ODL - Toaster example - DataTreeChangeListener - Can I intercept GETs/READs? - opendaylight

I have been following the steps for the "Toaster" example for OpenDaylight.
At https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/OpenDaylight_Controller:MD-SAL:Toaster_Step-By-Step#Part_3:_Add_some_configuration_data_-_My_toast_is_too_light.21 - I can use "DataTreeChangeListener" to intercept WRITEs and DELETEs.
However can I intercept GETs/READs too?

A DataTreeChangeListener doesn't actually intercept WRITEs and DELETEs - it is passively notified after the write/delete operation completes.
There is no mechanism to hook into the read path. But why would you want to and what would it mean to "intercept" a read?


Use Cases for LRA

I am attempting to accomplish something along these lines with Quarkus, and Naryana:
client calls service to start a process that takes a while: /lra/start
This call sets off an LRA, and returns an LRA id used to track the status of the action
client can keep polling some endpoint to determine status
service eventually finishes and marks the action done through the coordinator
client sees that the action has completed, is given the result or makes another request to get that result
Is this a valid use case? Am I visualizing the correct way this tool can work? Based on how the linked guide reads, it seems that the endpoints are more of a passthrough to the coordinator, notifying it that we start and end an LRA. Is there a more programmatic way to interact with the coordinator?
Yes, it might be a valid use case, but in every case please read the MicroProfile LRA specification - https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-lra.
The idea you describe is more or less one LRA participant executing in a new LRA and polling the status of this execution. This is not totally what the LRA is intended for, but surely can be used this way.
The main idea of LRA is the composition of distributed transactions based on the saga pattern. Basically, the point is to coordinate multiple services to achieve consistent results with an eventual consistency guarantee. So you see that the main benefit arises when you can propagate LRA through different services that either all complete their actions or all of their compensation callbacks will be called in case of failures (and, of course, only for the services that executed their actions in the first place). Here is also an example with the LRA propagation https://github.com/xstefank/quarkus-lra-trip-example.
EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to add the programmatic API that allows same interactions as annotations - https://github.com/jbosstm/narayana/blob/master/rts/lra/client/src/main/java/io/narayana/lra/client/NarayanaLRAClient.java. However, note that is not in the specification and is only specific to Narayana.

run nifi flow once and notify me when it is finish

I use rest api in my program,I made a processor group for convent a mongodb collection to json file:
I want to run the scheduling only one time,so I set the "Run schedule" to 10000 sec.Then I will stop the group when the data flow have ran one time,and I made a Notify processor and add a DistributedMapCacheService.But the DistributedMapCacheClientService of the Notify processor only comunicates with the DistributedMapCacheService in nifi itself,It never nofity my program.
I try to use my own socket server,but I only get a message "nifi" but no more message.
My question is:If I only want scheduling run once and stop it,how do I know when shall I stop it?Or is there some other way to achieve my purpose,like detect if the json file exists or use incremental data(If the scheduling run twice,the data will be repeated twice)?
As #daggett said you can do it in a synchronous way you can use HandleHttpRequest as trigger and HandleHttpResponse to manage the response.
For an asynchronous was you have several options for the notification like PutTCP, PostHTTP, GetHTTP, use FTP, file system, XMPP or whatever.
If the scheduling run twice the duplicated elements depends on the processors you use, some of them have state others no, but if you are facing problems with repeated elements you can use the DetectDuplicate processor.

NSUrlConnection synchronous request without accepting redirects

I am currently implementing code that uses macOS API for HTTP/HTTPs requests in a Delphi/Lazarus program.
The code runs in its own thread (i.e. not main/ui thread) and is part of a larger threading based crawler across Windows/Mac and Delphi/Lazarus. I try to implement the actual HTTP/S request part using the OS API - but handle e.g. processing and taking action upon HTTP headers myself.
This means I would like to keep using synchronous mode if possible.
I want the request to simply return to me what the server returns.
I do not want it to follow redirects.
I currently use sendSynchroniousRequest_returningResponse_error
I have tried searching Google, but it seems there is no way when using synchronous requests? That just seems a bit odd.
No, NSURLConnection's synchronous functionality is very limited, and was never expanded because it is so strongly discouraged. That said, it is technically possible to implement what you're trying to do.
My recollection, from having replaced that method with an NSURLSession equivalent once (to swizzle in a less leaky replacement for that method in a binary-only library), is that you need to basically write a method that uses a shared dictionary to store a semaphore for each NSURLSessionDataTask (using the data task as a key). Then, you set the semaphore's count to zero so that it will block immediately when you wait on it, asynchronously start an asynchronous request on the main thread, and then wait on the semaphore (in the current thread). In the asynchronous data task's completion handler block, you increment the semaphore, thus unblocking the calling thread.
The trick is to ensure that the session runs its callbacks on a thread OTHER than the current one (which is blocked waiting for the semaphore). So you'll need to dispatch_async into the main thread when you actually start the data task.
Ostensibly, if you supported converting the task into a download task or stream task in the relevant delegate method, you would also need to take appropriate action to update the shared dictionary as well, but I'm assuming you won't use that feature. :-)

What's the difference between ReadDirectoryChangesW() and FindFirstChangeNotification() APIs?

I want to know any change files of the specific directory. So, I figured out ReadDirectoryChangesW() and FindFirstChangeNotification() - FindNextChangeNotification() APIs.
Then, I implemented using ReadDirectoryChangesW() function. But, I don't know the why there are FindFirst...blabla APIs.
I think that ReadDirectoryChangesW() function can do all of works of FindFirst... APIs.
What's the difference?
Creates a change notification handle and sets up initial change notification filter conditions. {...} This function does not indicate the change that satisfied the wait condition. To retrieve information about the specific change as part of the notification, use the ReadDirectoryChangesW function.
Retrieves information that describes the changes within the specified
directory. The function does not report changes to the specified
directory itself.
If you want to register a file listener then use FindFirstChangeNotification but keep in mind that this function DOESN'T wait for a change, in order to achieve that you need to use WaitForSingleObject AFTER registering the file listener.
If you don't care about the type of the change in the path you are listening then there is no need to use ReadDirectoryChangesW. If you need to know what is the exact change that triggered WaitForSingleObject then you need to use ReadDirectoryChangesW.

Difference between Event Aggregator, Commands and Request/Response

I'm trying to use Backbone.Marionette, and I read the docs on github about wreqr.
So, whats the difference between Event Aggregator, Commands and Request/Response. And when to use one or another?
They bascially all use messaging, and their difference is mainly semantic:
event aggregator: send a message when something happens. Code somewhere else might be listening for that message, but maybe not
request/response: have code send a request, and it will expect a response (e.g. send me refreshed data)
commands: code in one place commands code somewhere else to carry out an action. There usually isn't a return value.
I would like to add to David Sulc's answer.
Request/response is very different from event aggregator and commands. It is used for cases where one part your code requests something from another part of the code. A response would always be expected. Now lets see how event aggregator and commands are different.
Marionette's Event Aggregator allows you to implement publish-subscribe behaviour. Using the 'on' method you can subscribe to an event and bind an event to any object. You cannot implement this binding behaviour using commands. Also you can have multiple objects listening to any particular event. There may also be a case where no object is bound to or listening to any event.
Commands are specifically meant for performing some action in some other part of the code. There can only be 1 handler for a particular command, unlike events where you can have multiple listeners.
So to summarize, the use cases for each would be:
1) Request/Response: When you need some response from another part of the code.
2) Event Aggregator: When you want to bind objects to events
3) Commands: You just want some other part of your code to perform a task.
