Inserted images into the report has grey background - oracle

When I'm inserting our company logo into Oracle Report there is a grey background on the logo. The logo is file type BMP, I have tried different file types like JPEG and TIFF as well. The issue still remains the grey background.
Below is the example of that grey background.
As you can see the portion which has the logo has a grey background whereas the background of the report is white. This is totally against our company guidelines and I've been told to find a solution for this. Please advise how can I remove the grey background.

if you want to remove the background of the image then use an editing tool like photoshop and then remove the background and save the image as png then convert into bmp and then use it in your report.


nothing happens when I attempt to textout to a transparent image

I am using Lazarus.
I have put 2 images on a form and synchronized their positions and sizes.
I can textout to both images, and after I made the ontop image transparent I can see the combined content of both images.
I can add further text to the bottom image and see it, but I can't see text I try to add to the transparent image.
I used the following code to make the top image transparent
I guess I need to play with the image bitmap, but I can't find a solution that is not using other software.
Can someone help me with this please?

photoshop saving image without white background

i can't remove the white background when saving as png or jpeg.
tried everything what suggested me on the web, but still get the diminsions i set up as whitebackground.
How can i save image without the background?
see image below for settings.
enter image description here
if you want to remove all the white from the picture, better go to color range and sample white. layer via cut and delete the layer. and save it in png as #cybernatic.nomad said, supports transparency.
Make sure you have created your image on a new layer and delete (or hide) the first white layer. I just created a simple text on a new layer with a transparent background and then loaded the image back into Photoshop to confirm that it works properly. As per previous comment I use .png format to preserve transparency.

Logo looks different after uploading

Hi, in the first picture you can see what logo I want to upload.
But, after uploading it changes it's color specification a little bit, shown in the second picture (right down corner). It adds the black color.
Could you please help me out?
The code I'm using:
The problem is in the original png. Here, the top of the logo is set as transparent while the bottom is white. So, when you plot the images using imshow, you have this effect. Either you change the logo png or you can pretend as this problem never existed by setting the background color as white when you load the image.
logo4 = imread('logo4.png,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]);
The problem is still there, it´s just someone else´s problem now.

Does CR report Image Transparency?

I'd like to insert an image on crystal report that has transparency. However in CR the transparent portions show up as white and cover over whatever color is behind the image.
I hunted about for setting on the image format but cant find one. Does anyone have an idea I might try?

Remove GIF image background to match Original background in GWT?

So I have an image (GIF) with a blueish background and a circle (which i want to keep), I would like to remove the blueish background and ( or show the origin color of the back ground it sites on or make the background of the image totally transparent. )
Thank you .
This is GWT 1.6
GIF supports transparency also, open it in a image editor(not paint, it sucks) and select the background using the magic wand tool. Press delete and you're done!
PS: save it as GIF file if you have to..
This has nothing to do with GWT. The solution is to use PNG image format. PNGs allow you to specify a transparent background.
