How To Add A Script To Add Functionality To the Terminal? - macos

I have a small perl script ( found here ) which adds command line functionality to an application I already have installed, Coda. Basically it will open a file with the application when I type:
Where (on OSX) do I need to put this file to make it function? Do I need to do anything else to my environment to get this working?

Type echo $PATH at the terminal. You will get back a series of paths separated by colons. The file needs to be placed into one of those folders. The file also needs to have the execute flag set, which is done with the chmod tool.


Make .sh file to .exe file [duplicate]

First off I'm using Mac.
Next, I need to execute this "" we will call it. Everytime I need to execute it I have to open Terminal and type:
cd /Users/Jacob/Documents/folderWithFileInIt
This is okay, but I feel like it would be a lot quicker if I make the file execute on double click, don't you think?
So my question is, how do I make this file executable via double click?
My ideas were either:
a) type something like chmod into terminal and change permissions?
b) make a file, put code I wrote above in it ^ and then make that file executable?
c) make an automation somehow to do this?
Which way is best, or is there an even better way?
By default, *.sh files are opened in a text editor (Xcode or TextEdit). To create a shell script that will execute in Terminal when you open it, name it with the “command” extension, e.g., file.command. By default, these are sent to Terminal, which will execute the file as a shell script.
You will also need to ensure the file is executable, e.g.:
chmod +x file.command
Without this, Terminal will refuse to execute it.
Note that the script does not have to begin with a #! prefix in this specific scenario, because Terminal specifically arranges to execute it with your default shell. (Of course, you can add a #! line if you want to customize which shell is used or if you want to ensure that you can execute it from the command line while using a different shell.)
Also note that Terminal executes the shell script without changing the working directory. You’ll need to begin your script with a cd command if you actually need it to run with a particular working directory. E.g. you can use cd "$(dirname "$0")" to set the current working directory to the directory where your shell script lies.
Remove the extension altogether and then double-click it. Most system shell scripts are like this. As long as it has a shebang it will work.
You can just tell Finder to open the .sh file in Terminal:
Select the file
Get Info (cmd-i) on it
In the "Open with" section, choose "Other…" in the popup menu
Choose Terminal as the application
This will have the exact same effect as renaming it to .command except… you don't have to rename it :)
Launch Terminal
Type -> nano fileName
Paste Batch file content and save it
Type -> chmod +x fileName
It will create exe file now you can double click and it.
File name should in under double quotes.
Since i am using Mac->In my case content of batch file is
cd /Users/yourName/Documents/SeleniumServer
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.3.1.jar -role hub
It will work for sure
you can change the file executable by using chmod like this
chmod 755
and use this command for execute
Write your bash script and exit nano with Ctrl + x and hit y
Make file an executable
chmod 700 ~/FILENAME
Bingo, the file turns an executable, double click to launch
Works without .sh extension or shebang (#!) prefix.

Using a shell script to call a ROS launch file

I want create a file *.sh and run it as an executable like any other software with double click on it. The command is the follwing
roslaunch my_pro test_qt.launch
I simply run it in the terminal and it launches my software. Now I want to make it as an executable, so I tried this but it didn't work
gnome-terminal -e roslaunch my_pro test_qt.launch &
it said:
# Option “-e” is deprecated and might be removed in a later version of gnome-terminal.#
# Use “-- ” to terminate the options and put the command line to execute after it.#
How can I write my *.sh file?
Something like that?
gnome-terminal -e
roslaunch my_pro test_qt.launch
I know this post is old, but i recently wanted to do a similar thing (roslaunch using desktop shortcut ) and gave me some trouble the past few days so I decided to write the steps i took for anyone that might be interested in the future.
First of, I created a hidden folder in my home directory to place the script and image I was going to use for the shortcut:
mkdir .dir_name
I then placed the image I wanted to use in there and created a script using the sublime text editor ( my choice, you can use your favourite one - it makes absolutely no difference at all )
subl .dir_name/
The launch file looks like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Launch the robot
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
source /home/user/ros_ws/devel/setup.bash
echo "Launching application, please wait!"
roslaunch your_pkg your_launch.launch
Important note: you MUST include the sourcing of the bash files, otherwise the roslaunch command is not recognised!
Important note 2: you MUST make the script executable
chmod +x .my_dir/
The next step is to create the desktop shortcut:
subl ~/Desktop/my_shortcut.desktop
and adding the following inside the file what we just created:
[Desktop Entry]
Terminal=false $ true opens extra gnome-terminal
Name=Robot Launch
Exec=terminator -e "bash -c '/home/user/.my_dir/;$SHELL'"
$Exec=gnome-terminal -e "bash -c '/home/user/.my_dir/;$SHELL'"
Note: I am using terminator, if you are using the default gnome terminal, comment the terminator line and uncomment the gnome-terminal line.
Finally, you need to right click the desktop shortcut ( icon will appear after it has been run once ) and go to permissions tab. There you must click
allow executing file as program
Once the shortcut is now double clicked it will run. The very first time you double click the system will ask you again if you want to execute this file (for security reasons) and you must click yes ( after all its your file ;) )
That's it! Enjoy your desktop shortcut launching ros code!

