Google OAuth2 integration Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch - spring-boot

I'm getting this error Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch even after giving the proper redirect uri. You can check the images below for the reference. It works for my localhost but it shows this error for my server. My domain looks like I'm not able to find the possible cause of this issue after surfing most of the issues related to this error. Although, I guess the issue maybe because I'm using a subdomain here, but still not sure if its the issue.
Application info:
frontend is in react hosted on
backend is in spring boot hosted on

Your application is sending from as http to a .com domain
In google developer console you have only one http domain listed and that is localhost
The redirect uri you are sending from must exactly match one that you have added in google cloud console.
To understand how to set up your redirect uri properly check Google OAuth2: How the fix redirect_uri_mismatch error. Part 2 server sided web applications.
where is the redirect uri comming from
Depending upon the programing language, the ide and the client library you may be using will define what redirect uri your application is calling from.
For example i know that visual studio likes to add random ports with C#. I cant tell you what is generating your redirect uri i can only tell you that
The following needs to be added to your google cloud console.
or you need to figuer out what is setting the host on your requests and set it to use https so that you can use the one that you have there now


cross application (authentication) issue using react.js, spring, tomcat 8

My team is rewriting an existing web application that has a react.js front-end and springboot backend. In addition, The original (legacy) app is written in java (tomcat 8 & struts) and that will continue to be used for some parts of the site until a later date when we will complete the rewrite. All 3 endpoints are on the same domain in the following format: react.js (, spring (, and legacy ( All 3 apps are hosted on the same server, but the application urls all route through our F5, so nothing is pointing to localhost. We did this to use the same SSL certificate across the three apps. The new and legacy apps use the same database. We are trying to make cross app calls between the new and old app. When we make the cross app calls, we want the user session to be maintained between them without them having to log in twice. We have not been able to get this to work. In our latest attempt to authenticate the user to both apps simultaneously, we are using ajax to sign the user into legacy with the same credentials. We are getting the following error back from the legacy tomcat application: HTTP Status 403 Invalid CSRF token 'null' was found on the request parameter '_csrf' or header 'X-CSRF-TOKEN'. The server understood the request but refuses to authorize it. We are stumped at this point and out of ideas. Code can be provided on request, but we are looking for the best approach to how to implement this and not as much locked on this path described above.

Q: Google OAuth 2 Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch but redirect uri is compliant and already registered in Google Cloud Console

I am developing a NextJS application using next-auth with Google Oauth 2 as its authentication provider. The production build is running on Heroku. When attempting to sign in on my production build, Google OAuth is giving me "Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch". Normally this would be an easy fix, except the exact uri is already registered in Cloud Console.
I have also tried added many different permutations of my uri, but this did not help.
This issue not solved by 11485271 or 69151061.
Error in question:
Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch
You can't sign in to this app because it doesn't comply with Google's OAuth 2.0 policy.
If you're the app developer, register the redirect URI in the Google Cloud Console.
Request Details
If you’re the app developer, make sure that these request details comply with Google policies.
And here is a link to the list of authorized domains in GCP.
Solved! So for some reason, Google changed my Client ID and Client Secret after I already set up those env variables. Once I noticed the change and inputted the new values it worked fine.
For me, clientID was not the issue, but this was due to a trailing slash( / ).
redirect_uri must be an EXACT MATCH on the developers console.
In the Google Cloud console, I had http://localhost:8080 under the redirect URIs in the list while my code was sending http://localhost:8080/ while making the oAuth call.

plaid development redirect uri?

I would like to test some real data with plaid and that's why i am using development environment now instead of sandbox. And I am confused what redirect uri should i use.
This is the error on my localhost:3000.
Unable to fetch link_token: please make sure your backend server is running and that your .env file has been configured correctly.
Error Message: redirect_uri must use HTTPS
I understand that for development envrionment we should use https instead of http, but I wonder what uri should i redirect to if i am only testing the API?
Thank you
If you don't particularly care about using the Quickstart with OAuth redirect flows, and just want to use live data from Development, you should just be able to leave that field blank.

Setting up google project for authentication api

I am trying to set up google authentication for my local project. I run projects in python virtual environments and have different local domainnames set up for those. Names like When i enter in browser the site opens up.
When i went to< myprojectid >/apiui/credential?authuser=0 i could set values like javascript origin and authorized redirect uri there. I set javascript origins to and tried to put same domain for authorized redirect url too, but it did not work and i had to leave it to localhost.
When i tried to authenticate via django-allauth, i got such response from google:
**Error: invalid_request**
Invalid parameter value for redirect_uri: Non-public domains not allowed:
Now my questions are:
Can i develop this part of project locally with domainname like or do i need to set it up for localhost? Will local redirect from localhost -> work?
If i can do it with, then perhaps there is an error in the way i have this project set up in google developers console?
In any case, if you cannot set the redirect URI in the Cloud Console, Google will throw you our when you try to authorize the app.
My recommendation would be to choose either of those solutions :
Use "localhost" as you said, with some kind of redirection/NAT/proxy to
Replace with a domain with an actual tld such as . Then configure this domain name to map to your servers.
Or wait for ".dev" to be recognized as an actual TLD, and you'll be good :)

Issues registering my application API on google OAuth 2.0

I am trying to add an google drive account using google api's to Owncloud, but following the instructions in
always fails
I have tried or the same on http
as the Web Origin but i always get "Error
Invalid web origin." on the Google cloud console page. The same applies for the destination, if i try using with https or http as Origin and works fine, but that is not what i want obviously. So what could be going wrong?
It could be because there are two options, 'Web Origins' and 'Authorised Redirect URLs'.
The 'Web Origins' is for the domain name e.g
The 'Authorised Redirect URLs' are the completed path (domain name
included) e.g.
Sorry for replying to an old post, but you can try solution (for localhost) described here:
It should works fine, at least in my case did.
