Laravel best way to call a controller inside a view? - laravel

I have a page who contains children blocs.
Each blocs need to have a specific render (with specific template).
For this i had to use #php in my blade template.
This is my code :
public function edit(Page $page)
return view('pages.edit', compact('page'));
View page/edit.blade.php
<section id="contents" class="contents ui-sortable">
#foreach ($page->blocs as $bloc)
echo $bloc->id;
echo App\Http\Controllers\BlocController::renderBloc($bloc);
public static function renderBloc(Bloc $bloc) {
echo $bloc->id;
return view('' . $bloc->bloc_type, [
'bloc' => $bloc,
'data' => json_decode($bloc->data)
And then an exemple of bloc
{{ $bloc->id }}
<section class="bloc bloc_{{ $bloc->bloc_type }}" data-bid="{{ $bloc->id }}">
I have 2 problems with this :
I think it's not really a good way to do ? I don't like to use #php in template. I would love to have an opinion about this ? Maybe i need to use a Service Provider ?
The $bloc->id inside the template (resources/views/blocs/show/text.blade.php) is wrong (it shows the id of the first child bloc in the foreach, even if all my echo $bloc->id before display the good id (page/edit/blade.php, BlocController.php, resources/view/blocs/show.blade.php). This is an other proof i'm doing something wrong i guess ?

If you have to use controller in your views, it means only that you have not so good architecture. Laravel's Blade easily can do what you try to solve via controller.
You can use #include with parameters and get rid of #php:
#foreach ($page->blocs as $bloc)
#include('', ['bloc' => $bloc])
<section class="bloc bloc_{{ $bloc->bloc_type }}" data-bid="{{ $bloc->id }}">
#include('' . $bloc->bloc_type, [
'bloc' => $bloc,
'data' => json_decode($bloc->data)
Bloc ID = {{ $bloc->id }}
Bloc Text = {{ $data->text }}


Undefined variable: categories in user.blade.php

I was trying to extend my user.blade.php to my views menu.blade.php. Everything works fine with my other views that use the same user.blade.php too. But not with my menu.blade.php, I get an error saying "Undefined variable: categories (View: D:\xampp\htdocs\mieaceh\resources\views\layouts\user.blade.php)" with "Possible typo $categories
Did you mean $errors?"
Here are the codes to my user.blade.php
#foreach($categories as $category)
<a href="{{ route('menu.index', ['category' => $category->slug]) }}">
<div class="card-category" style="width: 10rem; height: 4rem;">
{{ $category->name }}
How do I solve it?
If you want to make a piece of view that appears in multiple places, you can use blade components
This will help encapsulating this partials behavior and required data.

property does not refresh in the internal components of Livewire

Take a look at the following examples:
<livewire:content-box :content="$post"/>
<button wire:click="nextPost" >Next Post >></button>
content-box.blade.php :
<h1>{{ $content->title }}</h1>
<p>{{ $content->content }}</p>
So far, it is completely clear what is going to happen ...: First, the information of the content to be viewed is received through showPost and passed to the contentBox, and everything is OK ..
Well now I want to get the information of the next content via the account through the button I put and calling the nextPost method:
class ShowPost extends Component
public Post $post;
public function render()
return view('');
public function nextPost()
$id = $this->post->id;
$nextPost = Post::where('id', '>', $id)->first();
$this->post = $nextPost;
But nothing happens and the contentBox component has no reaction .... Has anyone had this problem ???!
I'm not sure livewire works well with nested components. could use the pagination instead. The livewire docs suggest you should not use them for little snippets or use blade components for that kind of nesting.
You can achieve what you're doing at the moment with some simple pagination.
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use App\Models\User;
use Livewire\Component;
use Livewire\WithPagination;
class SomeContent extends Component
use WithPagination;
public function render()
// Using simplePaginate(1) instead of paginate(1).
// simplePaginate only shows "<- Previous" and "Next ->" links
// paginate shows those 2 buttons but also page numbers which you don't seem to want.
return view('livewire.some-content', [
'users' => User::simplePaginate(1),
{{-- This might look wrong, but essentially it's looping through an array of length 1 because we're paginating --}}
#foreach ($users as $user)
<h1>{{ $user->name }}</h1>
<h2>{{ $user->email }}</h2>
{!! $users->links() !!}
I can confirm blade components work.
Here, nextUser is the same implementation you gave.
public function nextUser()
$id = $this->user->id;
$nextUser = User::where('id', '>', $id)->first();
$this->user = $nextUser;
<div class="container">
<div class="content">
{{-- These two have the exact same template --}}
<livewire:child :user="$user" />{{-- Doesn't update when clicking Next --}}
<x-blade-child :user="$user" />{{-- Updates when clicking Next --}}
<button wire:click="nextUser">Next</button>
When clicking nextUser, the blade component updates but the livewire one doesn't.
Livewire doesn't like nested components. In your case, we can use basic blade component:
<x-content-box :content="$post"/>
<button wire:click="nextPost" >Next Post >></button>
And then:
Move content-box.blade.php to resources/views/components/
Remove component_name.php file in app/Http/Livewire
Most of the time, we can change 2 nested livewire components to livewire(parent) + basic blade component(child),

