Undefined variable: categories in user.blade.php - laravel

I was trying to extend my user.blade.php to my views menu.blade.php. Everything works fine with my other views that use the same user.blade.php too. But not with my menu.blade.php, I get an error saying "Undefined variable: categories (View: D:\xampp\htdocs\mieaceh\resources\views\layouts\user.blade.php)" with "Possible typo $categories
Did you mean $errors?"
Here are the codes to my user.blade.php
#foreach($categories as $category)
<a href="{{ route('menu.index', ['category' => $category->slug]) }}">
<div class="card-category" style="width: 10rem; height: 4rem;">
{{ $category->name }}
How do I solve it?

If you want to make a piece of view that appears in multiple places, you can use blade components https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/blade#components.
This will help encapsulating this partials behavior and required data.


Laravel - Element displaying twice while looping inside a condition

This is the example while looping
despite having a condition and relation many too many it seems that the case
#foreach (\App\ClientDocument::where('id_client', $clients->id)->get() as $item)
#if (\App\Document::where('id',$item->id_document)->get())
<a class="img-fluid " href="{{asset('images/'.$item->file)}}" download="{{asset('images/'.$item->file)}}" alt="" name="download" > Telecharger </a>
in the above snippet
#foreach (\App\ClientDocument::where('id_client', $clients->id)->get() as $item)
#if (\App\Document::where('id',$item->id_document)->get())
<a class="img-fluid " href="{{asset('images/'.$item->file)}}" download="{{asset('images/'.$item->file)}}" alt="" name="download" > Telecharger </a>
code is absolutely fine, but there might be the possibility, you are running with duplicate data, you can use this also.
\App\ClientDocument::where('id_client', $clients->id)->distinct('id_client')->get()
and instead of using #if (\App\Document::where('id',$item->id_document)->get())
you can use
#if (\App\Document::where('id',$item->id_document)->firstOrFail())
#if (\App\Document::where('id',$item->id_document)->count())
That's it.
first you shouldn't loading data inside blade files
do it inside controller function
then you should create relationship inside ClientDocument model name document
and in your blade you can do that
or whatever you want

How to check which controller data object being executed?

I have faced a typical problem. The problem is which controller data object being executed in view page. Here the data object is $items. I have looked most of controller but can not find data object $items . Please help me to find it. Thank in advance. The portion of view page :
#foreach($items as $item)
<div class="partner-logo">
<div class="inner-div red-box">
<img src="{{ ($item->image) ? asset('file/images/' . $item->image) : "" }}" alt="" />
href="{{ isset($item->url) ?route('page.content.show', $item->url) : "#" }}"> {{ $item->title }}
In Laravel, controllers usually pass their data to views in this format:
return view('nameOfView', [
'firstParam' => $firstParam,
'secondParam' => $secondParam,
'etc' => $etc
So you can search in your controllers for the view name and then for the parameter name (in this case $items). If there are multiple controller functions with the $items param and the same view, add a test param to each and see which one your view renders. You can also check in routes/web.php for the current URL you are on, and find the correct controller function that way.

ErrorException (E_ERROR) Trying to get property 'slider_img' of non-object

i got this error when i want to show a single project details in view ErrorException (E_ERROR) Trying to get property 'slider_img' of non-object
Route::get('project/{id}', 'HomeController#project')->name('project');
View single project
#foreach($projects as $project)
<div class="img-thumbnail border-0 border-radius-0 p-0 d-block">
<img src="{{ \Voyager::image( $project->slider_img ) }}" class="img-fluid border-radius-0" alt="">
Here is my controller function
Change Your your controller function something like this -:
public function project($id) {
$project = Project::find($id); //insted of projects use project as you will get only single project with this
if (empty($project)){
session()->flash('Error','Project Not Found');
return redirect('/'); } return view('frontend.projects.singleproject',compact('project'));
Then in the view file do something like this
There is no need to use for each for single project
You are returning a single object. So you don't need to iterate it. Remove the foreach loop. just write your code like below
<div class="img-thumbnail border-0 border-radius-0 p-0 d-block">
<img src="{{ \Voyager::image( $projects->slider_img ) }}" class="img-fluid border-radius-0" alt="">

Is it possible to delete record without using forms in laravel 5.4

I want to delete a record but I haven't been successful, apparently my code is wrong. Solutions i came across say i have to use a post in my form method and add the method_field helper. This would mean my view having a form in it, i want to avoid this if possible. Is it then possible to do my delete another way. Below is my code
snippet of my view
<div class="backbtn">
<a class="btn btn-savvy-delete" href="/tasks/{{$task->id}}" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Delete"><i class="fa fa-trash-o" aria-hidden="true"> Delete</i></a>
<div class="panel-body">
<p><strong>Owner:</strong> {{ ucfirst($task->employee->firstname) }} {{" "}} {{ ucfirst($task->employee->lastname) }}</p>
<p><strong>Task:</strong> {{ $task->title }}</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> {{ $task->description }}</p>
public function destroy($id)
Session::flash('status', "Task was successfully deleted.");
return redirect('/tasks');
Route::delete('/tasks/{id}', 'TaskController#delete');
Im not sure what error you are getting, but i can point out a few things. For one use Route::get instead of ::delete, you are calling it via a link not a form method.
Secondly to delete follow what the laravel doc says here eg.
$task = App\Task::find(1);

Laravel included template is not parsing / running foreach loop

I have included a couple of files.
my home.blade.php has the following:
my header.blade.php in includes folder has the following
#include('elements.pendingTasksLi', array('tasks'=>$tasks))
and my elements/pendingTasksLi.php file has the following
#foreach ($tasks as $task)
<a class="todo-actions" href="javascript:void(0)">
<i class="fa fa-square-o"></i>
<span class="desc" style="opacity: 1; text-decoration: none;">{{{$task\['title'\]}}}</span>
<span class="label label-danger" style="opacity: 1;"> {{{$task\['deadLineTime'\]}}}</span>
This code in the pendingTakstsLi file is never executed as a loop but only as a simple text.
This is what the output looks like...
#foreach ($tasks as $task)
{{{$task['title']}}} {{{$task['deadLineTime']}}}
I am not sure what to do... Please advise...
Check a screen here
You mentioned that your "pendingTasksLi" view ends in ".php" and not ".blade.php" which would prevent it from being parsed as a blade view.
I had the same problem and as mentioned above you forgot the .blade before the .php
If you want to use expressions like this: {{ $variable}} and want them to be parsed you always have to add .blade in the name pefore the .php extension of the file.
