Visual Studio Code not loading symbols on OS X - debugging

I am trying to set up a web api using ASP.NET Core on OS X. I have set up my environment correctly (I think) and I'm able to build and run my application using dotnet build from the terminal, and I'm able to start debugging from Visual Studio Code with breakpoints working as expected. My problem is that I receive an error when trying to query my Sqlite database using EF core. EF core is not really important here, because when I am debugging and trying to find out what the error is, I don't get any stack trace. When I step over the failing code the debug console prints:
Exception thrown: 'System.InvalidOperationException' in Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.dll
Loaded '/usr/local/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/1.0.0/System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.dll'. Cannot find or open the symbol file.
Loaded '/usr/local/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/1.0.0/System.Reflection.Metadata.dll'. Cannot find or open the symbol file.
Loaded '/usr/local/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/1.0.0/System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.dll'. Cannot find or open the symbol file.
Loaded '/usr/local/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/1.0.0/System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream.dll'. Cannot find or open the symbol file.
A lot of these Cannot find or open the symbol file. are printed at startup as well. I have checked that the files are at the location specified, and that there shouldn't be any read access problem (having started vs code with sudo code . and even done a sudo chmod 777 * in the folder in question).
So, any ideas why the symbols aren't loaded?

Ran into the same issues running VS Code on a Windows 10 VM.
The resolution I found was to add a "debugType": "portable" setting to the buildOptions section of my project.json file.
Mine looks like this:
"buildOptions": {
"emitEntryPoint": true,
"preserveCompilationContext": true,
"debugType": "portable"
Debugging in VS Code isn't that bad actually.

I think you have confused what VSCode is saying it cannot load. It isn't saying that it can't load the DLL. 'Symbol' files have a .PDB extension. In order to debug an error generated by a DLL, a debugger needs the corresponding symbol file, so changing the permissions on the DLL won't make the error go away if the PDB file is not there.
I've just started using VSCode on a Mac and from what I can see, you don't get the PDB files if you install dotnet core with Homebrew (which is what they recommend) and I see similar messages when I startup the debugger. That doesn't stop me from debugging my own code because there is a PDB file generated with my DLL. It would only cause a problem if you needed to debug something going wrong inside dotnet core itself.


CLion (C++) : unable to open image using SFML

I just started using CLion to build my projects and tried to launch one of my previous ones to test. Compiler doesn't return any errors, but when I try to run the executable it says unable to open "img.png" but it worked fine when i compiled it in terminal and launched.
I figured it out in case anyone faces the same problem. CLion searches for resources in debug/release folder by default. Changing the default directory or writing "../img.png" instead of "img.png" solves the issue.

Getting KeyError: 'WINDOWSSDKDIR' while running Chromium browser source code on Windows

MAIN OBJECTIVE: I'm trying to build and run Chromium browser source code on my Windows. I want to create my own browser. The doc I'm following:
PROBLEM: I'm trying to follow every step and command as mentioned in the doc. I'm having trouble while running this command gn gen out/Default. I'm getting the following error (see the screenshot):
ERROR at //build/config/win/visual_studio_version.gni:27:7: Script returned non-zero exit code.
Here is
I'm using the latest version of VS Code. I've tried finding the solution myself, but, there are limited resources on the internet about Chromium. Any help will be appreciated, thanks!
Looks like WindowsSdkDir env variable is missing on your computer. You should install Visual Studio (VS Code is different) and the Window SDK, though it doesn't use VC compiler or linker anymore but GN build system needs the path of Windows SDK to copy all the relevant files to the build folder. Go to command prompt and type set, do you see WindowsSdkDir env variable? If not then either the SDK is missing or the env variable has been wiped out

Docker for Windows exe fails inside Container

In-House developed .exe file is failing in container, it prints no error, and just returns the exit code -1073741515. The exe seems to be running fine on other machines. I understand this error code means it's missing a DLL File or Library but I don't which one.
It's a windowsservercore based container. Running no other application except this .exe, and running it on Command Prompt, although Powershell also return same exit code.
I took a dump of it using dumpbin tool (which comes with Visual Studio), to check which DLL files it uses, and my container is also having all those DLLs
I tried Dr. Memory tools like drmemory.exe and it says the WARNING: libraries needed by the application are missing. Check that it runs successfully on its own and check that all needed libraries are in its directory or on the PATH.
I am running out of options to troubleshoot. How can I find what is causing this .exe to fail or any missing dependency?

