Automated Chrome Extension installation fails on jenkins windows node - windows

In my Jenkins job I try to install a chrome-extension using
"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --load-extension="D:\Jenkins\workspace\test\chome_installation\chromeupload" --no-first-run
but the installation always get stuck
6592:13760:0513/] [11:36:31.656] Bluetooth: Getting Default Adapter failed.
If I do this directly on the machine from cmd it works fine.
Any idea of the root cause of the issue and how to resolve this?

This is a common error that can be solved by taking a number of steps. Since this isn't a real error, the easiest thing to do is to suppress this error. This article gives all the necessary information on how to do this. Basically, you add
excludeSwitches: ['enable-logging']
Into your chrome options. There is detailed analysis of the problem in this answer.
You could also try updaing Selenium, Chrome, and the ChromeDriver used. The command might work when you run it on the machine from cmd since it doesn't use Selenium or ChromeDriver when you do that. So the reason it gives this error when using Jenkins should be related to either of the two.


How do i execute solana-test-validator command properly?

When i try to execute "solana-test-validator" command in my terminal, i get error and it says:
"libcrypto1_1-x64.dll not found"
"libssl-1_1-x64.dll not found"
I searched everywhere and i looked every solana-test-validator related error things but i never be able to solve my problem.
Here is how I solved it. The solution is in the problem. It needs those two DLL files. Therefore, find a correct version of the both the DLL over the internet and paste in the solana active-release path or if you have zoom installed, you can copy the DLLs from there.
Zoom Location - C:\Users\Asus\AppData\Roaming\Zoom\bin
Solana Active release - C:\Users\Asus\.local\share\solana\install\active_release\bin
Once you copy paste the DLLs, just start the CMD as an admin and run
I solved my problem by reinstalling the Ubuntu terminal.

Building Brave-Browser in Windows doesn't work

I am trying to build Brave Browser in Windows 10 64bit 15.8GB RAM and more than 200gb in free space.
I am following this repo:
I have installed all the requeriments for the build on Windows, however, when I run npm run init I get the following error:
Downloading CIPD client for windows-amd64 from
error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please move or remove them before you switch branches.
fatal: Could not detach HEAD
Failed to update depot_tools.
Anyone knows why that might be happening? I have tried installing python and setting the enviroment variable, rebooting the machine, tried installing VS Code a few times thinking it might be it but the error is always the same. I have also tried the Brave Community and I cannot see anything similar.
Any help would be appreciated,
I believe it's an upstream problem in Chromium, so a fix should appear in Brave soon. See for details, including a potential workaround (though I haven't personally tested it).

Launch VSCode from source through WSL

I would like to build/launch the VSCode source code in the native Bash for Windows client. I have followed the steps outlined in the VSCode wiki on how to contribute, and everything is working as expected (All commands have been run on the WSL terminal following the Linux instructions)
After running yarn run watch, I try to launch VSCode by running DISPLAY=:0 ./scripts/ from the source code directory, but nothing happens. I get two duplicate warnings:
[21496:1128/] Multiple instances of AudioManager detected
but I'm not sure if this is causing the problem. I have an X Server client running, and have used to to successfully launch native Windows applications through WSL (terminator, emacs, etc.)
Is what I'm trying to do possible? If so, how can I make it work?
Amazing that you asked this! I was attempting to do the exact same thing at (it seems) the exact same time. Here's my process.
Install XMing
Install the xfree apps
Run xeyes ==> Awesome googly eyes!
Attempt to build vscode from source. The build docs seem to be incomplete b/c I had to install a ton of libraries beyond those listed e.g.
Eventually get the yarn tasks to finish such that I could run
[20474:1128/] Failed to connect to the bus: F
ailed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or
[20474:1128/] Multiple instances
of AudioManager detected
[20474:1128/] Multiple instances
of AudioManager detected
Looking at ps I see that the process was running.
It seems that building from source from WSL is not yet supported. Or maybe you can build the artifact, but you can't connect to the Windows display to show it. Based on the quality of the xeyes session, it looks like a very, very, very primitive experience e.g. still using WinXP-style minimize / maximize / close icons.
I was literally writing an Issue on their github page when I thought I'd do one last search and found this post. Much of vscode treats WSL as a second-class environment on Windows. Recent work seems to suggest that things are going to get better as driving to integration between Windows' two internal environments continues to improve (e.g.
Update 2017-11-30
Based on some pursuit via Github, it seems that this issue has been reported to the WSL team: It appears to be under active consideration by the WSL team. I've added some commentary about my use case there.

