Interpolation within single quotes - ruby

How can I perform interpolation within single quotes?
I tried something like this but there are two problems.
string = 'text contains "#{search.query}"'
It doesn't work
I need the final string to have the dynamic content wrapped in double quotes like so:
'text contains "candy"'
Probably seems strange but the gem that I'm working with requires this.

You can use %{text contains "#{search.query}"} if you don't want to escape the double quotes "text contains \"#{search.query}\"".

'Hi, %{professor}, You have been invited for %{booking_type}. You may accept, reject or keep discussing more about this offer' % {professor: 'Mr. Ashaan', booking_type: 'Dinner'}

%q(text contains "#{search.query}")
which means start the string with single quote. Or if you want to start with double quote use:
%Q(text contains '#{text}')


Escape double quotes in qsTrId source string

For a project I'm working on, I'm forced to use qsTrid() that need the following syntax to work:
//% "My string"
text: qsTrId('my_string')
Until you need to use double quotes there are no drawbacks in using this for simple strings, still you cannot use arguments normally like you would do for qsTr().
The problem arise when you need something like this:
//% "My "super" string"
text: qsTrId('my_super_string')
lupdate will only see "My " as source string, since the double quotes are used as delimiter.
Up to now the best I could achieve is this:
//% "My ""super"" string"
That will produce "My super string", the string is not broken but is missing the double quotes.
I've tried searching online and in the documentation if there are special rules in this case, but had no luck.
I tried using single quotes but lupdate does not see the string at all in this case.
I cannot use \" because the source string is used in the other language that will not be translated, but if it is the only solution I'll try to propose it.
Anyone know how to correctly escape the double quotes in this situation?

how to check if a string contains any form of an apostrophe not just single quote and ruby

I am using the following code to check if a string contains an apostrophe:
I have included two types of single quotation because I found that using just the standard ' did not catch some strings that contain an apostrophe using the ’
My concern is that if I am checking strings that may contain other fonts or styles my regex won't catch the apostrophe.
Is there a more general approach that would catch all forms of an apostrophe?
Straight single quote is the generic ver­ti­cal quo­ta­tion marks:
straight sin­gle quote (')
Curly quotes are the quo­ta­tion marks used in good ty­pog­ra­phy. There are two curly single quote char­ac­ters:
the open­ing sin­gle quote (‘)
the clos­ing sin­gle quote (’)
Going by the above three variants:
You maytry this:
Those would probably be the most common ones :
If you just need to check if a string contains a regex, you shouldn't use scan :
"apostrophe's" =~ /[‘’']/ #=> 10
=~ will stop at the first match.

Expand single quotes in a Net::HTTP variable?

I am using Net::HTTP to get a request from a Google API with a custom header:
req =, {'Authorization' => 'GoogleLogin auth=#{auth}'})
The #{auth} is a variable that changes each time I run the program, so I made a variable with it, but the single quotes don't expand it. I can't change the single quotes to double quotes, because Google only accepts the header with single quotes.
Is there any way to expand the variable but keep the single quotes?
However, I can't change the single quotes to double quotes, because google only accepts the header with single quotes.
So hard to believe it.
Anyway, try Kernel%sprintf or its shorter version just str % [arguments..]. It will help.

Ignore embedded quotes in ruby

I'm not exactly sure what is happening, but the xml file I am writing to has this:
This "is" now my String
when it should look like this:
This "is" now my String
Here is the code, except I don't have access to the actual string at compile time. Is there a way to tell the assetName variable to treat embedded quotes as quotes? Thanks.
assetName = 'This "is" now my String'"property[name=next]").first.andand["value"] = assetName
In XML, quotes may never appear in attributes, regardless of the style of the quotes used for the attributes. It is likely that your XML library is escaping these quotes for you.

Which style of Ruby string quoting do you favour?

Which style of Ruby string quoting do you favour? Up until now I've always used 'single quotes' unless the string contains certain escape sequences or interpolation, in which case I obviously have to use "double quotes".
However, is there really any reason not to just use double quoted strings everywhere?
Don't use double quotes if you have to escape them. And don't fall in "single vs double quotes" trap. Ruby has excellent support for arbitrary delimiters for string literals:
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I always use single quotes unless I need interpolation.
Why? It looks nicer. When you have a ton of stuff on the screen, lots of single quotes give you less "visual clutter" than lots of double quotes.
I'd like to note that this isn't something I deliberately decided to do, just something that I've 'evolved' over time in trying to achieve nicer looking code.
Occasionally I'll use %q or %Q if I need in-line quotes. I've only ever used heredocs maybe once or twice.
Like many programmers, I try to be as specific as is practical. This means that I try to make the compiler do as little work as possible by having my code as simple as possible. So for strings, I use the simplest method that suffices for my needs for that string.
For strings containing multiple newlines,
particularly when the string is going to
be output to the screen (and thus formatting
matters), I use heredocs.
%q[Because I strongly dislike backslash quoting when unnecessary, I use %Q or %q
for strings containing ' or " characters (usually with square braces, because they
happen to be the easiest to type and least likely to appear in the text inside).]
"For strings needing interpretation, I use %s."%['double quotes']
'For the most common case, needing none of the above, I use single quotes.'
My first simple test of the quality of syntax highlighting provided by a program is to see how well it handles all methods of quoting.
I use single quotes unless I need interpolation. The argument about it being troublesome to change later when you need interpolation swings in the other direction, too: You have to change from double to single when you found that there was a # or a \ in your string that caused an escape you didn't intend.
The advantage of defaulting to single quotes is that, in a codebase which adopts this convention, the quote type acts as a visual cue as to whether to expect interpolated expressions or not. This is even more pronounced when your editor or IDE highlights the two string types differently.
I use %{.....} syntax for multi-line strings.
I usually use double quotes unless I specifically need to disable escaping/interpolation.
I see arguments for both:
For using mostly double quotes:
The github ruby style guideline advocates always using double quotes:
It's easier to search for a string foobar by searching for "foobar" if you were consistent with quoting. However, I'm not. So I search for ['"]foobar['"] turning on regexps.
For using some combination of single double quotes:
Know if you need to look for string interpolation.
Might be slightly faster (although so slight it wasn't enough to affect the github style guide).
I used to use single quotes until I knew I needed interpolation. Then I found that I was wasting a lot of time when I'd go back and have to change some single-quotes to double-quotes. Performance testing showed no measurable speed impact of using double-quotes, so I advocate always using double-quotes.
The only exception is when using sub/gsub with back-references in the replacement string. Then you should use single quotes, since it's simpler.
mystring.gsub( /(fo+)bar/, '\1baz' )
mystring.gsub( /(fo+)bar/, "\\1baz" )
I use single quotes unless I need interpolation, or the string contains single quotes.
However, I just learned the arbitrary delimiter trick from Dejan's answer, and I think it's great. =)
Single quote preserve the characters inside them. But double quotes evaluate and parse them. See the following example:
"Welcome #{} to App!"
Welcome Bhojendra to App!
'Welcome #{} to App!'
Welcome #{} to App!
