Ruby : Trouble executing a sample program - ruby

I downloaded a code sample written in Ruby.
I have the development environment ready on Windows Server 2008 using RailsInstaller and have Sublime Text 2 as my editor.
I tried some basic command line syntax and they seemed to work just fine, however I do not have any idea how to execute this sample which has two classes and no Main function method defined.
I am a C# developer and am unable to locate the entry point for the program. Whenever I build my code in Sublime, it returns the following error:
[Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified
[cmd: [u'ruby', u'filepath']]
[dir: folderpath]
[path: C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2\]
Can anybody help get me started?

Make sure you include the Ruby installation on your file path. I'm not sure that the Rails installer sets them up for you, but, judging from the path declaration above, it does not look like it is on your path.
To add the Ruby installation directory to your path on Windows, open a console and type:
set PATH=%PATH%;<PathToRubydir>\bin

If you are installing from, the installer has an option to add the ruby executable to PATH. By default it is not checked. You can reinstall and check this option. Then Restarting ST2, you can build the code by CTRL+B.


Getting KeyError: 'WINDOWSSDKDIR' while running Chromium browser source code on Windows

MAIN OBJECTIVE: I'm trying to build and run Chromium browser source code on my Windows. I want to create my own browser. The doc I'm following:
PROBLEM: I'm trying to follow every step and command as mentioned in the doc. I'm having trouble while running this command gn gen out/Default. I'm getting the following error (see the screenshot):
ERROR at //build/config/win/visual_studio_version.gni:27:7: Script returned non-zero exit code.
Here is
I'm using the latest version of VS Code. I've tried finding the solution myself, but, there are limited resources on the internet about Chromium. Any help will be appreciated, thanks!
Looks like WindowsSdkDir env variable is missing on your computer. You should install Visual Studio (VS Code is different) and the Window SDK, though it doesn't use VC compiler or linker anymore but GN build system needs the path of Windows SDK to copy all the relevant files to the build folder. Go to command prompt and type set, do you see WindowsSdkDir env variable? If not then either the SDK is missing or the env variable has been wiped out

pycharm swig how to? [windows]

I would require some guidance in regards to installing a module/package in pycharm (free edition). I have to mention that i have not worked with this IDE yet and wanted to try it out on a little project containing smartcards.
When i try to install "pyscard" i get the error that boils down to
error: command 'swig.exe' failed: No such file or directory
People say just install SWIG, which i guessed already ^^.
The issue i have is that i actually have no idea how to... and none of the pages i found has really enlightended me on this issue.
I downloaded the zip "swigwin-3.0.12" but i am at a loss what to do with it now. EDIT: According to the SWIG page this is an already compiled version and i have to somehow make pycharm recognize that the folder it is in contains the swig.exe it requires.
EDIT2: Adding the folder containing the swig.exe to the PATH variable also did not work ... which i thought would be the issue
Ok the link in the comments from "wp78de" was correct my problem was that pycharm/pc restart were needed for it to catch the added PATH variable to the swig.exe (for pycharm that is)
Any advice is appriciated.
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
Pycharm 2017.2.4
Python 3.6
Basically, you just have to add the directory that contains the swig executable the PATH environment variable. You can do it via CMD or the Windows UI.
If you have added swig to your path, you should be able to call it in the command prompt from any directory: open "cmd", and type swig --help" on that prompt.
A restart of PyCharm (or whatever your IDE is) and Windows might be required.

LuaRocks can't find luarocks.lua

I've been having difficulties getting luarocks to work in Windows 7. Whenever I run luarocks, I get the following error:
lua5.1: cannot open C:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\luarocks.lua: No such file or directory
Now, checking the folders, it is indeed the case that luarocks.lua is not in C:\Program Files (x86)\Lua, but in C:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1. I don't know where or what file I have to change to get that to work. I installed with the /MW /L /F options in case that matters, but I've had the same problem installing without options. The documentation has not been much help, and I've set all my path variables correctly, in accordance with the text dump at the end of the install. I got no errors during the install. I installed the latest version of luarocks, 2.2.0.
The full path to luarocks.lua is written into the generated luarocks.bat by the installation script. You could change it there, but it looks like your LuaRocks installation is seriously broken: luarocks.lua should not be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1 but in C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaRocks\2.2, next to luarocks.bat. (The LuaRocks version number, 2.2 in this case, is appended to the install location automatically by the installation script, so I have no idea how you could end up with a path like yours.) You will most likely run into more problems along the way. This is also the reason why your bundled tools could not be found before.
It could be something simple like another failed installation attempt that interferes because of leftover environment variable settings, but I suggest you show up on the LuaRocks mailing list (also accessible as a newsgroup), and post your solution here at SO once the underlying problem is resolved.

How to install Lua on windows

I'm new to Lua, and need to know how to install it on Windows?
I've tried and am unable to run the sample. When I try to compile it 100% success is shown, but when I click the run button it shows this error:
Can't find moai executable in any of the folders in PATH or MOAI_BIN:
C:\Program Files\moai, D:\Program Files\moai, C:\Program Files (x86)\moai, D:\Program Files (x86)\moai, C:\WINDOWS\system32, C:\WINDOWS, C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem, C:\moai-sdk\bin\win32\moai.exe, C:\moai-sdk/bin
If anyone can help me on how to install Lua, thanks.
Lua does not have a certified IDE or compiler to come with it. You usually run lua code from a lua command line / lua file which will handle the tasks you are attempting to create.
Lua has a website where you can download their tools which will allow you to write and execute lua code:
Using lua console
After you download the file, put it in a file location anywhere on your computer, in order execute lua code; the first method is to open the lua console and simply type out your command:
Another method you can use, is make a .txt or .lua file, write your code in that, then you can drag and drop the file onto the lua console to execute it:
Installing lua system wide
Add lua in the environment variables by adding the path from where it's installed. After doing this you can open PowerShell and enter lua53.exe to open lua.
Additional details
Although these is what lua directly offers, there are other third party alternatives of compiling and executing lua code. Examples of these can be found if you search for them.
I assume that you are trying to use Moai SDK to develop games.
I think this article may helps.

How to run MonoDevelop's nunit-console on OSX?

The MonoDevelop I'm using came with Unity3D. I can see nunit-console inside its package contents at MonoDevelop/Contents/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/2.10.2/bin/nunit-console, but what I can't figure out is how to call it from inside Terminal.
Here the guy mentions adding a path to MONO_PATH, but I don't know how to address a path inside a package and when I type env, I do not see a MONO_PATH at all. Also mono is not recognised as a command in Terminal, so the advice here doesn't really help me either.
It's got to be a simple configuration issue, but I'm new to developing in OSX.
Try this:
Write the following command on Terminal
mono {path to nunit-console.exe}
For example: "mono Downloads/NUnit-2.6.4/bin/nunit-console.exe"
nunit-console is just a shell script that calls nunit-console.exe .NET Assembly using the full path to mono, so try to open the file in a text editor and see if you can see where it thinks that mono should be.
What error do you get if you try to execute:
from Terminal?
