How to check which controller data object being executed? - laravel

I have faced a typical problem. The problem is which controller data object being executed in view page. Here the data object is $items. I have looked most of controller but can not find data object $items . Please help me to find it. Thank in advance. The portion of view page :
#foreach($items as $item)
<div class="partner-logo">
<div class="inner-div red-box">
<img src="{{ ($item->image) ? asset('file/images/' . $item->image) : "" }}" alt="" />
href="{{ isset($item->url) ?route('', $item->url) : "#" }}"> {{ $item->title }}

In Laravel, controllers usually pass their data to views in this format:
return view('nameOfView', [
'firstParam' => $firstParam,
'secondParam' => $secondParam,
'etc' => $etc
So you can search in your controllers for the view name and then for the parameter name (in this case $items). If there are multiple controller functions with the $items param and the same view, add a test param to each and see which one your view renders. You can also check in routes/web.php for the current URL you are on, and find the correct controller function that way.


Undefined variable: categories in user.blade.php

I was trying to extend my user.blade.php to my views menu.blade.php. Everything works fine with my other views that use the same user.blade.php too. But not with my menu.blade.php, I get an error saying "Undefined variable: categories (View: D:\xampp\htdocs\mieaceh\resources\views\layouts\user.blade.php)" with "Possible typo $categories
Did you mean $errors?"
Here are the codes to my user.blade.php
#foreach($categories as $category)
<a href="{{ route('menu.index', ['category' => $category->slug]) }}">
<div class="card-category" style="width: 10rem; height: 4rem;">
{{ $category->name }}
How do I solve it?
If you want to make a piece of view that appears in multiple places, you can use blade components
This will help encapsulating this partials behavior and required data.

Laravel: How to create link buttons on a view dynamically?

I'm making a College Administration website where a professor can log in.
I have a dashboard, where my dynamically generated button should be placed: (right now it just has dummy buttons!)
Generated by this view file, which I will have to modify soon:
<div class="container d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center">
<div class="grid2">
SUBCODE 1</button>
SUBCODE 2</button>
SUBCODE 3</button>
Tables in the Database:
the table iamarks contains the data (student info, and marks) that is to be displayed after /subcode/{subcode} narrows it down to records of just the students that are in the class assigned to current logged-in professor.
classroom_mappers is a table used to map a professor to a classroom with a subject. It makes sure that one classroom only has one professor for a particular subject.
the routes currently in my web.php:
route::get('/ia', 'IAController#show')->middleware('auth');
Route::get('/subcode/{subcode}', 'IAController#showTable')->middleware('auth');
...and these are the methods inside my controller:
//shows buttons to the user:
public function show(){
$subcodes = DB::table('classroom_mappers')
->where([['PID','=', auth()->user()->PID]])
return view('ia',compact('subcodes'));
//when user clicks a button, subcode is to be generated and a table is to be shown:
//it works, I tried it by manually typing in subcode value in URL.
public function showTable($subcode){
$sem = DB::table('classroom_mappers')
->where([['PID','=', auth()->user()->PID],
$division = DB::table('classroom_mappers')
->where([['PID','=', auth()->user()->PID],
$data = DB::table('iamarks')
return view('subcode',compact('data'));
My Problem:
To be able to generate the {subcode} in the URL dynamically, I want to create buttons in the dashboard using the data $subcodes. The controller hands over the $subcodes (an array of subject codes which belong to logged in professor) which are to be made into buttons from the show() method.
The buttons should have the name {subcode} and when clicked, should append the same subject code in the URL as {subcode}.
How do I make use of $subcodes and make the buttons dynamically?
How do I make sure the buttons made for one user are not visible to another user?
I managed to find the solution, thanks to Air Petr.
Apparently, you can't nest blade syntax like {{some_stuff {{ more_stuff }} }} and it generates a wrong php code. I modified the solution by Air Petr to:
<div class="grid2">
#foreach ($subcodes as $subcode)
<a href="<?php echo e(url('/subcode/'.$subcode->subcode));?>">
<button class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-custom-outline-primary btn-custom">
echo e($subcode->subcode);
It generates the buttons perfectly. The buttons for one user are not visible to another, since I'm using PID constraint in a query (['PID','=', auth()->user()->PID]).
Pass the passcodes array to view:
$subcodes = []; // Array retrieved from DB
return view('subcode', compact('subcodes'));
And in subcode.blade.php, loop through each subcode:
<div class="grid2">
#foreach($subcodes as $subcode)
<a href="{{ url('/subcode/' . $subcode->subcode) }}">
<button class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-custom-outline-primary btn-custom">SUBCODE {{ $subcode->subcode }}</button>
You can loop your codes to create buttons. Something like this (it's for "blade" template engine):
<div class="grid2">
#foreach ($subcodes as $subcode)
{{ $subcode->subcode }}</button>
Since you're using PID constrain in a query (['PID','=', auth()->user()->PID]), you'll get buttons for that specific PID. So there's no problem.

