FontAwesomeFX Without Maven - maven

I am trying to use the FontAwesomeFX library in my non-Maven project. However, it seems Maven is the only way the developer has chosen to provide the latest version of the library (9.1.2).
How do I get this imported into my IntelliJ IDEA project? The 9.1.2 version is not in the Maven repositories...
I have never used Maven, so I wouldn't know where to start.


How to open a project made with gradle 2.7 in intellij?

I need to open a gradle project, but IntelliJ doesn't support gradle versions below 3 (this one is in 2.7). I tried clicking the upgrade gradle version and reimport project link in the console, but that didn't work. I then tried to switch the boot JDK to java 8, but it says i can't go below 11. I have seen other people post in having the same problem in the same project, so I'm confident that switching the boot JDK will work. How do I do that?

Why won't Intellij recognize Gradle in spring boot starter project?

I was having some issues where I was unable to get a build on a separate springBoot project. I read an online forum that recommended updating to the latest so I bumped it and immediately Intellij stopped recognizing the build.gradle and it was no longer recognized as a build tool. I attempted opening the build.gradle files and invalidating the caches and restarting, but Intellij wouldn't recognize it.
I attempted cloning the gradle spring-boot starter project and I saw the same thing ( It did, however, work when I just open the complete subfolder as it's own project. Are there specific steps I should be taking to allow Intellij to mark subprojects and use gradle as my build tool?
Update: I was running MacOS High Sierra and there were issues with the latest versions of openJDK and Gradle running on the machine. I ended up having to do a factory reset and getting up to the latest OS to make it work.

How do I update my library version in maven central?

I deployed my library to maven central via sonatype. The library is released and I can access it from gradle. This is a library for Android, and I deployed it from Android Studio.
Recently, I updated some code and added new features to the library, so I want to update the library on Maven Central as well, but I couldn't find any info or guide on how to do it.
Should I just update version in the file and upload the library again via gradle uploadArchives?

I recently got on a new team and trying to setup the project requirements. How to upgrade existing maven version 3.1.1 to 3.3.9

I recently got on a new team and trying to setup the project requirements. Currently, I had Maven 3.1.1 on my system and I need Maven 3.3.9. If any one can tell me how to upgrade the version of maven, I would appreciate it. (I'm working on windows 10)
It's pretty simple - download maven from the official distribution archive
that is available at After that follow installation guide from maven documentation available at
Just remember that Maven 3.3.9 requires at least Java version 7.

Javadoc for sonar-plugin-api 4.5.2

For the development of my own SonarQube plugin, I am searching for the javadoc (api) of sonar-plugin-api-4.5.2, but I didn't find it on the internet. For the versions 3.x.x maven also downloaded the sources of the jar and so i was able to generate the javadoc out of it. But for the version 4.5.2 of sonar-plugin-api the sources are not part of the maven repository.
So my questions are:
Is there a javadoc/api for version 4.5.2 of sonar-plugin-api available online?
Or where can I get the source of the version 4.5.2 so that i can generate the javadoc?
Javadoc for all SonarQube versions can be found here:
And just a reminder: SonarQube is an open-source project, you can easily find on its website that its source are freely available on its GitHub repository:
