Logo looks different after uploading - image

Hi, in the first picture you can see what logo I want to upload.
But, after uploading it changes it's color specification a little bit, shown in the second picture (right down corner). It adds the black color.
Could you please help me out?
The code I'm using:

The problem is in the original png. Here, the top of the logo is set as transparent while the bottom is white. So, when you plot the images using imshow, you have this effect. Either you change the logo png or you can pretend as this problem never existed by setting the background color as white when you load the image.
logo4 = imread('logo4.png,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]);
The problem is still there, it´s just someone else´s problem now.


SpriteRenderer Image getting stretched down

I had a spriterenderer for a square but I want to change it from looking like a basic rectangle to having an image instead. So I tried changing the sprite renderer "Sprite" to the image I wanted but whenever I do so the image is looking pixelated, ugly and stretched and I can't rescale it properly.
The image may look ugly because it is stretched. In your hierarchy, select the GameObject with the SpriteRenderer. Then set the x,y,z scales back to 1.
If it still looks weird, select the image in your assets folder, and play around with the quality & filter settings (Don't forget to click apply). Hopefully this helps with making the image look nicer.
If not, ensure that your image asset is not a low resolution either.
I'm not really sure what you mean about it not rescaling properly. If you could please elaborate then hopefully we can fix it :)

nothing happens when I attempt to textout to a transparent image

I am using Lazarus.
I have put 2 images on a form and synchronized their positions and sizes.
I can textout to both images, and after I made the ontop image transparent I can see the combined content of both images.
I can add further text to the bottom image and see it, but I can't see text I try to add to the transparent image.
I used the following code to make the top image transparent
I guess I need to play with the image bitmap, but I can't find a solution that is not using other software.
Can someone help me with this please?

Geoserver ExternalGraphic draw icon incorrect

I run into a problem with Geoserver.
I'm drawing multiple icons which each represent a place all over my map using ExternalGraphic.
But geoserver didn't draw them correctly as they are. I attach an image as the result of geoserver drawing:
As you can see, the 2 car icon, both got cut off around 1 pixel comapre to its original size (1 got cut off from top down while another from bottom up). It make same icon look differentfrom place to place. And i think because of this cutting, after lose some pixel, they resize the image back to its original size, which make the $ on top left look blurry compare to the one next to it.
Also as in External graphic document mention, i didn't use any Size attribute so they won't get resize or anything. So i'm not sure why the image got cut off like that.
Any1 can help me about this case ? Thank you in advance.
I suggest you open a report at http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOS attaching one of the images and your style document.

Exported shapes as image with vba in powerpoint with a white space in the button and top

I want to export certain shapes in powerpoint as images. For that I am using the following code:
ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(3).Export "C:\dink_template\created_files\testimg.jpg", ppShapeFormatJPG
I also tried with other image formats:
ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(3).Export "C:\dink_template\created_files\testimg.png", ppShapeFormatPNG
and I get this image:
Here you cannot notice because the white peace that appears in the image button (and also a bit in the top) is mixing with the page but if you make inspect element on the photo you will see it.
As you can see in this other image in powerpoint the shape fix perfectly and it is not bigger that the image:
Why is appearing this white peace in the top and in the button? How can I export the image without them?
I know when it is happening. Because I try with other ones and sometimes they where not appearing and sometime it was. The problem is that when the text you write in the shape is so close to the border and you export it as image it export with this white space. Now the question is... how can I solve this?
One option would be to adjust the size of your shape and/or the size of the text accordingly to the total text length, before exporting it as an image, in order to make sure that your text will never be too close to the border...
Something else: have you checked the margins properties of your shape? Putting them to 0 might help a bit.

Images & Icons are getting pixelated when gallery loads

I have a Content Slider (All-in-one-banner sort of) on the home page of my website.
Every time this banner slides onto the next image in the queue, the other images (png format) on my page are getting pixelated. Especially it happens in Chrome.
Images and Icons such as the logos, icons used for navigation, etc... - they get pixelated when a new slide changes on the banner.
Please help me.
Demo link (Open in chrome):
When the slides in the banner change, Look at the logo on the top and the logos to the right, and also the profile pics below,: indiaemerge.com/ieys2013
The solution I could figure out is that one should NOT use an image with large dimensions.
For example: I was trying to use an image of size 800px X 400px to fit it into a division of 200px X 50px. Because of this the image was getting distorted when slides would change.
I reduced the dimensions and resolution of the image to match the target division's dimensions and it worked.
Another way to fix this is to use an svg image file.
So the lesson to be learnt here is that always try to use an image (in case it is png or jpg) whose size meets your requirement as precisely as possible. If it is an svg image file then there won't be any problem.
