Publish library into maven repository but not JCenter - bintray

I have uploaded a library into bintray and have linked it to JCenter, so it's accessible through jcenter global repo.
My issue is there are some alpha or beta versions I don't want them to be at JCenter.
Is it possible to exclude some versions not to be linked into JCenter?

When a package is linked to Jcenter. it goes there to stay... So when you have linked your package to Jcenter, you can't separate versions (as far as I know).
One way to solve your issue is to define a beta repo for your beta packages.
So when you want to upload a beta version, target your beta repo and publish it there.
So stable versions will be published to Jcenter and beta ones will be available through beta channel.


How do I update my library version in maven central?

I deployed my library to maven central via sonatype. The library is released and I can access it from gradle. This is a library for Android, and I deployed it from Android Studio.
Recently, I updated some code and added new features to the library, so I want to update the library on Maven Central as well, but I couldn't find any info or guide on how to do it.
Should I just update version in the file and upload the library again via gradle uploadArchives?

BIRT 4.7 doesn't have maven central repository

BIRT version 4.7 doesn't have maven central repository. I could see they have repository till version 4.6, after that no repository. Any reason why this version doesn't have repository? or Will it be available in any near future? or Are they moving community to commercial?

FontAwesomeFX Without Maven

I am trying to use the FontAwesomeFX library in my non-Maven project. However, it seems Maven is the only way the developer has chosen to provide the latest version of the library (9.1.2).
How do I get this imported into my IntelliJ IDEA project? The 9.1.2 version is not in the Maven repositories...
I have never used Maven, so I wouldn't know where to start.

Install specific old version of Xamarin.Android

TL;DR Is there a way to find the specific Xamarin.Android download link for a specific version mentioned in the release notes?
I would like to patch an app that was build using Xamarin.Android v4.20.0.34 so I need to downgrade my toolset (In future I'll take a snapshot of my build agent VM)
I can find the 4.20 release notes but the downloads referred to in the KB article How do I downgrade to an older version of Xamarin? are all version 3.11.xxxx:
I think that when I had this issue before, based on the stack answer to Downgrade Xamarin.Android I managed to guess the URL for the download I required.
Is there a way to find the specific Xamarin.Android download for a specific version mentioned in the release notes?
Is there an unofficial list?
We (Xamarin) do not list the unsupported versions of Xamarin tools in the store page.
However, you can email or support email to get installers for old versions
Please use the below url to download specific versions of Xamarin Android.

Javadoc for sonar-plugin-api 4.5.2

For the development of my own SonarQube plugin, I am searching for the javadoc (api) of sonar-plugin-api-4.5.2, but I didn't find it on the internet. For the versions 3.x.x maven also downloaded the sources of the jar and so i was able to generate the javadoc out of it. But for the version 4.5.2 of sonar-plugin-api the sources are not part of the maven repository.
So my questions are:
Is there a javadoc/api for version 4.5.2 of sonar-plugin-api available online?
Or where can I get the source of the version 4.5.2 so that i can generate the javadoc?
Javadoc for all SonarQube versions can be found here:
And just a reminder: SonarQube is an open-source project, you can easily find on its website that its source are freely available on its GitHub repository:
