Dynamics CRM 365 - Export Activities with parsed Description field - dynamics-crm

I have task to export Activities including 'Descriptions' filed which contains HTML of the stored email treads. I have to export this field/column as parsed text (not HTML codes, only a real content of the mails).
Actually, when Activities listing is displayed in web, Descriptions column displays exactly what I need, but when I export it to excel, this columns displays HTML codes (and is limited to 1044 chars, so there is no any real body content).
Please, give some advice or link where I can learn how to export this field as it looks in web.

Unfortunately, plain text email body is not stored automatically by OOB CRM. All you have is Rich text stored description field.
There are multiple different solutions to strip the HTML tags & store the plain text in a different field viz code solution, no-code configuration solution using third party like North52, etc.
If you have developers in your team, then C# Plugin would be the best bet to strip & store on creation of Email record itself.

Would a Report Wizard report work to give you the results you need?
Also, Arun's answer was marked as correct (as it should be...) My only advice would be to store the email body without the HTML tags in a different field. I've found that stripped HTML tags can do funny things to formatting.


Outlook IMAP search not returning correct value with BODY search criteria

We've been using Chilkat to access emails from outlook accounts and recently we noticed that the search function started failing, I think it started about less than a week ago.
we are connecting to "office365.outlook.com" and using Subject and Body as search criteria to get the emails.
Sample search criteria:
SUBJECT "Hot Lead (New) - Test Cahestg 92J6cf6n Hot Email" BODY "QA Automation"
When it started failing, I did some more investigation and noticed that
SUBJECT "Hot Lead (New) - Test Cahestg 92J6cf6n Hot Email" actually works but adding the BODY field causes it to fail.
I did print out the .body of the email object returned and it does have the string "QA Automation" in it so I was wondering why outlook did not return the same email with the search criteria with BODY.
Anyone else have this issue or know of another search field we can use instead of BODY?
IMAP doesn't specify what the BODY search key does, exactly. The server is free to know as little or as much as it wants about body formats.
So if your message uses HTML, to take a common example, and contains the HTML string QA Auto­mation, the server may or may not know that ­ can be ignored and that is sort of equivalent to a simple space, at least for searching. Similar issues arise for other formats, it's not just HTML. PDF is horrible, even plain text isn't trivial.
As a programming issue this doesn't really have a solution, except maybe issuing OR BODY QA BODY Automation and then doing clientside filtering of the results.

Extract data from outlook

I've got many emails with the same format as shown in the screenshot above: Finished Product, Material Description and Assembly Location. Is there a way to extract specific data from an email? As seen from the screenshot above (the body of the email in outlook), I would like to get the result for Material Description; which in this case is Nike and paste over into an excel file.
That's pretty easy. First the overlook:
Now let's brake it down to the important parts so you can follow it way easy.
You need to following variables:
The Get Mail Messages activity works best when you already have Outlook installed. If so take that:
In the For Each activity you set the Type to MailMessage
In the Regular expression activity called Matches you go into the item.Body and matching all Material Description: (.+) occurrences.
And finally you do anything you want with the found matches. Make sure to use another for each here if you have more than one match. If not it's the easiest way to access the occurrence with Matches(0).toString and before check if there is any match given:

Aspose Markup fields too wide

I'm using the reporting engine for aspose and everything is working fine.
The issue I have is that my document model has some larger names in it. I didn't build the model and I would rather not create a new one just for reporting, but if that's my only option I will. Thought I'd check here first.
Hurt Hit thumb with hammer
The markup for <<[NatureOfInjury]>> is wider on the word document than the value that will end up going in there, and it's making formatting the document difficult.
Is there any way other than changing the object model to make the markup smaller, independent of the actual text values that will go in there?
Thanks very much in advance.
Unfortunately, there is no other way to populate template tag with data source field name using LINQ Reporting. You need to use the same name in template document and data source.
I work with Aspose as Developer Evangelist.

vCard credentials, accreditation and associations

I'm generating some vCards for employees in my company which will be served over the web. Most of the individuals are licensed professionals. I would like to include their accreditation, associations, license numbers, etc... in their vCards.
I've been using RFC6350 and its examples as a guide. There is a specific example in sec 6.2.2 that pretty much what I want. According to the RFC's special note, the 4th and 5th elements should contain honorific prefix and suffix. I'm not sure my desired usage fits this description, however in their example, it is used in this way.
Example from RFC: N:Stevenson;John;Philip,Paul;Dr.;Jr.,M.D.,A.C.P.
The problem I'm having:
When the vCard is imported into Outlook, Outlook seems to parse the N: field to populate its internal fields:
N:{last name};{first name};{middle names};{prefix};{suffix}
When I look at the contact properties the suffix is actually being stored as the "Generation" Property.
After saving the vCard, Outlook seems to calculate the "Display as" property by combining {first name} {middle name} {last name} {generation}, which potentially creates excessively long "display as" names. So, using the RFC's example, Outlook will generate an email addressed to "John Philip,Paul Stevenson Jr.,M.D.,A.C.P. (test#example.com)" <test#example.com>. In my case: "Example User, AIA, NCARB, SEI, LEED GREEN ASSOCIATE(test#example.com)" <test#example.com>
My question is: Is there a more appropriate vCard field to store credentials that I am missing, which will not pollute Outlook's display as field OR is there a way to supply a custom "Display as" property in the .vcf that Outlook will pick up on?
I'm testing in Outlook 2016

Efficient Searching in Outlook mail box

I have outlook 2011 in my mac. I have more than 30,000 emails in my mail box and would like to search from all the mails based on inputs.
Now using Advanced find I can do that , But for each and every value I have to add a new search criteria
eg . Subject contains xxx
Subject contains yyy
Subject contains zzz
it would be very difficult for me to add the search value manually if I have 1000 values to search for.
Is there any effective way to do this or do we some plugin which would read from input file and populate these vales ?
Any help would be really appreciated
I think, you can get little bit help from this -- http://derflounder.wordpress.com/2011/04/26/finding-the-hidden-search-options-in-outlook-2011/ , also this one too - https://www.gvsu.edu/cms3/assets/428A2C9A-0FB7-5B0C-BBFCF723C12E59E3/outlook_mac_search_email.pdf
In Windows version of Outlook there is a hidden tab that can be enabled by creating a new registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software \Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\QueryBuilder. See here (sroll to Building DASL Queries).
This adds SQL tab to Filter dialog of Customize Current View. Here you can write a text with DASL query. The query for your example would look like this:
("urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" LIKE '%xxx%' AND
"urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" LIKE '%yyy%' AND
"urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" LIKE '%zzz%')
You can create script that takes all keywords from a text file and formats them like
"urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" LIKE '%MyKeyword%'
and construct the DASL query prorgamatically from a text file. You can store your generated queries as text files and copy them in the SQL tab as necessary.
This solution is surely far from perfect but it is relatively easy to implement. The problem is that I do not know how to enable that tab in Outlook 2011 on Mac nor whether it is possible at all. I do not have a Mac so take this rather as a hint.
