error in visualization internal server error kibana - elasticsearch

I setup an Elasticsearch Kibana stack with xpack.
from the built-in user, i logged in to the account and created a kibana_user and a kibana_dashboard_only user.
When i logged in, the login was successful in both the users but when i go to the dashboards or discover,
Im getting an
error in visualization internal server error
pop up error.
Why is this and how can i fix this?
All actions work fine with the built-in elastic user account.
Please help me.

You also need to give that user read access to the .kibana index


What is the execution error when run query in kibana?

I am querying logs in Kibana which connects to Elasticsearch cluster in the backend.
When I query logs in Discovery tab in Kibana, sometimes I see a popup error dialog with below exceptions. I can't find anything wrong in the backend logs.
at Fetch._callee3$ (
at l (
at Generator._invoke (
at Generator.forEach.e.<computed> [as next] (
at fetch_asyncGeneratorStep (
at _next (
is there more in your Elasticsearch and/or Kibana logs around the same time you are seeing this? there should be, and it'll help explain what the issue is

ETCD warning The server needs to initialize the root user

I have a simple etcd server running and I am using this github project called etcd-keeper to visualize the data in the etcd.
you can find the etcd-keeper project here:
I have created the root using etcdctl and everything works fine.
And I needed to create a another user that has limited view access. So, I created another test-user user and added read-only role with relevant persmissions.
Everything is good but, when I try to access the etcd server using etcd-keeper it doesn't allow me to log in with the test-user credentials unless I signed in with root user first
I don't need to share the root user credentials with the person logs with test-user. Otherwise no point in creating a new user noh.
I get this warning as below:
Can someone please help me to fix this problem? Is this error from etcd servr side? Anyone has used this etcd-keeper before?
Thank you.

Obiee 12c - few ldap users fail to sign in analytics

i am using obiee 12c in production and Active Directory ldap server entegrated for authentication. almost all users are able to login analytics but few of these users cannot login. the following error appearing in the screen "The specified credentials could not be authenticated ". I tried to regenerate user GUIDs according to following documents.
I set the BI component's log level to Finest and enable debug security option. I examined acces log, bi server diagnostic log and sawlog files, but i can not see any log that contains any failure information about the failed LDAP user.
Could you help me about this problem, thanks.
a) That link is invalid since GUIDs do not exist anymore. The documentation shouldn't include that step anymore.
b) Logging the BI components won't show you anything. You need to up up the OPSS logging.

Kibana, anonymous access, dashboards only

I'm looking for the correct way to give users anonymous access to a Kibana dashboard, but at the same time preventing them from having access to other Kibana features.
I read that the role kibana_dashboard_only_user is now deprecated (I'm on 7.6.2), and that I have to give anonymous users the cluster monitor privilege, so I tried creating a role that has:
cluster monitor privilege
read and view-metadata access to the index concerned
dashbaord read privilege on global spaces
but is doesn't work: I get the following error:
[security_exception] action [indices:data/read/search] is unauthorized
for user [anonymous_user]
then I tried adding the read rights on the indices .kibana*. It worked, but all the Kibana features are available, not only the dashboards.
How can I solve this?

How do I log into kibana?

I have an Elastic cluster at I enabled Kibana, but then when I click Kibana, it prompts me to enter in a user/password.
My login to the normal Elastic cluster doesn't work -- is there a default user/password that I can enter, or how do I actually get into my Kibana dashboard? Ideally, I would just like to disable having to login (so just clicking the Kibana dashboard goes into it) -- is there a way to do that?
When you were creating your cluster, you were given a password with UID: elastic. It should have warned you that you needed to save the password as you cannot retrieve it. If you have not saved it, you will need to generate a new password from the Security tab on the left within the cluster.
When you login into Kibana, you can create more users through Management > Elasticsearch: Security > Create User.