Mac execute bash script

I'm on a Mac, and have a bash script that works very nicely.
I'd like to make it so that a double-click will run it, but I don't know the "open with" operand. Please, what am I missing?
You'll need to make the file an executable.
On the first line, before any of your code put in a shebang
#!/usr/bin/env bash
Next, you'll need to change the permissions. On the terminal run:
chmod +x your_bash_file
Finally, you will need to make sure OS X opens the file using the Terminal and not the application that created the file e.g. your favourite text editor. You can accomplish this in 1 of two ways:
Save the file with no file extension (eg. bash_file, instead of
Or, choose File -> Get Info and set Open with: to
You should now be able to click on the script to execute it!

How to open a file from the command line with a specified program?

I would like to open a PDF in Photoshop from the command line. My current issue right now is that the default application for opening PDFs is Adobe Acrobat. I'm wondering if there is any parameter I can pass to specify which program to use when opening a file.
In other words, I want to emulate the option of "Open-with" when you right-click a file to open it with the non-default application, but from the command line.
I do not want to change the default application for PDFs to be Photoshop.
Any ideas?
All you need to is provide the filename as a command line argument:
photoshop <path to file>
(<path to file> needs to be quoted if it contains spaces)
For example:
photoshop "C:\Users\csterling\Documents\some document.pdf"
If the directory containing photoshop.exe isn't in your Path environment variable, you'll need to provide the full path:
"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop\photoshop" "C:\Users\csterling\Documents\some document.pdf"
This isn't a feature of the command prompt, it's a feature of the executable, i.e. photoshop.exe has to be programmed to accept a file to open as a command line argument. Fortunately, it is, as are the majority of Windows applications that operate on files.
In case you want this to work with relative path in PowerShell, here is the script:
function photo
$the_filename=resolve-path $args[0]
photoshop $the_filename
Then you can just type:
cd C:\Users\csterling\Documents
photo mypic.jpg
You can do it by using the start command:
start <program-name> <file-path>
In your case, you would have to do something like this:
start photoshop D:\open.pdf
Unfortunately, the current version of Photoshop doesn't support this operation out of the box. You can open the program: start "path_to_photoshop.exe", but there is no way to pass it a file to open. If you really want to do it, you will need to get something like this: Sorry, I wish I had a better answer, especially since I wanted to be able to do this for a program I was working on.

Explanation Bash Command ${PATH}:

To make shortcut for command line function to make it available everywhere in my mac i usually add this line in ~/.bash_profile
To include one terminal execution file, i usually use: alias yiic='~/Script/Yii/1.1.13/yiic'
yiic is terminal execution file.
And then now i have example this from another site: export PATH=${PATH}:/development/sdk/android-sdk-macosx/tools
I understand this command like import all execution file in tools directory, but what is the meaning of ${PATH}: ?
${PATH} is the other folders that your computer will look in. It's automatically set up by your OS. If you do the following command in your Terminal, you'll see all the folders your computer looks in:
echo $PATH