installing cygwin: setup.ini missing from

I'm trying to install cygwin on a windows 2008 server. I managed to get a hold of the cygwin setup.exe version 2.721.
Since is down at the moment, i tried several mirrors found through the google cache of the cygwin mirrors. I ran into the same problem like this guy: Help needed installing cygwin: may be ini file problem
Like they suggested, I tried as mirror. It downloads some files fine. Then I get the error "Unable to get setup.ini from". Any suggestions how to install cygwin now?
I got this error when I tried to use and not or It seems the mirrors have just recently removed support for setup.exe. The setup.exe is still available to download but none of the mirrors work.
The solution is to use either the setup-x86.exe or the setup-x86_64.exe.
The mirror should be the full path
If you get complaints about the .ini being from a newer version of setup, you'll need to find a newer setup.exe somewhere on the net that you trust. (And cygwin guys? Grrr for not including setup.exe in your mirrors and for not signing your exe!)
the reason is so simple:
the setup.ini changed its's location!
just go to cygwin site, download the latest setup.exe file. it will be OK.
While installing, select Install through http/ftp proxy. Firewall may block the installation. Hence, proxy will help. Also try running as Administrator.
It helps..
For those who are still getting this error even with the correct installer, make sure that you're running the setup file on your local hard drive.
My problem was that I was trying to launch the executable from a mapped network drive. Copying down and running the program locally fixed the issue.
Can you use another mirror? Try or something like that. I've always had nothing but good results from there.
Was giving me the same Unable to get setup from ... error.
I used the new setup-x86_64.exe from the site & had to select the option Use Internet Explorer Proxy Settings.
It fetched the mirror urls.
It worked that way for me.
But, if it does not fetch all the mirrors by itself, we can
add the url in the Download list.
Initially, when it was not downloading the mirrors list by itself, I had tried adding the above url manually & it had worked that way too.
Was facing the Same issue... Run the installer in administrator mode and set the FTP/HTTP proxy to the proxy setting configured in internet explorer. Later if the download doesn't occur try different proxies. Selecting this mirror worked for me.

Node.js - tutorials on getting it to work with Cygwin on a Vista machine

Am trying to get Node.js to work on Vista machine.
I installed Cygwin (as per the Github instructions) which appears to have been installed correctly. However, none of the commands are executing.
Are there any tutorials for the stages after the Cygwin installation?
PROBLEM: When any command is executed, I get 'Bash: command not found' error.
Not even command like 'c:\cygwin\bin' is executing.
When I type 'user' in cygwin command prompt, I get 'ntvdm has encountered an system error. Parameter incorrect'.
I thought the above error may be due to the firewall, disabling the firewall did not have any effect, running the program with admin rights also did not change the results...
Am confused and would love to get some guidance on what steps to go with next on getting Node.js up and running on a Windows Vista machine.
Many thanks,
We managed to make a bit more progress. It appears that we had not installed all the relevant files related to Cygwin. Upon re-download and reinstalled, it ran well, however, we have driven into another error. Error we get:
How to compile/install node.js(could not configure a cxx compiler!) (Ubuntu).
We followed the instructions as per the above thread (3rd post from top for Windows machines), however, we are still stuck at the same error.
Any guidance please?
Have you tried just using the Windows self contained binaries? This way you actually don't need to bother with Cygwin.
At first, i tried it your way too, using Cygwin. After smashing my head for the 10th time against a wall i just stopped trying and found a much cleaner solution.
I'm using VirtualBox running a Debain guest system to locally develop on my Windows 7 machine. Using VirtualBox, you can easily set up shared folders or port forwarding for node apps between your Windows machine and your Debian guest system.
Since you are using a plain Linux-system, all the compiling-pain is blown away.
If you plan to run node.js in production on a windows system: don't. I hardly believe node.js will be ever stable enough on windows-based systems using MINGW/Cygwin...
People seem to run into problems with Cygwin because they think that they are using a Windows machine.
If you install Cygwin, and open a bash shell prompt using the Cygwin icon, you are now in a UNIX environment and everything works the same as it would on UNIX. That includes building node.js.
I think you added some info to the question and I can see your problem. Yes, normally on Cygwin it has been possible to build node.js just as you would on any UNIX system, but that is no longer possible on Windows 7. Before running ./configure you have to:
Close all cygwin apps.
Double-click on C:\Cygwin\bin\ash.exe
Run ./rebaseall and when it completes, run ./perlrebase.
exit from the ash shell window.
At this point Cygwin will be back to normal and you can ./configure and make install.
