Custom code highlight Notepad++ - syntax-highlighting

I am creating a custom code highlight for notepad++. What I want to do is the following:
some fieldnames are writen in the code with a ' in front of their name, for exampe
if 'variable = "test" then ...
I would like to highlight these words, but notepad++ does not seem to allow a delimiter starting with ' and ending with a space, not does it allow space as an escape character. Also, using ' as a keyword and enabling prefix mode has no effect. Anyone has a suggestion? Should I use another expression to let notepad recognise the space/' ?
Thanks in advance!

If you only need to highlight a single word, you can use a keyword in prefix mode. However when using single or double quotes in a keyword, they need to be escaped with a backslash. So your keyword would be:

This may not be possible in notepad++. I can get the behavior you want using a character other than a single quote, like a back-tic, but it doesn't seem to work with single or double quotes. I suspect those characters are treated special within the syntax highlighter.


How to use escaped colon in thymeleaf th:text?

This is what happens when I try to use a colon in th:text:
and a backslash doesn't seem to fix it:
How can I use the colon symbol in th:text?
If you want to place a literal into th:text, you have to use single quotes: th:text="'7:00AM'". See documentation here.
(By contrast, something like this th:text="7_00AM" is valid - because it is a literal token. Such strings can only use a subset of characters, but do not need enclosing 's.)

Extract Data Without Quotes in iMacros

How to extract data without quotes in iMacros? The following code can remove comma, but still give me quotes sign.
SET !VAR6 EVAL("var s='{{!EXTRACT}}'; s.replace(',', '');")
I am using FF broser. Thanks in advance.
You want to remove ' from your text together with the ,? Your code keeps the quotes, because you don't do anything to replace them. You can use
SET !VAR6 EVAL("var s='{{!EXTRACT}}'; s.replace(/[,']/g, '');")
to replace every occurence of either character. Read up on regular expressions and on replace to tweak this if it's not precisely what you want.

Changing escape character for quotes

I am trying to read a CSV file which contains escaped quote values such as:
"1","unquoted text","\"quoted text\""
It seems that SuperCSV wants quotes to be quoted as
"1","unquoted text","""quoted text"""
Is there a way to change the escape character to a backslash? I've looked at the docs and not seen anything.
Just found a link to an issue logged in github:
Seems like a different CSV handler is in order.

How to escape the back-tick (`) character in tiddlywiki?

I would like to use the back-tick in regular text (not in a code snippet) in TW5. Is this possible?
It is also possible to use the hex code (`) or the HTML code (&#96) for back-tick
I wanted to display a back-tick in a code block, so used:
Using the HTML code looks like:
This has the advantage that you're not disabling any parsing rules.
In TiddlyWiki5 you can disable certain parsing rules using the \rules pragma
A pragma is a special component of WikiText that provides control over the way the remaining text is parsed.
So if you add
\rules except codeinline
at the very(!) beginning of your tiddler text, any following backtick symbol in the text is not interpreted as special character.
This comes however at the cost that you cannot use this symbol as wikitext-directive anymore to achieve inline-code for programming snippets. Instead you would need to add the html code tag manually.

Escaping an apostrophe in golang

How can I escape an apostrophe in golang?
I have a string
s = "I've this book"
and I want to make it
s = "I\'ve this book"
How to achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
Escaping a character is only necessary if it can be interpreted in two or more ways. The apostrophe in your string can only be interpreted as an apostrophe, escaping is therefore not necessary as such. This is probably why you see the error message unknown escape sequence: '.
If you need to escape the apostrophe because it is inserted into a database, first consider using library functions for escaping or inserting data directly. Correct escaping has been the culprit of many security problems in the last decades. You will almost certainly do it wrong.
Having said that, you have to escape \ to do what you want (click to play):
fmt.Println("\\'") # outputs \'
As you're using cassandra, you can use packages like gocql which provide you with parametrized queries:
session.Query(`INSERT INTO sometable (text) VALUES (?)`, "'escaping'").Exec();
