How to create a Java program in Beanshell PostProcessor in Jmeter to merge all the responses? - jmeter

I have to send JSON requests based on the CSV test data. Suppose there are 90 records - which are basically the request bodies. I put the Thread in a loop to keep sending the request until the last one in the CSV.
Every time I get the response, I need to append them into a single CSV file. Now, since Jmeter Listener does not consolidate all the responses into CSV (I do not want it in xml), I want to know if I can write a Java snippet in BeanShell, capture all responses and write them to a CSV file.

You can use JSR223 Sampler with File.append adding text with , to append to CSV file
This will append to the end of the file.
File file = new File("out.txt")

If you want the "program"
Add JSR223 Listener to your Test Plan (since JMeter 3.1 it is recommended to use JSR223 Test Elements for scripting)
Put the following code into "Script" area
new File('myfile.csv') << prev.getResponseDataAsString() << System.getProperty('line.separator')
where prev stands for previous SampleResult class instance. Check out Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy article for more information on JMeter API shorthands available for the JSR223 Test Elements.
A better option would be saving a response into a JMeter Variable using i.e. Regular Expression Extractor and writing it to a file via sample_variables property


Jmeter - Need to check empty tags in SOAP request

I have a SOAP request. I need to use jmeter to test multiple requests for same method, each time passing one missing element.
How can I achieve this ?
I tried writing the tags into csv using CSV data config , but I am unable to enter empty values in the csv, each time for a different tag in each csv row.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
The CSV Data Set Config will read the value from next line only on the next iteration of the thread (virtual user), you cannot read more than one line within the bounds of a single iteration. You might want to take a look at __CSVRead() function where it's you who decides when to proceed to the next line.
If the __CSVRead() function isn't applicable for your use case be aware that you can build a request body, i.e. XML from CSV file using JSR223 PreProcessor and Groovy language.
See Creating XML chapter of Groovy documentation for more details.

I want to fail Beanshell sampler when my script is not conditions not satisfied

I am using Beanshell sampler with java code to compare the two files line by line. I want to fail the Beanshell sampler if comparison failed at any line. I see always my beanshell sampler is sucess in view results treee even the comparison failed or passed. So any one please give me a idea how to fail the sampler.
Note: I used Beanshell Assertion as well but its not worked.
View Results Tree Image
Beanshell Sampler with Beanshell Assertion
boolean differenceInFile = false;
line #2 and line #3 is what you need in your bean shell sampler to pass / fail depending on your file comparasion
Sample JMX File
It will show you as an xml, try to download it
There is SampleResult pre-defined variable which you can use for setting the sampler passed or failed, define response code, response message, response body, etc.
So something like:
if (there_are_differences) {
SampleResult.setResponseMessage("Files are different")
In the assertion you have AssertionResult for the same.
Also be aware that you should be using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting since JMeter 3.1 so it might be a good option for migration.
More information on JMeter API shorthands available for the JSR223 Test Elements - Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy

How can I dynamically post Request body (xml) and validate the response (xml)?

Is there a way to send the XML request dynamically and validate the XML response?
My scenario is:
I will have a CSV dataset config and inside the csv file I will have two column, the first one is for the inputXMLFilePath and the second column is the expectedXMLResposneFilePath.
So I need to have a JSR233 PreProcessor under HTTP request sampler, read the input file path convert it to the post body, and also has another JSR233 sampler for load the expected response from the expectedXMLResponseFilePath and compare it with the previous XML response. I have a snippet for JSON which is working fine. but for XML how can I do it?
You can use __FileToString() function for both use cases:
To send the XML request body, like ${__FileToString(${inputXMLFilePath},,)} (where ${inputXMLFilePath} is the variable from the CSV Data Set Config)
To validate the response using Response Assertion configured like:
Field to Test: Text Response
Pattern Matching Rules: Equals
Patterns to test: ${__FileToString(${expectedXMLResponseFilePath},,)}
You can use JMeter Functions literally at the any place of your Test Plan so their flexibility is higher than for other test elements. Also JMeter Functions are being compiled into native Java code therefore their execution speed will be higher and footprint will be less comparing to Groovy scripting.
Check out Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction article to learn more about JMeter Functions concept.

How to use one CSV file to pass data into multiple HTTP Samples in Jmeter?

I want to pass test data from one csv file to multiple http requests like first row should take by 1st http sample and second row should take by 2nd http sample.Please help how to use this in jmeter.
You can follow these:
Add your CSV Dataset config in test plan level
Define Thread group (enough thread, ramp-up, duration)
Under thread group, add your requests or samples.
Put your CSV file in the JMeter bin directory.
Use those variables (defined in CSV Dataset) in your requests.
CSV Data set Config:
Http Request sampler:
If you need to read a specific (arbitrary) line from a file with each Sampler you can use i.e. __groovy() function for this like:
${__groovy(new File('/path/to/your/file').readLines().get(0),)} - read 1st string
${__groovy(new File('/path/to/your/file').readLines().get(1),)} - read 2nd string
${__groovy(new File('/path/to/your/file').readLines().get(2),)} - read 3rd string
File.readLines() method is a Groovy JDK enhancement to provide some "syntactic sugar" on top of "normal" Java to make developers lives easier.
See Groovy is the New Black article to get started with using Groovy scripting in JMeter tests.

how can i pass dynamic values to url in jmeter

I have to give dynamic values to url which takes number of users and their age , which can be selected though web page. but I want to give it in Jmeter using BeanShell PostProcessor.
Help me in this,since I'm new to Jmeter.
This is the path:
from what I've got looks like you can use CSV Data Set Config.
Create .txt file with the data you want to feed your test with;
Place the above .txt file to the folder where your .jmx file lies;
In your Test plan: Under your request sampler - place CSV Data set Config;
Then if you need to use your dynamic values within one threadgroup => refer these data as ${quanity}, ${age} in you url.
If you need to pass these values across the threadgroups => add BeanShell Assertion
Then (in the other Tread group) refer those as ${__property(_quantity)},${__property(_age)}.
Hope, it helps.
First of all you need Beanshell PreProcessor, not Beanshell PostProcessor.
All this parameters are basically name/value pairs which can be defined via HTTPSamplerBase class. HTTPSamplerBase class instance is available to Beanshell PreProcessor as sampler pre-defined variable so if you add the following code into the Beanshell PreProcessor "Script" area
sampler.addEncodedArgument("flexibility", "true");
Your HTTP request will be populated with the values, you set via Beanshell.
JMeter Variables can be accessed via vars shorthand which stands for JMeterVariables class instance.
String airport = vars.get("airport");
sampler.addEncodedArgument("airports[]", airport);
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component article for comprehensive information on how to use Beanshell Test Elements in Jmeter.
Remember that it is recommended to avoid scripting where possible so if there is another way of implementing your task - go for it.
