ETCD warning The server needs to initialize the root user - etcd

I have a simple etcd server running and I am using this github project called etcd-keeper to visualize the data in the etcd.
you can find the etcd-keeper project here:
I have created the root using etcdctl and everything works fine.
And I needed to create a another user that has limited view access. So, I created another test-user user and added read-only role with relevant persmissions.
Everything is good but, when I try to access the etcd server using etcd-keeper it doesn't allow me to log in with the test-user credentials unless I signed in with root user first
I don't need to share the root user credentials with the person logs with test-user. Otherwise no point in creating a new user noh.
I get this warning as below:
Can someone please help me to fix this problem? Is this error from etcd servr side? Anyone has used this etcd-keeper before?
Thank you.


Unable to Create Common Data Service DB in Default Environment Power Apps

I am unable to create a new Common Data Service Database in my Power Apps default environment. Please see the error text below.
It looks like you don't have permission to use the Common Data Service
in this environment. Switch to a different environment, or create your
Which as I understand I should be able to create after the Microsoft Business Application October 2018 update as listed in the article available at following link.
Also when I try to create a Common Data Service app in my default environment, I encounter following error.
The data did not load correctly. Please try again.
The environment 'Default-57e1485d-1197-4afd-b792-5c423ab508d9' is not
linked to a new CDS 2.0 instance. The operation 'ListInstanceMetadata'
is forbidden for unlinked environments
Moreover I am unable to see the default environment on, I can only see the Sandbox environment there.
Any ideas what I am missing here?
Thank you.
Someone else faced a similar issue and I read in one of the threads about deleting the browser cache and trying it again or trying it in a different browser resolved the issue. Could you try these first level steps and check if you still have these issues?
Also, for your permission error ref:
I have not validated these findings. But as these answers are from MS and PowerApps team, hope it helps!

Ms Integration Runtime data factory

Kind of new with the integration runtime.
I had a pipeline running with no issues but recently we had an AD upgrade and the local on premesis SQL db changed my user from 'bluecompany\joe' to 'redcompany\joe'
This has caused my datafactory to stop working properly . as it can't connect to the SQL onpremesis .
I can't seem to find the place of where I can update this change?
Copy activity encountered a user error at Source side: Integration Runtime (Self-hosted) Node Name=ORG200016,ErrorCode=UserErrorFailedToConnectToSqlServer,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Cannot connect to SQL Server: '', Database: 'GroupRisk', User: 'bluecompany\joe'.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,''Type=System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception,Message=This user can't sign in because this account is currently disabled,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,'.
any ideas would be very welcomed. Thank you
As your login account has changed, I think you will need to update the account in the corresponding linked service, where you entered your credentials for this database previously.
Be sure the test connection succeeds after you edit the linked serivce. Then the pipeline should be able to connect to your database again.
Depending on which version of ADF you're using, there are different ways to update your linked service:
login to and find you data factory (if you don't have an account to login to portal, you need to find the admin who create this linked service and ask him to update for you)
if you're using v1 data factory, find the "Author and Deploy" where you should be able to find your linked service corresponding to your on premise SQL server.
if you're using v2 data factory, find the "Author and Monitor", click on the pen logo where you should be able to find your linked service from the "connections" tab, it will allow you to edit the linked service.

DB2 - User Id disabled or restricted on Windows

I have DB2 11.1 installed on Windows 7. 'db2admin' user account was created to access this. I was able to create, select and perform all necessary actions. Everything was working properly, until one fine morning it started giving me this error while connecting to database.
SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "19" ("USERID DISABLED or
I performed below things:
Reset the password
Verified if the user account is disabled on Windows.
Account is not disbaled
Verified if the account is part of appropriate groups and ensured it has all necessary privileges on Windows
User groups
Deleted the 'db2admin' account and created a new one.
None of them worked and am still unable to figure out the reason for this error.
Is the error misleading? If so, any suggestions to verify logs or anything to figure out the root cause?
Any help in resolving this is highly appreciated

Remove local WebSphere user using script

I am getting error "CWWIM4538E Multiple principals were found" at server startup. I know the cause as the local WAS admin account has its duplicate in LDAP repository. I simply wants to remove the local WAS user gracefully offline as server won't come up. I tried playing around with changing the user id info in fileregistry.xml and corresponding change in security.xml but to no avail.
Seems that you've added LDAP into "federated repositories" and forgot to remove "internalFileRepository" which contains wasadmin as well. You can do it in profiles/dmgr/config/cells/myCell/wim/config/wimconfig.xml, where you just remove it from the realm.

Weblogic user automatically getting deleted during weblogic server start up

I created a user in weblogic by following the below steps:
1. clicked on security realams present on left side panel.
2. clicked on myrealam
3. clicked on user and groups
4. clicked on new
5. Provided user name and password
The user created successfully. However when I am starting the server by deleting the log,cache, tmp and data folder. The created user is getting deleted automatically.
From my first level analysis I found its due to the deletion of data folder.
I want to create a permanent user for security validation.
Can anyone Please help me to create a permanent user.
Asutosh Kar
I got the answer to solve my above issues.
There are 2 ways to solve the above issue:
1. Export the LDAP files from the security realms to a directory present in the server and delete the data directory and restart the server. After restart of the server again import the LDAP files.
2. Modify the DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift present under the domain security directory to add the user and group details. After that delete the data directory and restart the server.
Asutosh Kar
I tried following and it works
Login to weblogic console.
Navigate to domain.
Under domain , security tab > Embedded LDAP
Select Master First and then restart servers.
The users created after restart will remain in the system
