Is it possible to have a JSR223_Sampler Script making web requests report those requests in View Results Tree or View Results in Table?
There is SampleResult shorthand which stands for SampleResult class instance, you can use functions like setResponseData(), setResponseCode(), setResponseMessage(), etc. so these values will be available to the Listeners.
Example code:
def httpClient = org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder.create().build()
def httpGet= new org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet("")
def response = httpClient.execute(httpGet)
SampleResult.setResponseCode(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() as String)
Example output:
More information on JMeter API shorthands available for JSR223 Test Elements: Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy
JMeter has a way to generate a report on the % tests passing, using the Summary Report. But in that feature, if all other assertions in a HTTP request pass but even one fails, then the request is counted as 100% failing.
I am trying to find a way to get the percentage of the assertions that are failing. Is there any way to achieve this?
Will I have to create individual tests with single assertions for this or there is a better way to do this?
You can calculate it using JSR223 Listener and the code like:
def passed = prev.getAssertionResults().findAll { !it.isFailure() }.size()
def failed = prev.getAssertionResults().findAll { it.isFailure() }.size()
def failedPercentage = failed * 100.0f / (passed + failed)
vars.put('failedPercentage', failedPercentage as String)
prev stands for previous SampleResult
vars is for JMeterVariables
See Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy article for more information on these and other JMeter API shorthands available for the JSR223 Test Elements
In order to add the failed assertions percentage to the .jtl results file you can add the next line to file:
More information: Sample Variables
Once done you can even plot the percentage of failed assertions as a custom chart in the HTML Reporting Dashboard
I plan to add digest header to my "HTTP Header Manager" in JMeter.
I plan to use __digest function referenced in
An example is:
How should I reference the messege body according to RFC3230?
You can use __groovy() function instead of the ${message-body} variable and retrieve the request body dynamically in the runtime.
The Groovy syntax to get the current request body:
Put together with the __digest() function:
In the above example:
ctx stands for JMeterContext
ctx.getCurrentSampler() resolves into HTTPSamplerProxy
See the JavaDoc for all available functions and Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy article for more information on various JMeter API shortcuts available for JSR223 Test Elements
I have to send JSON requests based on the CSV test data. Suppose there are 90 records - which are basically the request bodies. I put the Thread in a loop to keep sending the request until the last one in the CSV.
Every time I get the response, I need to append them into a single CSV file. Now, since Jmeter Listener does not consolidate all the responses into CSV (I do not want it in xml), I want to know if I can write a Java snippet in BeanShell, capture all responses and write them to a CSV file.
You can use JSR223 Sampler with File.append adding text with , to append to CSV file
This will append to the end of the file.
File file = new File("out.txt")
If you want the "program"
Add JSR223 Listener to your Test Plan (since JMeter 3.1 it is recommended to use JSR223 Test Elements for scripting)
Put the following code into "Script" area
new File('myfile.csv') << prev.getResponseDataAsString() << System.getProperty('line.separator')
where prev stands for previous SampleResult class instance. Check out Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy article for more information on JMeter API shorthands available for the JSR223 Test Elements.
A better option would be saving a response into a JMeter Variable using i.e. Regular Expression Extractor and writing it to a file via sample_variables property
How to capture response data into a list and to use those in next thread using BeanShell post processor?
Example: the response data was having:
mobile number:1
mobile number:2
mobile number:3
mobile number:n
I want to capture all mobile numbers and want to use in next thread.
How to do that? Can any one tell?
Using Beanshell for scripting is some form of a performance anti-pattern therefore I'll provide solution using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language
Given you have response data like:
mobilenumber:1 mobilenumber:2 mobilenumber:3
Add JSR223 PostProcessor as a child of the request which returns the above data and put the following code into "Script" area:
props.put('list',prev.getResponseDataAsString().split(" ").collect())
The above code will split the response data by spaces and store the result into an ArrayList structure
In the next Thread Group you will be able to access the values like:
def list = props.get('list')
I am using two soap/xml request samplers wherein response of one is to be used in request of the other. The issue is that the response of Sampler1 contains multiple occurrences of "a:" which has to be replaced by "eas1:" which can be used in Sampler2. Kindly suggest a solution.
I tried using beanshell postprocessor but could not come to any positive result.
Add JSR223 PostProcessor as a child of the Sampler1
Put the following code into "Script" area
def response = prev.getResponseDataAsString()
def request = response.replaceAll('a:', 'eas1:')
vars.put('request', request)
Use ${request} in the "Body Data" section of the Sampler2
prev is a shorthand to SampleResult class instance which provides access to the parent Sampler result
vars is a shorthand to JMeterVariables class instance, it provides read/write access to JMeter Variables
String.replaceAll() method reference
Groovy is the New Black - guide to Groovy scripting in JMeter