I've a project that I didn't write and am making modifications to it, but am getting Error 53, File Not Found.
If I run the project from within Visual Basic, there is no error, but when I compile the executable and run that, is when I see error 53.
Can someone tell me the best way to go about troubleshooting this? If the error was happening inside Visual Basic, then I could use debugging tools, but it's only occurring with the compiled executable, and I have no idea what file cannot be found.
I just went through the entire form (where I believe this error is happening) and added the application path to every Open command where a file is being called, but still receive error 53 when running the compiled executable.
I was able to locate the file that can't be found. I can see the file is in the project directory, but cannot be found after the executable is built. Is there a special way of opening, or referring to this file?
The offending line:
Open "default.txt" For Input as #1
What ended up working for me was to preface the file with App.Path.
My issue was that I had re-named my project directory, but my code did not reflect that change:
App.Path & "\DirIForgotToIncludeHere\default.txt" For Input As #1
error shown when running
I get the above error when running darknet for the first time after building it on windows. How can I resolve this ?
This was solved by copying the opencv_world420.dll that you can find in the build folder for opencv where opencv was built and pasting it at the darknet/ root folder.
The precise location of the file opencv_world420.dll will be something like this.
how the folder looks like
I am trying to set up a web api using ASP.NET Core on OS X. I have set up my environment correctly (I think) and I'm able to build and run my application using dotnet build from the terminal, and I'm able to start debugging from Visual Studio Code with breakpoints working as expected. My problem is that I receive an error when trying to query my Sqlite database using EF core. EF core is not really important here, because when I am debugging and trying to find out what the error is, I don't get any stack trace. When I step over the failing code the debug console prints:
Exception thrown: 'System.InvalidOperationException' in Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.dll
Loaded '/usr/local/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/1.0.0/System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.dll'. Cannot find or open the symbol file.
Loaded '/usr/local/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/1.0.0/System.Reflection.Metadata.dll'. Cannot find or open the symbol file.
Loaded '/usr/local/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/1.0.0/System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.dll'. Cannot find or open the symbol file.
Loaded '/usr/local/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/1.0.0/System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream.dll'. Cannot find or open the symbol file.
A lot of these Cannot find or open the symbol file. are printed at startup as well. I have checked that the files are at the location specified, and that there shouldn't be any read access problem (having started vs code with sudo code . and even done a sudo chmod 777 * in the folder in question).
So, any ideas why the symbols aren't loaded?
Ran into the same issues running VS Code on a Windows 10 VM.
The resolution I found was to add a "debugType": "portable" setting to the buildOptions section of my project.json file.
Mine looks like this:
"buildOptions": {
"emitEntryPoint": true,
"preserveCompilationContext": true,
"debugType": "portable"
Debugging in VS Code isn't that bad actually.
I think you have confused what VSCode is saying it cannot load. It isn't saying that it can't load the DLL. 'Symbol' files have a .PDB extension. In order to debug an error generated by a DLL, a debugger needs the corresponding symbol file, so changing the permissions on the DLL won't make the error go away if the PDB file is not there.
I've just started using VSCode on a Mac and from what I can see, you don't get the PDB files if you install dotnet core with Homebrew (which is what they recommend) and I see similar messages when I startup the debugger. That doesn't stop me from debugging my own code because there is a PDB file generated with my DLL. It would only cause a problem if you needed to debug something going wrong inside dotnet core itself.
I downloaded files from a separate Stack OverFlow post, and dragged the folder into my project (as a group.) The dependancies get resolved and it shows no error for code that relies on the files, but when I try to compile I get this error:
<unknown>:0: error: unexpected input file: /.../xyz.Swift
Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc failed with exit code 1
It might be nothing, but the files themselves in the project navigator show up as blank icons (while my project's other file have the swift red spalsh icon) despite checking in as swift files in the attribute inspector.
I've fumbled a few times with adding and deleting multiple sets of files, I checked the local dir and nothing seem out of order... is there something else that might be messing this up?
Thanks for suggestions!
Solved - The issue was with the filename extension:
xyz .Swift will not properly link. It will be processed by xcode and solve code issues expecting it, but the linker will hiccup.
renamed files to xyz .swift -> problem solved.
In my case it was after removing a compiler flag in a way it didn't like. Try to figure out what you changed in your compiler settings before it started acting weird. Sometimes because Xcode caches compiled code the problem doesn't immediately start after doing the change!
I haven't seen that precise error before, but don't add files through Finder. Start over, and this time use 'New' -> 'File...' from the Xcode 'File' menu. It has to update its internal manifests to track all project files; you don't want to subvert this process.
After that you may still need to do a 'Clean' before re-building, and perhaps remove all of the DerivedData as well while Xcode is not running:
How can I safely delete in my ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData directory?
configmanager.cpp:39:44: error: wx/mac/corefoundation/cfstring.h: No such file or directory
The compilator can't find the cfstring.h file. Try reinstall codeblocks.
It happens because you are creating the file in documents or other folder.
Create the file in your Desktop and while giving it a name don't include space in it, click build and run, the terminal will open with the output. It worked for me at least, then you can move it to your desired folder.
I downloaded a code sample written in Ruby.
I have the development environment ready on Windows Server 2008 using RailsInstaller and have Sublime Text 2 as my editor.
I tried some basic command line syntax and they seemed to work just fine, however I do not have any idea how to execute this sample which has two classes and no Main function method defined.
I am a C# developer and am unable to locate the entry point for the program. Whenever I build my code in Sublime, it returns the following error:
[Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified
[cmd: [u'ruby', u'filepath']]
[dir: folderpath]
[path: C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2\]
Can anybody help get me started?
Make sure you include the Ruby installation on your file path. I'm not sure that the Rails installer sets them up for you, but, judging from the path declaration above, it does not look like it is on your path.
To add the Ruby installation directory to your path on Windows, open a console and type:
set PATH=%PATH%;<PathToRubydir>\bin
If you are installing from http://rubyinstaller.org, the installer has an option to add the ruby executable to PATH. By default it is not checked. You can reinstall and check this option. Then Restarting ST2, you can build the code by CTRL+B.