HTTPS protocal is not working using laravel 5.6 with nginx - laravel

I am using laravel 5.6 with nginx for web api purpose. But when i call
It shows "Secure Connection Failed" error message in the browser.
Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
Please contact the web site owners to inform them of this problem.
Learn moreā€¦
Report errors like this to help Mozilla identify and block malicious sites
I have used middleware and forcessl. But no luck.


Google OAuth2 integration Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch

I'm getting this error Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch even after giving the proper redirect uri. You can check the images below for the reference. It works for my localhost but it shows this error for my server. My domain looks like I'm not able to find the possible cause of this issue after surfing most of the issues related to this error. Although, I guess the issue maybe because I'm using a subdomain here, but still not sure if its the issue.
Application info:
frontend is in react hosted on
backend is in spring boot hosted on
Your application is sending from as http to a .com domain
In google developer console you have only one http domain listed and that is localhost
The redirect uri you are sending from must exactly match one that you have added in google cloud console.
To understand how to set up your redirect uri properly check Google OAuth2: How the fix redirect_uri_mismatch error. Part 2 server sided web applications.
where is the redirect uri comming from
Depending upon the programing language, the ide and the client library you may be using will define what redirect uri your application is calling from.
For example i know that visual studio likes to add random ports with C#. I cant tell you what is generating your redirect uri i can only tell you that
The following needs to be added to your google cloud console.
or you need to figuer out what is setting the host on your requests and set it to use https so that you can use the one that you have there now

Laravel Socialite Twitter Provider - Could not authenticate

I'm using Laravel Socialite in a project and added the Twitter Provider in order to be able to allow my users to integrate with their Twitter account. I followed the steps here and I'm getting the following error:
Received HTTP status code [401] with message "{"errors":[{"code":32,"message":"Could not authenticate you."}]}" when getting temporary credentials.
If I leave the TWITTER_REDIRECT_URI in my env file blank, the error goes away and the Oauth flow works exactly as it's supposed to. Is anyone else having this issue? If the TWITTER_REDIRECT_URI isn't needed why have it in the docs?

Insecure connection on localhost

I am using Laravel 7 and utilizing Laravel socialite package for the first time for authenticating with facebook.
The problem is I am on localhost and when I am redirected to facebook I am getting error saying
Facebook has detected that XYZ isn't using a secure connection to transfer information.
Until XYZ updates its security settings, you won't be able to use Facebook to log in to it.
I tried to configure my xampp to run localhost on https by following these methods
but none of them worked for me.
I watched few socialite installation videos and noticed that none of them was having secure connection but still able to authenticate user successfully.
Please highlight the actual cause of me getting this error and how can I fix this?

gocardless webhook 419 Authentication Timeout error

I'm trying to integrate gocardless webhook in my website. I'm developing my site in laravel 5.5. Right now i'm following their instrution. But getting an error 419 Authentication Timeout. I did exactly as followed from their documentation.
I created a POST route in my web.php file
Route::post('/test', 'GocardlessWebhookController#remote');
Then i put my secret token in my env file. In the controller i copy paste the same code from that site. Then i trigger the webhook from sandbox test environment.
Can anyone help me out?

laravel socialite 3.0 getting error during Google+ login

Client error: GET resulted in a 403 Forbidden response:
892227784590 is not found (truncated...)
Make sure you've created an application in Google's console and also have your client id and client secret from google. Also make sure you've configured google option in your config/services.php.