External makefile in Atmel Studio won't build. Windows error 0xc0000142

I downloaded bitcloud, the atmel zigbee stack and I am trying to compile one of the default applications, ZLLDemo.
It is located currently at:
Everytime I try to compile the application I get a windows message screen for "mkdir.exe" error 0xc0000142. In the Output screen I see the line "make: *** [directories] Error -1073741502"
This same error and error code occurs later in the build process for cp.exe if I manually make the folders myself.
I have tried the following things to fix the error:
Change folder and contents to different owners, everyone having full
run make command manually from a command prompt window as admin
clean solution before retrying
all other examples files
ran directly from C: as "C:\BitCloud_MEGARF_3_1_0\Applications\ZLLDemo\atmelStudio_projects\ATmega256RFR2.cproj" - as per general suggestion for the windows error I tried
"sfc /scannow" in case mkdir had somehow been corrupted
Changed AppInitDLLs Reg key to 0 to load all DLLs at start of application
Disabled Internet security
Does this have a general fix or is there perhaps something else at work here? General compilations work, its just external ones. My friend did the same and it seems to work just fine for him.
Windows 8.1
Atmel Studio 6.2
Avrfreaks had a solution that I finally found here.
Their solution is to download an old version of the msys file for winavr. Which means that their is something more than likely wrong with the latest version of winavr for windows 8.1
sebastor wrote:
I found solution.
Copy this file:
to utils\bin directory (WinAVR)

How to build wxWidgets 2.9.1 with Visual Studio 2010?

I have a freshly downloaded Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express and wxWidgets 2.9.1. The build folder under wx\build\msw has solution files for VC++ versions 6 through 9 (2008).
I tried to open the latest solution, wx_vc9.sln. It converted all the projects with a bunch of warnings. When I try to build every project gets the error:
C:\Program Files
error MSB6001: Invalid command line
switch for "cmd.exe". The path is not
of a legal form.
Trying to open the previous version of the solution, wx_vc8.sln, generates the same conversion warnings and the same build errors.
I Googled for some hints and found a suggestion to start with the .dsw file. I opened wx.dsw and it generated an error for each of the project files:
: error : Project upgrade failed.
Finally in desperation I tried nmake /f and was greeted with yet another error:
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' :
return code '0xc0000135'
Anybody have any hints? Thanks.
There are two ways of solving this, firstly if you update to a more recent version of the wxWidgets SVN trunk this is fixed (and so it will be fixed in 2.9.2 when it is released). If you don't want to work from trunk of wait for 2.9.2 then if you do a find and replace over all .vcxproj files and replace
>$(INTDIR) $(OUTDIR);%(AdditionalInputs)
it should then compile fine.
For future reference, trust me people, avoid all nonsense and start up your Visual Studio 2010 Command Prompt and navigate to [wxwidgets directory]\build\msw
Then compile using the makefile with the following command :
Of course change the options as needed.
You will be saving a lot of trouble this way, this is the way I did.
The Key to Compilation using Visual C++ 2010 Express and wxWidgets 2.9.3 is to keep Pressing F7 Again-and-Again-and-again.... till you you get '0 Failed' Message below. Because many Projects have dependencies which are not satisfied immediately, so it is necessary to keep compiling with 'F7' till all are satisfied.
Download wxWidgets. I downloaded the .7-Zip File (only 12 MB ! ), and installed it at C:\wxWidgets The Structure should be like so that you see the following Folders like C:\wxWidgets\lib and C:\wxWidgets\build etc etc...
Basically the process should be to go to C:\wxWidgets\build\msw , and open wx_vc9 Solution File for VC-2008, and convert it to VC-2010 when asked. Then Choose 'DLL-Release Win32' on Top, and Press F7. Wait for Compilation to take place and see the Message. Then keep Pressing F7 again and again till you get '0 Failed' Message below. Then you would want to Compile 'DLL-Debug' Release in the same manner.
The compiled DLL Files can then be found at C:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_dll. Now, To Add vc_dll Folder to your PATH, Right-Click on My-Computer -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment-Variables -> User-Variables. Search for 'Path' -> 'Edit', and then Just Append ;C:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_dll to the End.
This makes running your compiled Application easier, as your .EXE can now easily find DLLs.
When you are packaging, then you obviously need to bundle specific Release-DLL'S along.
Then you can compile the Samples located at C:\wxWidgets\samples.
I just go to individual Project Folder, like for e.g. C:\wxWidgets\samples\drawing, and Open drawing_vc9 Project, then Convert it as Prompted, and then hit F7 to create Release Version. Now if you go inside C:\wxWidgets\samples\drawing\vc_mswudll\ Folder, you have your 'drawing.exe' ready-to-be-run !
Have fun !
Use the wx.dsw, took me a while to finally get it but it'll build fine after that. I also suggest using one of the sample projects such as 'minimal' as the base and just fix all the config paths to match what you want to build (as manually setting up I encountered issues).
If you already used the wx_vc9 (like you said you did) you are probably best off just deleting all of wx and restarting with it and using wx.dsw like I said above.
