UWP windows 10 store and windows 10 mobile store - windows

I am building an application targeting windows 10 desktop and mobile both some functionality like back button functionality is different for each device mobile device use hardware back button while desktop use title bar back button option
do i have to make 2 different projects for each of device ?

No, you can have just one. Originally the back button handling on phone was done separately using the Mobile Extension SDK, but in later builds before the final release of Windows 10 this back button handling was refactored to be universal for all device families, although the back button is displayed on a different place in each.
Basically the only thing you need is to wire up the event globally:
Windows.UI.Core.SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().BackRequested +=
To learn more, see the official MSDN documentation.


codenameone UI distorts on Windows phone

I am trying to build a UI which should work on all mobile platforms. But currently the UI is getting distorted on Windows Phone. (Displays correctly on other devices like Android, IOS..). The text boxes are places one below other but are getting overlapped on each other, truncating the bottom part of each text box.
Need to know the correct way to design the UI, so that it should display properly on all mobile platforms.
The Windows Phone target is a dead end target as Microsoft has effectively abandoned the platform. We are now focusing on the Universal Windows Platform and have a developer guide section for it here.

Can we perform navigation between Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 project page and a Windows Phone 8.1 project page under same solution?

I am working in Windows Phone application in which I have two projects one is Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 and another is Windows Phone 8.1. I want to navigate from a xaml page in Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 project to Windows Phone 8.1 Project on a button click and then return back to the page. Is there any possible way to do that?
Regardless of their types, there is no way to directly navigate to a page in another app on Windows Phone. Your best option is to declare a URI association in the target app that the source app can launch with - see here for details.
As for returning to the source app, you should try to leverage the system back key if at all possible. However, if it's not going to be obvious to the user that she should hit the back key, you have two options:
Use Application.Current.Exit() to close the target app, which will
return the user to the last session in the back stack, which should
be the source app (unless the user task-switched in the interim).
Register a URI association in the source app and navigate back to
that from the target. Note that the process of registering and
handling invocation of URI association activation is different in WP
Silverlight apps - see here.
The difference between the two approaches is that if you Exit, the target app will be terminated and removed from the back stack whereas launching a URI association results in a new forward navigation and will leave the target app in the back stack.

drop down notification area in windows phone 7

I am working on an application in windows phone 7.And I want to whether we can pro grammatically assign our own application icons in windows phones 7 's notification area.
And will microsoft bring drop down notification area like functionality in wp7 as we have
in android ,blackberry etc in the coming months.
No you cannot put your notification icons in the notification area. Instead you can use live tiles for that.
And as per the latest information ,in their next release Tango, they do not have any plans

Blackberry and Windows phone 7 publishing of trivial app

We have a mobile version of our web site which works well on all mobile screen resolutions and sizes. Now, we would like to build a very simple app for Blackberry and Windows Phone 7. The app would be trivial - after you click on its icon, it opens a web browser and send you to our mobile web site. Just like a Windows OS shortcut that you place on your desktop.
Can you tell me if Blackberry and Windows Phone 7 policies allow such app be published? For example, Apple rejected us.
I can't speak for Blackberry, but Requirement 2.10 from the WP7 Application Certification Requirements:
Your application must have distinct,
substantial and legitimate content and
purpose other than merely launching a webpage.
So the answer seems to be no on the WP7 marketplace. Is there a reason you want to create an app like that anyway? On WP7, users can pin a tile to their home screen that will launch the website they've pinned. You could simply encourage users to do that on their WP7 and you'll get the same effect (except your site won't appear in the app list).
Seems this is okay for BlackBerry. See section 4.b of the App World FAQ.
Very strange. Our company has placed a similar application on Android Market and the Appstore and they have been resolved and now they available at stores. Also, I had a similar application for Windovs Phone, and it was also allowed.
P.S. Our application is not just a browser window, it has custom control panel in bottom. Also it has the communication protocol with the site - such a sending pictures from camera and phone and access to phone contacts.

how to dynamically invoke web service at runtime to window Phone 7

Window Phone 7 application in XAP file to run dynamically another window Phone 7 Application.
This feature is called "deep linking", it will be available in the next release of Windows Phone called "Mango" (coming in Autumn 2011). It will both work from within apps and from the home screen.
From http://www.digitaltrends.com/
The coolest new feature Microsoft showed off today was the ability to create a Live Tile (shortcut) not just to an app, but to a single page or feature within that app. This feature is great. As an example, Belfiore went into the Amazon shopping app for WP7. He doesn’t like having to open up the app and go through menus to get to the barcode scanner, however. So right in the menu was an option to pin that exact app page (the scanner) as a Live Tile on the Windows Phone homescreen.
I would say that MarketplaceDetailTask is the closest API that matches your request. You cannot nest the execution of one app inside another.Refer this Link:
