Efficient Searching in Outlook mail box - outlook

I have outlook 2011 in my mac. I have more than 30,000 emails in my mail box and would like to search from all the mails based on inputs.
Now using Advanced find I can do that , But for each and every value I have to add a new search criteria
eg . Subject contains xxx
Subject contains yyy
Subject contains zzz
it would be very difficult for me to add the search value manually if I have 1000 values to search for.
Is there any effective way to do this or do we some plugin which would read from input file and populate these vales ?
Any help would be really appreciated

I think, you can get little bit help from this -- http://derflounder.wordpress.com/2011/04/26/finding-the-hidden-search-options-in-outlook-2011/ , also this one too - https://www.gvsu.edu/cms3/assets/428A2C9A-0FB7-5B0C-BBFCF723C12E59E3/outlook_mac_search_email.pdf

In Windows version of Outlook there is a hidden tab that can be enabled by creating a new registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software \Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\QueryBuilder. See here (sroll to Building DASL Queries).
This adds SQL tab to Filter dialog of Customize Current View. Here you can write a text with DASL query. The query for your example would look like this:
("urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" LIKE '%xxx%' AND
"urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" LIKE '%yyy%' AND
"urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" LIKE '%zzz%')
You can create script that takes all keywords from a text file and formats them like
"urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" LIKE '%MyKeyword%'
and construct the DASL query prorgamatically from a text file. You can store your generated queries as text files and copy them in the SQL tab as necessary.
This solution is surely far from perfect but it is relatively easy to implement. The problem is that I do not know how to enable that tab in Outlook 2011 on Mac nor whether it is possible at all. I do not have a Mac so take this rather as a hint.


Create Multiple Slides from a List with Common Template

I have created a certificate design with powerpoint.
Now I have to create 100+ copies of it... each with a different name (the recipent).
I was wondering if there was an easy way to do it...
I can have the list of names in excel or txt.
I am open to other ideas as well, like changing the slide into an images and batch processing it in a simple way
You may also try out SlideMight, a tool for merging hierarchical data with PowerPoint templates. SlideMight supports iteration over data, to generate slides or to populate tables. There is more functionality, but you don't seem to need that. SlideMight is in fact a coding system, like mail merge for Word is.
Input data format is at this time just JSON; you would need to convert your Excel sheets first, e.g. using this Excel to JSON add-in for Excel.
There are versions for Windows and Mac OS X.
More information is at www.SlideMight.com
I am the owner of Delftware Technology, the company that developed SlideMight.
And I am one of the developers.
This is a question that really belongs in SuperUser, not StackOverflow (which is intended for coding questions, not software how-to-use questions).
But ...
Save your names to a plain notepad TXT file, one name per line.
Start PowerPoint, choose File, Open and point to your TXT file (you may force the matter by choosing . in Files of type:
Apply whatever template you like to the result.
I have a commercial add-in that'll do this and quite a bit more, but from your description, you don't need it.

automatic copy paste from Browser to Microsoft Word

I want to copy some specific texts from internet browser(chrome) and want to paste them in proper fields of Microsoft word.. Let me explain what I want exactly... I have this kind of page structure in chrome-
I have a table in MS word as-
Sl. Phone. Name. Salary.
Can I make a auto copy paste program to make my table-
Sl. Phone. Name. Salary
1. 987535747. Deepak. 200
2. .......
Like this? Suggest me the best suitable platform to compile this.. Its best for me, if a bat file can do the job.. I know bit odd question.. And I should not ask the entire program,rather a section of it..Bt still....... actually I don't know from where to start..
Rather than use a wget which will only retrieve the document, what you want is a way of parsing the results of the web content and writing into an output file.
After searching the web, I could only come across
lynx which
is a text based browser and you can parse the -dump parameter to
output the text into file which you can then write a script to do
the final bit.
Also take a look at this
for more info on switches you can use most especially if the desired
text has links in it (-nolist)
elinks which is an advanced text based browser

Marklogic Autocomplete feature

I am going by Marklogic Tutorial for Oscars to develop an application for my documents that I have ingested in the database.
What I am not able to understand is that though the Search box performs autocomplete, but it doesnot do that for elements..i.e if I type Cha...then it should start suggesting all names starting with Cha..sucha as Charles, Charley etc.
As shown in figure: I can write Decade(which will get autocompleted..) and select one among 1920s..1930s..etc.
But I dont want to specify Field name as such.I just want to type actor name and it should provide auto suggest on that...
I have looked for it in the documentation where it says that search:suggest function can do this; but I am new to xquery etc and dont know how to proceed...
Do I need to modify this function or add something to it?How?
If you enter a full-text search term, then autocomplete works on words and phrases from the full-text index. If you prepend a search field keyword, then the autocomplete limits to that.
I don't know the search field keywords by name, but I'd guess they are award:, decade: and winners:. So, if you type in decade:, then autocomplete should come up with decades only.
Based on your comment, it sounds you want to change the source for autocomplete if you don't specify a specific search field. That is very easy. If you start the wizard to create an Oscar Example application, that option is on the first screen. You can also revisit that same wizard from the Application Builder after creation to apply changes.
Just open that wizard, go to the Search step, and look for a button 'Advanced Settings'. In the middle of the overlay screen there should be a caption called 'Suggestions', and below a drop-down to specify the Default Source, which is the source for autocompletion when you don't prefix your search term. Change that to 'name' if you want unprefixed terms to autocomplete against actor names..

English words dictionary database for Windows Phone 7

I want to integrate an English dictionary function into my Windows Phone 7 application. Is there such a file or database available somewhere that contains all valid English words?
By the way, I only need something containing the list of words in order to validate inputs made by users. Other things such as definitions, phonetics, thesauruses, etc... are not needed.
Try this link (text file). It obviously doesn't have all valid words, but it should be reasonably effective.
The spell check API that's integrated isn't exposed to developers, so you'll have to make do with a text file like this.
Also, if you only need to check the validity of the word that the user enters in a text input of some kind, then all you need to do is set InputScope="Text" in the XAML declaration.
Hope this helps.

What search options are available with StarTeam?

Is it possible with the StarTeam Client to find files in the current server/project/view? What about text in files? File properties (locked by, checked in on date, ..., etc)?
I'm just starting to use this software and so far I can't find that feature in the menus or the user's guide.
In the File menu, you can select "Find" to search by file name. (If you want to search all the files in the view I think you need to select "Files In View" and press the "All Descendants" before you go into the File menu.)
You can also setup filters and queries. Basically, a filter determines what columns you see and the query determines what rows you see. To combine them, you can setup a filter and then attach a query to it.
Normally, we check out the complete project from the StarTeam-Server to our harddisk, and then we make a simple search in Windows. That way, you can search on filenames, but also on a textstring in the filecontent. It doesn't seems me to be userfriendly, but you have to make the best out of it... If somebody knows a better solution, don't hesitate to let me know. ( p_dekeyzer#hotmail.com in Flanders, one of the United States of Belgium ).
