Checking what action would be called by a given url string - laravel

In Laravel (5.6) I want to see what route would be called by a given url string. Say the url was "report/sales" I would like to check what function from what controller would be called, eg could be "ReportController#salesreport". It's sort of the opposite of the action() function but I can't find anything like it.
Would be wonderful if anyone has a solution.

Laravel doesn't provide a direct means of checking for a Route matching a URI, likely because it performs multiple assertions for host, method, etc. during matching. Almost all matching uses a Request object for comparison.
The quickest way to use existing functionality is to manually create a Request object with the details you wish to match against (HTTP method, URI, etc.). Once you've done that, you can grab the Router and look:
$request = \Illuminate\Http\Request::create('/report/sales');
$routes = Route::getRoutes(); // Or, you can get the Router directly, through app(), etc.
try {
$route = $routes->match($request);
$action = $route->getActionName();
} catch (\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException $e) {
// No matching route was found.
} catch (\Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\MethodNotAllowedException $e) {
// The URI matches a route for a different HTTP method

You could retrive the Router instance through the Container and retrive all routes, then filter the retrived routes to match only the ones that has url attribute equal to the given url string. Finally, pluck the matching controller action for each route.
$routes = app('router')->getRoutes()->getRoutes();
$target = 'report/sales';
$actions = collect($routes)->filter(function($route) use ($target) {
return $route->uri == $target;
If you only need to get one route only (eg: no routes with the same URL but different verbs), just replace filter with first to stop at the first matching occurence. As a result you will no longer need pluck, as you will be given a Route instance, not a collection:
$routes = app('router')->getRoutes()->getRoutes();
$target = 'report/sales';
$action = collect($routes)->first(function($route) use ($target) {
return $route->uri == $target;


Passing a param as a query string or part of url?

Should you pass a param to a GET request as part of the URL or as a query string, for example?
Route::get('/image/{id}', 'ImageController#get');
Should we do:
The question of which approach should you do is one I won't answer, as that's entirely up to you to determine which method you'd want to do.
With your current Route, only one of the supplied URLs would hit the get() method in your ImageController.
/image/10 matches your Route, and would be used as:
public function get($id){
dd($id); // 10
/image?id=10 doesn't match your URL, and would be a 404 due to a missing parameter. The route would need to be modified to:
Route::get('/image', 'ImageController#get');
And your Controller method would need to be:
public function get(Request $request){
$id = $request->input('id');
dd($id); // 10
There's pros and cons to each approach, Query String params are good for multiple required and/or option parameters, while URL params are better suited to single required/optional. Multiple optional URL params is not something that is supported, so keep that in mind.

Laravel 5.3 dynamic routing to multiple controllers

I'm using Laravel 5.3. I have a bunch of urls that I'd like to handle with a single route, to multiple controllers.
GET /admin/foo => FooController#index
GET /admin/foo/edit/1 => FooController#edit($id)
GET /admin/bar => BarController#index
GET /admin/bar/edit/1 => BarController#item($id)
GET /admin/baz => BazController#index
GET /admin/baz/edit/1 => BazController#item($id)
I want to be able to detect if the controller exists, and if not throw a 404 or route to a default controller (which may throw a 404).
Below is what I've got so far, but I'm not sure what I'm doing. Shouldn't I be instantiating the controller using the service container? I don't think I should be hardcoding namespaces like this. And my handling of the id parameter is sketchy. Perhaps I should have two routes for these two patterns or something?
Route::get('/admin/{entityType}/{action?}/{id?}', function ($entityType, $action = 'index', $id = null) {
$controllerClass = 'App\Http\Controllers\\' . ucfirst($entityType) . 'Controller';
$controller = new $controllerClass;
$route = app(\Illuminate\Routing\Route::class);
$container = app(\Illuminate\Container\Container::class);
return (new Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher($container))->dispatch($route, $controller, $action);
I'd recommend you to define a route for every controller explicitly. This is the best way to build a maintainable app.
Also, if using one route and one method is an option (with right architecure it is) use one route:
Route::get('/admin/{entityType}/{action?}/{id?}', 'Controller#method');
And one entry point:
public function method($entity, $action = null, $id = null)
// Handle request here.

Routing with parameters - Laravel

I'm trying to craft a route for a controller that will submit some data to a database. My URL is as follows:
I've tried
Route::post('/posts/{id}/edit?type={role}', 'PostsContoller#store');
but am unsure if this will fly?
Don't add parameters in your route:
Route::post('/posts/{id}/edit', 'PostsContoller#store');
In your controller, just check if parameter exist:
$type = Input::has('type') ? Input::get('type') : null;
Don't worry about HTTP verb, as Input access for all verbs (POST,GET,PUT,DELETE...).
As pointed out by #Antoine, you can simply specify the default value in the get method
$type = Input::get('type', null);
I don't think that this is the right way to do it.
First way
If you change your route to
Route::post('/posts/{id}/edit/{role?}', 'PostsContoller#store');
You will then call the URL: GET posts/42/edit/job.
your store function in PostsController will be:
public function store($id, $role = null)
// some code
Second way
You can use another route like:
Route::post('/posts/{id}/edit', 'PostsContoller#store');
You will then call the URL: GET posts/42/edit?type=job
And you can get the type in your store function in PostsController:
public function store($id)
// $role will be null if type is not in the URL
$role = Input::get('type', null);
// additional code
I would personally go for the second way.

