Ipad GoodNotes 5 Icon in toolbar: what is it used for? - user-interface

There is the following icon in goodnotes 5. i searched the entire help but was not able to find its usage. Please let me know if you know what this icon is used for. Doesn't seem to do anything.

The presenter icon (the one with the Bluetooth symbol on the left top) is used during presentations. If you are planning to share the screen of your iPad then you can use this to point out various elements on your drawing screen.
I hope this might help you.

just found out, It is used during presentation screen sharing


How to recognize touch gesture when screen is turned off

I have a Oneplus 6 and it has this super cool functionality wherein I can draw certain gestures on the turned off screen and it opens up apps and other stuff.
For example: drawing a circle switches on the flashlight, drawing an S opens the camera and a few others.
I also noticed that other phones do not have this functionality and wanted to build an app for the same.
I searched across the web and couldn't find a solution. The majority of the posts gave the following insights:
It couldn't be done since touch recognizer is off when screen is off.
We might have to alter the kernel for this and should be done from a manufacturer's standpoint.
Turn the screen black and recognize gesture. (Only works on OLED displays and its not what i want).
This is my use-case. If anyone has any knowledge on this matter please let me know how it can be done. Thanks in advance for the help.
PS - There are a lot of posts with this same topic. Please don't repeat those answers. If it's a NO please specify the exact reason why.

undock/move Component Tray in Windows Forms Designer

Working with 16:9 screens, I always have an empty space to my right in Forms Designer.
On the other hand, this Component Tray is always overlapping the forms.
Is there a way to undock or move it to fill that wasted space?
I haven't found any other questions regarding this.
Thank you in advance and please excuse my bad english.
Edited: obviously I know I can drag its edge to fold the thing down.
Finally I created my own Add-In to dock that ComponentTray to the right as well as sorting its components alphabetically.
If you, like me, want to use your wide screen in all its glory, please post a comment below and gladly I'll give you all details.
After the testing phase, I'll upload the thing to VS Gallery.
EDIT: Here's the link to the VS extension. Feel free to use and enjoy it.
Best wishes.

How to fix: disabling size classes in Xcode 6.2 trashes storyboard UI but keeps guides

[EDITED] After spending a couple of days on a iPad app (utility s/w for myself; not for release), I accidentally clicked on disabling size classes in Xcode (6.2). I only want to turn off Auto Layout temporarily so I could figure out why my popover scene was not rendering.
Now, all the UI elements are gone but the guidelines for both the main scene and the popover scene are still around. History seemingly shows nothing that will bring back the UI elements. I closed the Xcode project and opened it again, but only the red guidelines are visible.
Has anyone run into this? Any idea how to fix this? [EDIT] I'm referring specifically to the UI elements and getting them all back -- else I'm going to have to spend a couple of hours reconstructing and positioning them. I browsed StackOverflow and Google Search but I've not seen any relevant suggestions.
First, when disabling auto layout it will disable the size classes as well.
I would suggest that you update your Xcode to 6.3. Then that will probably be gone.
Hope that helps :)
regarding the comment
First off I would print the frames of the UIElements to see whether they are still on the screen. (Using `println("(button.frame)")
Then, if they are not there, change their frames / centres) to somewhere on the screen.
If they are in the bounds, check their sizes to make sure they are large enough to be visible. If they are then make sure they are not hidden and their alpha is 1.
In storyboard you can open the side-bar and then change the element's position in the Attributes inspector as shown here:

Anybody what is the basic navigation, label, button, text box sizes in Xcode?

I need to know about the basic sizes of the iPhone, iPad? So some one tell me about the basic matter of those machines.
Check this out. This contains the sizes of UI controls of iphone
You can also get more information here

Fluid swipe and scrolling 10.7 style

I'm looking to add two finger "fluid swiping" to my app. Anyone who has used the week view in the Calendar app that comes with OSX will have seen what I'm trying to do.
I have a scroll view, and I want to be able to use swipe gestures and scrolling to move the content view in the horizontal axis of my NSScrollView, ie a day or a week.
The video from WWDC 2011 titled "Scrolling, Swiping, Dragging: Now with more animation" was quite useful, and looks like it will be able to explain what I want to do, but unfortunately the sample code for PictureSwiper isn't provided with the video.
I'm aware that a newer version of PictureSwiper is avaliable, but it uses NSPageController and I'm really looking for the older Lion 10.7 way of handling things as I can't use NSPageController. Is it still possible to find the old PictureSwiper somewhere?
If not could someone explain how the PictureSwiper sample on Lion worked? I'm aware of the App note https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#releasenotes/Cocoa/AppKitOlderNotes.html (search for "scrollWheel:") but that has only gone part of the way to explaining the kind of functionality I am after.
Many thanks for any help.
For anyone looking to this for an answer I eventually used one of my "Developer Technical Support" queries that came with my paid Dev account to ask for the old code. A few days latter an Apple engineer emailed me the old Picture Swiper.
Now that I have seen the code the App note makes complete sense! Picture Swiper moves CALayers around, but in my case I just use NSClipView's scrollToPoint:.
Within the scroll handler I just do something like: (gestureAmount * columnWidth) + currentColumnIndexOffset.
Seems to work!
