of Jmeter giving the same error message.
According to the answer you're referring:
There are fixes for this in last JMeter 5.0 which is released today.
According to 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure article:
JMeter - it’s always best to use the latest version of JMeter as the new releases contain performance improvements and bug fixes in addition to any new features.
So my expectation is that if you change JMeter version from 3.2 to JMeter 5.1.1 the installation process will work just fine
While running bat file in jmeter it gives me Can't find dependent libraries
errorlevel=1 error. Can anyone pls provide me the solution
I tried to run jmeter
Can't find dependent libraries is one of error messages for the UnsatisfiedLinkError which happens when a .dll (or .so) file is not in the java.library.path
JMeter per se doesn't load any native libraries (at least as of JMeter 5.5) so if you're using a plugin which does - check its documentation regarding how the native libraries need to be provided.
If you're not using any plugins the error means that your Java installation is broken somehow, I would suggest performing clean installation of the JDK
In my Jenkins job I try to install a chrome-extension using
"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --load-extension="D:\Jenkins\workspace\test\chome_installation\chromeupload" --no-first-run
but the installation always get stuck
6592:13760:0513/113631.656:ERROR:device_event_log_impl.cc(214)] [11:36:31.656] Bluetooth: bluetooth_adapter_winrt.cc:1075 Getting Default Adapter failed.
If I do this directly on the machine from cmd it works fine.
Any idea of the root cause of the issue and how to resolve this?
This is a common error that can be solved by taking a number of steps. Since this isn't a real error, the easiest thing to do is to suppress this error. This article gives all the necessary information on how to do this. Basically, you add
excludeSwitches: ['enable-logging']
Into your chrome options. There is detailed analysis of the problem in this answer.
You could also try updaing Selenium, Chrome, and the ChromeDriver used. The command might work when you run it on the machine from cmd since it doesn't use Selenium or ChromeDriver when you do that. So the reason it gives this error when using Jenkins should be related to either of the two.
Having an issue while installing jmeter.bat file in jmeter 4.0.I have installed jdk 8. I am getting the below error when i open the jmeter.bat file.
'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Not able to find Java executable or version. Please check your Java installation.
You probably removed C:\Windows\System32 folder from your PATH, you can add it back as
set PATH=%SYSTEM32%;c:\java\bin;%PATH%
change this c:\java to the real path of your JDK or JRE installation, once done you should be able to execute JMeter from that cmd or powershell window.
Also be aware that according to 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure article you should always be using the latest version of JMeter so consider upgrading to JMeter 5.3 (or whatever is the latest stable JMeter version which is available at Downloads page), now it seems to be just right moment for this
I am trying to run an example from the plexe-veins folder on my Mac OS High Sierra system, to my knowledge I have installed all necessary libs.
The only problem I have is with installing the omnetpp__0.7-1.tar.gz file. Some research online leads me to believe the version of R on my computer is unable to compile the file since the file is an older version. I have tried installing older versions but failed because of compatibility issues with my OS. I am at a complete dead-end with regards to that.
When I run the platooning example, the GUI opens up of and I am able to run the simulation for a few seconds until I get the error:
(omnetpp::cDoubleParImpl)simulationDuration: Cannot cast from type
double to integer -- in module (SimplePlatooningApp)
scenario.node[0].appl (id=11), at t=1.01s, event #204 TRAPPING on the
exception above, due to a debug-on-errors=true configuration option.
Is your debugger ready? ./run: line 2: 90810 Trace/BPT trap: 5
../../run "$#"
The version of omnet I installed is omnet++-5.4 and I also followed the procedure from the manual which includes the "./configure" and "make" commands. I run the example by entering the dir in question and run:
./run -u Cmdenv -c Sinusoidal -r 2
It appears my problem was multi-pronged. These are the steps I took to solve the problem:
I followed the suggestions offered by Julian with regards to the version of Omnet++ I installed, I downgraded to Omnet++ 5.0
I also noticed that I had a previously installed sumo (not plexe-sumo) on my system and thus it seemed to be running the simulation instead of plex-sumo. So I uninstalled it.
There also seemed to be a problem with a static declaration of 'abs'followed by a non-static declaration which caused omnetpp_0.7.1.tar.gz to fail while compiling. I solved this issue by locating the stdlib.h file in xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/usr/include/v1 and commented out "inline _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY" (there should be a better fix).
I appreciate the help!!!
The part of OMNeT is a casting error. This is due to OMNeT++ 5.4 which changed some internals on parameters and therefore is simply to new for Plexe 2.0. You have to use an older version like OMNeT 5.0 or 5.1 as this is what Plexe 2.0 was built upon.
Also see these posts:
Error in Veins tutorial simulation
Error while running example of the veins in the last step of the installation
Is casting possible in parameter expressions in OMNET++?
I have just downloaded and installed Groovy 2.3.3 using the Windows installer. While trying to run some of the examples using groovyclient (which tries to start groovyserver), I receive the following error.
\Groovy\Groovy-2.3.3\bin\.. was unexpected at this time.
My Groovy_Home is as follows:
GROOVY_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Groovy\Groovy-2.3.3
The full output is as follows:
Groovy home directory: "C:\PROGRA~2\Groovy\GROOVY~1.3"
Groovy command path: "C:\PROGRA~2\Groovy\GROOVY~1.3\bin\groovy.bat" (found at GR
\Groovy\Groovy-2.3.3\bin\.. was unexpected at this time.
I am running on Windows 7 Home Premium - 64 bit
Not sure if this is a universal solution but here's what worked for me on two separate machines running Windows 7 Home Premium (64) and Windows 7 Enterprise (64).
I tried this out with both Groovy 2.2.1 and Groovy 2.3.4
I simply uninstalled Groovy and installed it again, this time outside the Program Files directory. The groovyclient and groovyserver tools started working properly and I no longer get these errors.
Apparently, Groovy has some trouble running the executables if they're installed in Program Files. I'm not sure why this happens. I suspected that it may have something to do with spaces in the catalog's name but I successfully ran groovyclient installed in such a directory ( C:\Groovy\Test groovy with spaces\Groovy-2.2.1 specifically). Therefore, I suspect this has something to do with permissions.
If anyone has an idea why this happens, feel free to expand upon this answer. Maybe the exact reason this error occurs is different and I just managed to work around it by changing the installation directory.