Pagination is not showing

I'm trying to get pagination into my view. I don't know where is the problem, the code doesn't show any errors.
Here is my controller function
public function apakskategorijas($id)
$apakskat = apakskategorijas::with('prece')->where('id',$id)->paginate(2);
return view ('kategorijas.apakskategorijas',compact('apakskat'));
#foreach($apakskat as $apk)
#foreach($apk->prece as $prec)
<div class="col-md-4 kat">
<a href="{{ url('kategorija/apakskategorija/preces/'.$prec->id) }}">
<img src="{{ URL::to($prec->path) }}">
<div class="nos">
<div class="price-box-new discount">
<div class="label">Cena</div>
<div class="price">{{ $prec->cena }} €</div>
<div><span>Ielikt grozā</span></div>
<center>{{$apakskat->links()}}</center> <--pagination
when i changed code in my controller to $apakskat = apakskategorijas::paginate(1); then it showed me pagination, but this doesn't work for me since i need to display items in each subcategory, with this code it just displays every item i have,it doesn't filter which subcategory is selected.
This is why i need this $apakskat = apakskategorijas::with('prece')->where('id',$id)->paginate(1); with is a function that i call which creates a relation between tables, so that it would display every item with its related subcategory.
That's the behavior of paginator in current Laravel version. When you have just one page, pagination links are not displayed.
To test this, just change the code to something like this to get more pages:
$apakskat = apakskategorijas::paginate(1);
If you want to show the first page if there is only one page, you need to customize pagination views. Just publish pagination views and remove this #if/#endif pair from the default.blade.php but keep the rest of the code as is:
#if ($paginator->hasPages())

Is it possible to delete record without using forms in laravel 5.4

I want to delete a record but I haven't been successful, apparently my code is wrong. Solutions i came across say i have to use a post in my form method and add the method_field helper. This would mean my view having a form in it, i want to avoid this if possible. Is it then possible to do my delete another way. Below is my code
snippet of my view
<div class="backbtn">
<a class="btn btn-savvy-delete" href="/tasks/{{$task->id}}" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Delete"><i class="fa fa-trash-o" aria-hidden="true"> Delete</i></a>
<div class="panel-body">
<p><strong>Owner:</strong> {{ ucfirst($task->employee->firstname) }} {{" "}} {{ ucfirst($task->employee->lastname) }}</p>
<p><strong>Task:</strong> {{ $task->title }}</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> {{ $task->description }}</p>
public function destroy($id)
Session::flash('status', "Task was successfully deleted.");
return redirect('/tasks');
Route::delete('/tasks/{id}', 'TaskController#delete');
Im not sure what error you are getting, but i can point out a few things. For one use Route::get instead of ::delete, you are calling it via a link not a form method.
Secondly to delete follow what the laravel doc says here eg.
$task = App\Task::find(1);

Laravel:Passing variable from controller to view

chatcontroller.php function returns variable to view:
public function getChat()
$message = chat_messages::all();
return View::make('home',compact($message));
this is my route:
Route::get('/getChat', array('as' => 'getChat','uses' => 'ChatController#getChat'));
this is my home.blade.php:
<div class="container">
<h2>Welcome to Home Page!</h2>
<p> <a href="{{ URL::to('/logout') }}" > Logout </a></p>
<h1>Hello <span id="username">{{ Auth::user()->username }} </span>!</h1>
<div id="chat_window">
<input type="text" name="chat" class="typer" id="text" autofocus="true" onblur="notTyping()">
#foreach($message as $msg)
{{ $msg['sender_username']," says: ",$msg['message'],"<br/>" }}
<script src="{{ asset('js/jquery-2.1.3.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('js/chat.js') }}"></script>
I am trying to send result returned by select query to view from controller.
when I do this from homecontroller.php then it works fine.
if I try to pass from controller which I have defined it gives error message as:Undefined variable.
I have used the extends \BaseController do i need to do anything else to access my controller variable from view.
please suggest some tutorial if possible for same.
Verify the route to be sure it uses the new controller:
Route::get('user/profile', array('uses' => 'MyDefinedController#showProfile'));
First of all check your routes, as Matei Mihai says.
There are two different ways to pass data into your view;
$items = Item::all();
// Option 1
return View::make('item.index', compact('items'));
// Option 2
return View::make('item.index')->with('items', $items); // same code as below
// Option 3
View::share('item.index', compact('items'));
return View::make('item.index);
You can also do this:
$this->data['items'] = Item::all();
return View::make('item.index', $this->data);
