I am currently using Tiddlywiki as it comes, i.e. from the folder Downloads\tiddlywikilocations\index.html. It works flawlessly to save the file in the browser if it is located in exactly this folder, but it seems not possible to either rename the tiddlywikilocationsfolder or move it out of the Downloadsfolder.
How can I achieve this? I couldn't find any further information about this on the wiki itself. Ideally, I would like to use Tiddlywiki from a custom folder in another folder, without otherwise affecting the standard download behavior in Firefox (where to save files etc.)
Timimi extension for Firefox looks like what you need.
you can save the standalone TW from anywhere in your harddrive without any more interactions
So I have my own windows app, 'MyApp', that I want to associate with multiple existing file extensions such as .pdf, .doc etc. Associating the extension is no problem, but then all of the file icons inherit their icon from the app, which I don't want.
I noticed that pdf files were associated with MS Edge on my Win11 machine, but that .pdf files were being displayed with a regular looking 'pdf' icon rather than an Edge one, exactly as I want to do.
I found this ms page that seems to describe how to do it with a DefaultIcon key in the registry, but my icon remains as MyApp's when I try. I also found this page which sounds similar to my problem. Implementing the answer's solution does change something, but all it does is give all of the associated files a shared icon (I pointed it to a 7zip one just for kicks) that is different from MyApp's.
I've concentrated on creating my own fake extension (.qqq) rather than trash settings for others, although I have tried using .pdf with no luck either.
I also noted the existing use of DefaultIcon with 7zip file extensions, but I was unable to replicate their behaviour with MyApp and its associated extensions.
Can anyone point out where I might be going wrong please?
I want to open the tree of folders which contains any code on my Mac in Sublime 3. Something like this:
But I don't have all of it in one folder, and it isn't convenient enough to open many folders in Sublime every time I close the app. So I have created 'aliases' (via Finder) to my folders and put them to one (folder), which i want to open with Sublime.
That didn't work out. Sublime opens these aliases as hex code. While ordinary folders open well.
So the main question: is there a way to make this work as I thought via preferences, or any plugin?
Use symbolic links instead by opening Terminal and using ln -s <SOURCE> <ALIAS>.
You can keep any number of folders you want collected in one place by using projects. Simply drag the folders you want, in the order you want, into the sidebar. Then, select Project -> Save Project As... and save the file anywhere you want with the .sublime-project extension. While you're at it, make sure you have
"hot_exit": true
in your user settings, as this enables you to close windows which have a project assigned to them, and all open files and unsaved changes are automatically preserved. When you next open the project, everything will be the same.
I've read that you can save a ' project ' but apparently I'm doing it wrong.
What I've done is...
Create a js, html and css file and use view/layout with 3 columns so
each file has its own section of the layout.
I then went to Project / save project as / and saved the respective file in
a directory
I assumed that all files should be saved in this directory along with a file that I can click that loads them all up to reflect the workflow.
Apparently sublime has a different idea of how this should work and I do not understand it.
Essentially, there are two parts to a Sublime project - a .sublime-project file, and a .sublime-workspace file. Please see both the "unofficial" docs and the official website for information regarding projects, and the setup of .sublime-project files. These files are JSON-formatted and contain paths to any folders contained in your project, project-specific settings, and project-specific build systems. This file can (and should) be edited to customize the project to your needs. Double-clicking this file (after associating its file type with Sublime, following the procedure of your operating system) will open the project, any open files within it, and any folders you've added to it (by selecting Project -> Add Folder to Project).
The .sublime-workspace file is also JSON-formatted, but is saved automatically by Sublime and shouldn't be edited unless you really know what you're doing, and even then you probably shouldn't edit it. It contains all sorts of meta information about the project's history in Sublime, which files were open and in what order/pane, previous contents of searches, find/replace, etc., your file history, settings for various plugins like SublimeCodeIntel, and lots more. By default it is hidden when viewing the contents of folders in the Side Bar, and when double-clicked it will try to open the project instead of opening for viewing/editing, so there are several measures in place to prevent your playing with it and potentially screwing up Sublime.
.sublime-project files can be saved wherever you want, but the folders and files contained within it are not necessarily saved in the same place - they stay wherever they were saved. It usually makes sense to save them in the project's root directory, so if you have a filesystem like myhomedir/projects/web/SweetWebsite/ containing html/, js/, and css/ subdirectories, you might want to save your project as .../SweetWebsite/SweetWebsite.sublime-project, just so you know at a glance what files/folders are probably in it. However, you could save SweetWebsite.sublime-project in myhomedir/Desktop for all Sublime cares, and it would work exactly the same way. While it is possible to have unsaved files in a project, of course it's always best to save your work early and often, so you don't lose anything.
Hopefully this helps, please let me know if you have further questions.
When I rename a profile, it just changes the Name property in Profiles.ini. So I wanted to rename the profile folder to match. If I rename profile directory, and update the path in Profiles.ini file will it be ok? O
Your question is a bit vague/incomprehensible...
But yes, IIRC renaming the folder and updating Profiles.ini accordingly should be sufficient, at least as far as it concerns the mozilla-powered application in question.
However, you can never be sure about some third-party software, such as add-ons, having hardcoded the old path somewhere else. Because of that I wouldn't recommend renaming the profile folder unless absolutely necessary for some reason.
Renaming a profile while it is running is not possible because there will be some open and locked files. Also, Firefox might cache some absolute paths at runtime besides that.
To repeat...
Not running: safe to rename for Firefox (or at least that is the goal), but not necessarily third-party stuff.
Running: Never safe to rename. –
I tried renaming a profile folder of Firefox but addon icons failed to appear next to the browsing bar afterwards (some addon icons like uBlock Origin are hardcoded with the original profile name).
Thunderbird has a similar problem, I lost all open tabs after changing the profile folder name but there may be other issues as well.
In both cases, I updated the profile name in all locations where it appeared in profile files profiles.ini and installs.ini.
I tried going back to the previous folder name but the result was still messed up so I created new profiles (they were new anyway).
So if someone wants to try, I recommend using a test profile first and keep a backup of the original folder.
Has anyone come across a plugin (or similar) for Studio that will allow me to view the contents within a XAP file?
I'm just after a way to view the file list quickly rather than having to.. browse to folder, rename to zip and open. (I'm not asking for a xap decompiler or anything like silverlightspy, purely a seemless decompressor)
Ideally, just double clicking the ClientBin\myapp.xap from the solution browser to view the contents.
Rather than writing a plugin myself, I am hoping that someone already has one, or a simple technique to save me the time.
[As background, I like to monitor xap sizes by keeping a close eye on what's being included in the xap]
Jut right click your xap file, choose open with WINRAR or other decompresseor exe you have, don't forget to set it to default. I guess this is the quickest way to accomplish what you want instead of writing some VS plugin yourself.