gocardless webhook 419 Authentication Timeout error - laravel-5

I'm trying to integrate gocardless webhook in my website. I'm developing my site in laravel 5.5. Right now i'm following their instrution. But getting an error 419 Authentication Timeout. I did exactly as followed from their documentation. https://developer.gocardless.com/getting-started/api/staying-up-to-date-with-webhooks/
I created a POST route in my web.php file
Route::post('/test', 'GocardlessWebhookController#remote');
Then i put my secret token in my env file. In the controller i copy paste the same code from that site. Then i trigger the webhook from sandbox test environment.
Can anyone help me out?


Laravel Socialite Twitter Provider - Could not authenticate

I'm using Laravel Socialite in a project and added the Twitter Provider in order to be able to allow my users to integrate with their Twitter account. I followed the steps here https://socialiteproviders.com/Twitter/ and I'm getting the following error:
Received HTTP status code [401] with message "{"errors":[{"code":32,"message":"Could not authenticate you."}]}" when getting temporary credentials.
If I leave the TWITTER_REDIRECT_URI in my env file blank, the error goes away and the Oauth flow works exactly as it's supposed to. Is anyone else having this issue? If the TWITTER_REDIRECT_URI isn't needed why have it in the docs?

Laravel webhook always returning '401 unauthorized' errors in production environment when receiving events from Stripe

I am setting up a webhook in a Laravel project to receive events from stripe. When I configured stripe to send the webhook events to my local deployment of the website, everything worked fine. The webhook successfully handled all the sent events.
However, in the production environment, after setting up the webhook url in stripe, the url returns a 401 Unauthorized error.
After some testing, it looked like stripe always gets a 401 Unauthorized error no matter the url, even when trying a non-existing one.
I am not using any authentication mechanism for this route, so no auth:api middleware.

Bad Request when using Socialite on Facebook

I am using Socialite Package (https://laravel.com/docs/6.x/socialite) in my project.I have done following:
Register Application on Facebook
Get Client Secret and ID
Installed Socialite Package using composer
configure .env files
configure callback url
But when after successful callback, my app shows following errors on this command
error: Client error:
https://graph.facebook.com/v3.3/oauth/access_tokenresulted in a400 Bad Request
"message": "URL \u0644\u0648\u0688 \u0646\u06c1\u06cc\u06ba
\u06a9\u06cc\u0627 \u062c\u0627 \u0633\u06a9\u062a\ (truncated...)
The issue is with the SSL of your callback url, the response seems to be not properly decoded by the receiver party. Turning SSL on your localhost or deployment server could help.

laravel socialite 3.0 getting error during Google+ login

Client error: GET https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/me?prettyPrint=false resulted in a 403 Forbidden response:
892227784590 is not found (truncated...)
Make sure you've created an application in Google's console and also have your client id and client secret from google. Also make sure you've configured google option in your config/services.php.

Laravel Passport Frontend Quickstart

I am new to laravel. I tried using Laravel Passport for API Authentication.
Everything is going correct, but when i am using view component to add clients using UI, it`s showing ERROR "Request faild with Error 404".
Browser UI and Console