Codeigniter - url segment replace or redirect

I have a base controller (base) which all other controllers extend from.
Anything placed here will override other controllers, the redirects will be here.
URLs example:
Using the code below. will give me the controller name
Each of the above controllers need to be redirected to separate URLs, but the funcation part should not change:
In my base controller i want the following logic:
$controller_name = $this->uri->segment(1);
if($controller_name === 'controllerone'){
// replace the controller name with new one and redirect, how ?
}else if($controller_name === 'controllertwo'){
// replace the controller name with new one and redirect, how ?
// continue as normal
i was thinking i should use redirect() function and str_replace(), but dont know how efficient these would be. Ideally i do not want to use the Routing class.
Simple Solution using segment_array:
$segs = $this->uri->segment_array();
if($segs[1] === 'controllerone'){
$segs[1] = "newcontroller";
}else if($segs[1] === 'controllertwo'){
$segs[1] = "newcontroller2";
// continue as normal
CodeIgniter's URI Routing, should be able to help in this case. However, if you have a good reason not to use it, then this solution may help.
The potential redirects are in an array, where the key is the controller name being looked for in the URL and the value is the name of the controller to redirect to. This may not be the most efficient but I think it should be easier to manage and read than a potentially very long if-then-else statement.
//Get the controller name from the URL
$controller_name = $this->uri->segment(1);
//Alternative: $controller_name = $this->router->fetch_class();
//List of redirects
$redirects = array(
"controllerone" => "newcontrollerone",
"controllertwo" => "newcontrollertwo",
//...add more redirects here
//If a redirect exists for the controller
if (array_key_exists($controller_name, $redirects))
//Controller to redirect to
$redirect_controller = $redirects[$controller_name];
//Create string to pass to redirect
$redirect_segments = '/'
. $redirect_controller
. substr($this->uri->uri_string(), strlen($controller_name)); //Function, parameters etc. to append (removes the original controller name)
redirect($redirect_segments, 'refresh');
//Do what you want...

How to build an anchor in CodeIgniter where you want to change a variable that is already present in the URI?

Normally I would just use URL GET parameters but CodeIgniter doesn't seem to like them and none of the URL helper functions are designed for them, so I'm trying to do this the 'CodeIgniter way'.
I would like to build a page where the model can accept a number of different URI paramters, none necessarily present, and none having to be in any particular order, much like a regular URL query string with get parameters.
Let's say I have the following url:
Here not including the controller or the method there would be one parameter:
$params = $this->uri->uri_to_assoc(1);
// output
array( [name] => [joe] )
If I wanted 'joe' to change to 'ray' I could do this:
echo anchor('name/ray');
Simple enough but what if there are more parameters and the position of the parameters are changing? Like:
Is there a way to just grab the URL and output it with just the 'name' parameter changed?
Edit: As per landons advice I took his script and set it up as a url helper function by creating the file:
Basically I rewrote the function current_url() to optionally accept an array of parameters that will be substituted into the current URI. If you don't pass the array the function acts as originally designed:
function current_url($vars = NULL)
$CI =& get_instance();
if ( ! is_array($vars))
return $CI->config->site_url($CI->uri->uri_string());
$start_index = 1;
$params = $CI->uri->uri_to_assoc($start_index);
foreach ($vars as $key => $value)
$params[$key] = $value;
$new_uri = $CI->uri->assoc_to_uri($params);
return $CI->config->site_url($new_uri);
It works OK. I think the bottom line is I do not like the 'CodeIgniter Way' and I will be looking at mixing segment based URL's with querystrings or another framework altogether.
You can use the assoc_to_uri() method to get it back to URI format:
// The segment offset to use for associative data (change me!)
$start_index = 1;
// Parse URI path into associative array
$params = $this->uri->uri_to_assoc($start_index);
// Change the value you want (change me!)
$params['name'] = 'ray';
// Convert back to path format
$new_uri = $this->uri->assoc_to_uri($params);
// Prepend the leading segments back to the URI
for ($i=1; $i<$start_index; $i++)
$new_uri = $this->uri->segment($i).'/'.$new_uri;
// Output anchor
echo anchor($new_uri);
I'd recommend wrapping this in a helper function of some sort. Happy coding!
Why not use CodeIgniter's built in URI Class? It allows you to select the relevant segments from the URL which you could use to create the anchor. However, unless you created custom routes, it would mean that your methods would need to accept more parameters.
To use the URI Class, you would have the following in your method:
echo anchor($this->uri->segment(3).'/ray');
Assuming /site/data/name are all CodeIgniter specific (/controller/method/parameter)
Now, I think this could be made a lot easier if you were using routes. Your route would look like this:
$route['site/data/name/(:any)'] = 'site/data/$1';
Effictively, your URL can be as detailed and specific as you want it to be, but in your code the function is a lot cleaner and the parameters are quite descriptive. You method would defined like this:
function data($name) { }
To extend your route to accept more parameters, your route for the the example URL "" you supplied would look like this:
$route['site/data/age/(:num)/name/(:any)/town/(:any)'] = 'controller/data/$1/$2/$3';
And your function would look like this:
function data($age, $name, $town) { }
