How do I log into kibana? - elasticsearch

I have an Elastic cluster at I enabled Kibana, but then when I click Kibana, it prompts me to enter in a user/password.
My login to the normal Elastic cluster doesn't work -- is there a default user/password that I can enter, or how do I actually get into my Kibana dashboard? Ideally, I would just like to disable having to login (so just clicking the Kibana dashboard goes into it) -- is there a way to do that?

When you were creating your cluster, you were given a password with UID: elastic. It should have warned you that you needed to save the password as you cannot retrieve it. If you have not saved it, you will need to generate a new password from the Security tab on the left within the cluster.
When you login into Kibana, you can create more users through Management > Elasticsearch: Security > Create User.


Alert based on the field value in Kibana

I want to send alert from Kibana whenever someone adds the document which meets the conditions. I am using Elastic Cloud Kibana version 8.5.2
Below are my rule configurations
I am indexing the document from the Dev Tools api, query is working but it doesn't send alert when I index new document, does anyone knows what is going wrong in my configuration.

Kibana, anonymous access, dashboards only

I'm looking for the correct way to give users anonymous access to a Kibana dashboard, but at the same time preventing them from having access to other Kibana features.
I read that the role kibana_dashboard_only_user is now deprecated (I'm on 7.6.2), and that I have to give anonymous users the cluster monitor privilege, so I tried creating a role that has:
cluster monitor privilege
read and view-metadata access to the index concerned
dashbaord read privilege on global spaces
but is doesn't work: I get the following error:
[security_exception] action [indices:data/read/search] is unauthorized
for user [anonymous_user]
then I tried adding the read rights on the indices .kibana*. It worked, but all the Kibana features are available, not only the dashboards.
How can I solve this?

Quicksight "manage data sets" displays no data sets even though I set some up and they are in use

I established some QuickSight data sets (basic RDS replica connections). Data is flowing into QuickSight and users have created dashboards using SPICE. At some point - all of these data sets disappeared from my view.
Reproduction steps are simply:
QuickSight landing page -> Manage Data -> Your Data sets is empty.
I am an IAM user, if that matters.
I was able to do this as a user with AdministratorAccess using the AWS CLI (
First listing the datasources:
aws quicksight list-data-sources --aws-account-id 1234567890
Then describing each of them:
aws quicksight describe-data-set --data-set-id aaaabbbb-ccc-ddd-eee-11111111 --aws-account-id 1234567890
It seems there is more available here as an IAM administrator than via the console.

error in visualization internal server error kibana

I setup an Elasticsearch Kibana stack with xpack.
from the built-in user, i logged in to the account and created a kibana_user and a kibana_dashboard_only user.
When i logged in, the login was successful in both the users but when i go to the dashboards or discover,
Im getting an
error in visualization internal server error
pop up error.
Why is this and how can i fix this?
All actions work fine with the built-in elastic user account.
Please help me.
You also need to give that user read access to the .kibana index

Grafana hide query from user

I am trying to build a Grafana dashboard with an Elastic data-source but when I view the network traffic I see that the browser goes directly to the elastic DB, this means that if a user wanted to they can change the query and get whatever data they want. I want to be able to limit the data to this specific user.
I was thinking of limiting it with a filter for the specific user but am open to suggestions.
After rifling through the grafana forum I found this
So apparently it's not possible.