How to check which controller data object being executed?

I have faced a typical problem. The problem is which controller data object being executed in view page. Here the data object is $items. I have looked most of controller but can not find data object $items . Please help me to find it. Thank in advance. The portion of view page :
#foreach($items as $item)
<div class="partner-logo">
<div class="inner-div red-box">
<img src="{{ ($item->image) ? asset('file/images/' . $item->image) : "" }}" alt="" />
href="{{ isset($item->url) ?route('', $item->url) : "#" }}"> {{ $item->title }}
In Laravel, controllers usually pass their data to views in this format:
return view('nameOfView', [
'firstParam' => $firstParam,
'secondParam' => $secondParam,
'etc' => $etc
So you can search in your controllers for the view name and then for the parameter name (in this case $items). If there are multiple controller functions with the $items param and the same view, add a test param to each and see which one your view renders. You can also check in routes/web.php for the current URL you are on, and find the correct controller function that way.

What is the use of .blade in the Laravel framework?

I encountered the file welcome.blade.php in the views folder.
What is the purpose of .blade in the file's name?
Laravel uses Blade Template as its template engine (e.g. smarty was quite popular in past ) and .blade.php is extension used for it. Can find more details here
As mentioned by Abbasi Blade is a templating engine. I just wanted to share a good resource for blade and Laravel in general which provides some nice examples like:
// Begin a section
// End a section
// End a section and yield
// Show a section in a template
#include('', array('key' => 'value'));
#choice('', 1);
//forelse 4.2 feature
#forelse($users as $user)
// Echo content
{{ $var }}
// Echo escaped content
{{{ $var }}}
{{-- Blade Comment --}}
// Echoing Data After Checking For Existence
{{{ $name or 'Default' }}}
// Displaying Raw Text With Curly Braces
#{{ This will not be processed by Blade }}
check out this site for other Laravel syntax helpers

Laravel:Passing variable from controller to view

chatcontroller.php function returns variable to view:
public function getChat()
$message = chat_messages::all();
return View::make('home',compact($message));
this is my route:
Route::get('/getChat', array('as' => 'getChat','uses' => 'ChatController#getChat'));
this is my home.blade.php:
<div class="container">
<h2>Welcome to Home Page!</h2>
<p> <a href="{{ URL::to('/logout') }}" > Logout </a></p>
<h1>Hello <span id="username">{{ Auth::user()->username }} </span>!</h1>
<div id="chat_window">
<input type="text" name="chat" class="typer" id="text" autofocus="true" onblur="notTyping()">
#foreach($message as $msg)
{{ $msg['sender_username']," says: ",$msg['message'],"<br/>" }}
<script src="{{ asset('js/jquery-2.1.3.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('js/chat.js') }}"></script>
I am trying to send result returned by select query to view from controller.
when I do this from homecontroller.php then it works fine.
if I try to pass from controller which I have defined it gives error message as:Undefined variable.
I have used the extends \BaseController do i need to do anything else to access my controller variable from view.
please suggest some tutorial if possible for same.
Verify the route to be sure it uses the new controller:
Route::get('user/profile', array('uses' => 'MyDefinedController#showProfile'));
First of all check your routes, as Matei Mihai says.
There are two different ways to pass data into your view;
$items = Item::all();
// Option 1
return View::make('item.index', compact('items'));
// Option 2
return View::make('item.index')->with('items', $items); // same code as below
// Option 3
View::share('item.index', compact('items'));
return View::make('item.index);
You can also do this:
$this->data['items'] = Item::all();
return View::make('item.index', $this->data);
