Using Inkscape command line - shell

For my application i want to use the File > Revert functionality of Inkscape, which is not present as a command for using in terminal. How could i get access to the Revert functionality for using it as a shell command?

The 'verb' you are looking for is 'FileRevert'. It's there.


Its possible to change the "webstorm" shell command to open a file in WebStorm?

I open files in WebStorm from the terminal with the command webstorm . when I'm working in a directory.
Is there a way to change the command webstorm to anything more, like wstorm or something shorter to open files fluently?
I'm using macOS.
I Know one way but it's temporary, works untill you close the terminal.
-in your terminal
then you can use $W in your command instead of webstorm.
Looks like the hint above is very good.
So assuming the shell script "webstorm" is working and your question is how to modify the command AND you want to do it fluently.
Make an alias (your shell may vary, mine is bash)
in the appropriate 'dot' file for your shell
add an alias for webstorm -e like this
alias we='webstorm -e'
now when I want to open a file quickly I type
we filename
And this opens Webstorm in LightEdit mode which opens faster and has a link to access full IDE.
Works like a charm. Also, you could make more than one alias so say ws for the full ide. Enjoy

Set Extended Attributes with AppleScript Objc

So I am looking for a way to set Mac specific extended attributes (specifically kMDItemWhereFroms) for a file (Image File, Jpg) using AppleScript or AppleScript-Objc.
There is a command line tool that will do this xattr -w kMDItemWhereFroms . The problem is that on the several machines that I have access to (10.12, 10.13, and 10.14) when you run this command as a do shell script from within an AppleScript it does not work, the metadata is not added to the file. If I set Script Debugger to debug mode, and go through the script step by step it will actually set the metadata, but since that is not the way I am running the script, it is more of an interesting fluke than anything else. I have tried running the command with both "" included and not included with the shell script and that makes no difference.
I have tried running my script through SD, Script Editor and osascript, and they all fail to update the metadata. So I am thinking that this tool might be broken when called from an AppleScript.
I found setxattr but that looks like it only applies to C.
So my questions are
1. Is there a way to set the extended attributes of a file on MacOS using Aobjc? if not then
2. Is there a way to get setxattr to work with either version of AppleScript? Probably not so
3. Any ideas how I might be able to get the command line tool xattr -w kMDItemWhereFroms to work when using scripting?
This is more of an annoyance for me, I am just being stubborn with wanting the source of the file to show up in the "Where From" data in the Get Info window from the Finder. I already am setting some metadata for the file using exiftool. So it is more of an interesting problem for me, than a critical problem that I must try and solve now. Thanks!

How to Save Terminal Text from Google Cloud Shell?

I'd like to save the entire terminal text after running a series of commands in Google Cloud Shell similar to the Export Text As... option on MacOS Terminal.
Is the script command my answer or is there a gcloud thing I could use?
Cloud Shell runs a debian based OS therefor script command will work.
Once you have the file if you want to download you can get the full path with pwd and then download option on the the points options menu
Try put " > name.txt " at the end of command to get what you wanted in directory:
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK

How to open a file from the command line with a specified program?

I would like to open a PDF in Photoshop from the command line. My current issue right now is that the default application for opening PDFs is Adobe Acrobat. I'm wondering if there is any parameter I can pass to specify which program to use when opening a file.
In other words, I want to emulate the option of "Open-with" when you right-click a file to open it with the non-default application, but from the command line.
I do not want to change the default application for PDFs to be Photoshop.
Any ideas?
All you need to is provide the filename as a command line argument:
photoshop <path to file>
(<path to file> needs to be quoted if it contains spaces)
For example:
photoshop "C:\Users\csterling\Documents\some document.pdf"
If the directory containing photoshop.exe isn't in your Path environment variable, you'll need to provide the full path:
"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop\photoshop" "C:\Users\csterling\Documents\some document.pdf"
This isn't a feature of the command prompt, it's a feature of the executable, i.e. photoshop.exe has to be programmed to accept a file to open as a command line argument. Fortunately, it is, as are the majority of Windows applications that operate on files.
In case you want this to work with relative path in PowerShell, here is the script:
function photo
$the_filename=resolve-path $args[0]
photoshop $the_filename
Then you can just type:
cd C:\Users\csterling\Documents
photo mypic.jpg
You can do it by using the start command:
start <program-name> <file-path>
In your case, you would have to do something like this:
start photoshop D:\open.pdf
Unfortunately, the current version of Photoshop doesn't support this operation out of the box. You can open the program: start "path_to_photoshop.exe", but there is no way to pass it a file to open. If you really want to do it, you will need to get something like this: Sorry, I wish I had a better answer, especially since I wanted to be able to do this for a program I was working on.

How To Add A Script To Add Functionality To the Terminal?

I have a small perl script ( found here ) which adds command line functionality to an application I already have installed, Coda. Basically it will open a file with the application when I type:
Where (on OSX) do I need to put this file to make it function? Do I need to do anything else to my environment to get this working?
Type echo $PATH at the terminal. You will get back a series of paths separated by colons. The file needs to be placed into one of those folders. The file also needs to have the execute flag set, which is done with the chmod tool.
