How to replace DOUBLE_QUOTE " Character in uipath - uipath

I am new to UIPath and having too trouble in replacing Double quotes, can anyone please help?

I stored the DOUBLE_QUOTE in a variable using ASCII conversion and then passed that variable into replace method.
Please let me know if any easier solution is there.

If you need to use a double quote in a string constant simple duplicate it, ie. "Quotes" as escaped by doubling them would look like ""Quotes"" as escaped by doubling them

your solution is quite good but you can use: string = string.ToString.Replace(""""," ")

For using double quotes in a string you can use chr() function as "leftPartOfString"+CHR(34).toString+"RightPartOfString".
And for Replacing inputString.Replace(chr(34).toString,"").TY.


Escape characters in teradata jdbc connection string

I have a teradata database name that contains a dash character -.
Searched the web but in vain. Does somebody know how can you escape the special characters in jdbc connection string? The string looks as follows:
When I create a connection with this url I get syntax error. Also tried to put database parameter in single or double quotes, and to surround the special charachers with { }.
Thanks for help!
Finally found the answer here: The correct way is to enclose both parameter name and value in single quotes:
Update: No, this does not work, see comment below.
Answering my own question:
My problem was that I didn't realise that my database name had some trailing whitespaces in the end.
TeraDriver uses single quotes to escape spaces and commas. This means that the database name should be in single quotes. If there are no single quotes, spaces and commas are considered to be the end of parameter value. If there are single quotes in database name, they should be presented as two single quote characters.
'Database-Name '
Whatever is within single quotes will be used with sql query: "database Database-Name". To escape '-' we need double quotes. So both single and double quotes in correct order should be used:
Have you tried a \ character which is supposed to be an escape character in Java?

Interpolation within single quotes

How can I perform interpolation within single quotes?
I tried something like this but there are two problems.
string = 'text contains "#{search.query}"'
It doesn't work
I need the final string to have the dynamic content wrapped in double quotes like so:
'text contains "candy"'
Probably seems strange but the gem that I'm working with requires this.
You can use %{text contains "#{search.query}"} if you don't want to escape the double quotes "text contains \"#{search.query}\"".
'Hi, %{professor}, You have been invited for %{booking_type}. You may accept, reject or keep discussing more about this offer' % {professor: 'Mr. Ashaan', booking_type: 'Dinner'}
%q(text contains "#{search.query}")
which means start the string with single quote. Or if you want to start with double quote use:
%Q(text contains '#{text}')

Custom code highlight Notepad++

I am creating a custom code highlight for notepad++. What I want to do is the following:
some fieldnames are writen in the code with a ' in front of their name, for exampe
if 'variable = "test" then ...
I would like to highlight these words, but notepad++ does not seem to allow a delimiter starting with ' and ending with a space, not does it allow space as an escape character. Also, using ' as a keyword and enabling prefix mode has no effect. Anyone has a suggestion? Should I use another expression to let notepad recognise the space/' ?
Thanks in advance!
If you only need to highlight a single word, you can use a keyword in prefix mode. However when using single or double quotes in a keyword, they need to be escaped with a backslash. So your keyword would be:
This may not be possible in notepad++. I can get the behavior you want using a character other than a single quote, like a back-tic, but it doesn't seem to work with single or double quotes. I suspect those characters are treated special within the syntax highlighter.

Ignore embedded quotes in ruby

I'm not exactly sure what is happening, but the xml file I am writing to has this:
This "is" now my String
when it should look like this:
This "is" now my String
Here is the code, except I don't have access to the actual string at compile time. Is there a way to tell the assetName variable to treat embedded quotes as quotes? Thanks.
assetName = 'This "is" now my String'"property[name=next]").first.andand["value"] = assetName
In XML, quotes may never appear in attributes, regardless of the style of the quotes used for the attributes. It is likely that your XML library is escaping these quotes for you.

How to escape slash (/) in VBScript?

How do you escape the forward slash character (/) in VBScript? For example, in the following string:
bob = "VU administration/front desk"
You don't escape it: it doesn't mean anything special in php or vbscript, and therefore doesn't need to be escaped. The only character you need to escape in vbscript is the double quote, which escapes itself:
MyString = "He said, ""Here's how you escape a double quote in vbscript. Slash characters -- both forward (/) and back (\) -- don't mean anything, even when used with common control characters like \n or \t."""
Similarly, in php a backslash escapes itself, but a forward slash doesn't need any special handling.
This is so wrong I have to comment on it. The question is about VBScript, not PHP, so who cares what PHP does with a slash? In VB, the forward slash / does have special meaning. The character / represents DOUBLE. If your code editor displays this character as DOUBLE or you get an error about converting to DOUBLE when you don't mean to convert to DOUBLE then you probably need to fix something in your string.
For instance, VB treats the forward slash / in this query string as DOUBLE and the program would fail here because you cant convert select replace(convert(char(10),pih.updateon,111), from text to double.
Dim sQuery As String = "select replace(convert(char(10),pih.updateon,111),"/","-") as stopdate from myTable"
The problem however will not likely be an issue with escaping a slash. Chances are you goofed somewhere else. In this case, if you typed the string correctly, it would look like this:
Dim sQuery As String = "select replace(convert(char(10),pih.updateon,111),'/','-') as stopdate from myTable"
Hope that example helps understand where you might be going wrong if you are having issues with slashes.
Addendum: In VBScript and VB, the chief difference being VB is compiled and VBScript is interpreted, the syntax in this case is handled the same way.
