Where can I find files uploaded by users in Joomla? - joomla

I'm a Joomla forum admin. I want to delete users' uploaded files. Where can I find files uploaded by users in Joomla?

It depends on the component used but by default files will go to the images folder which is in the root folder of the site.
You can see them from the Admin panel by going to "Content -> Media"


Report file viewer for Magento 1

Is there any file viewer for Magento 1.x ?
I need something to browse var/report folder from admin, and see error details
That for admin users of Magento, to know what happen, and decide call or no to developers support
Here is simple extension you can use, to allow admin check report error files
Browse var/report folder from UI admin.

View Files In The popup

I am creating a project similar to Google Drive and storing my files on S3.
The problem is after upload of files i want it to be viewed in the same popup so that the link is not displayed and user can view the file.
I got my hands with viewerJs but it didn't worked well.
Which other option is better?

Add2Cart Magento Theme

I have a Magento ecommerce created with "Add2Cart" (www.add2cart.com). I tried to install a new theme from ThemeForest bought but I had problems in the installation.
I followed step by step installation guide but apparently does not work. In the backend of magento are not at all or the name of the home page of the new theme or any new options related to the same topic. The version of Magento is 1.7.
What could be the problem? What am I wrong?
It's possible that this platform "Add2Cart" is not compatible with some particular topic?
It's possible that there are restrictions on file permissions in ftp?
I've never had to do so I do not know !!
Here are the steps I follow the guide to install the new theme:
Log out from Magento admin panel
Using your FTP client (like FileZilla) go to your Magento root directory (it is the
directory on your server where Magento is installed). Clear the store cache in
var/cache directory (delete all the files inside). Do not delete var/cache folder! It's
necessary since Magento uses cache heavily.
Next, delete all cookies for your store domain in your web browser. All these steps
will eliminate most of potential problems.
Navigate inside Theme directory. Using your FTP client upload content of Theme
directory to your Magento root directory.
That's all. Now you can log in to Magento admin panel to enable and configure your
new Magento theme.
If you can help I would be grateful. Thanks.

Location of website images and text in joomla 1.5 package

A joomla 1.5 website was hacked and i was commissioned to rebuild it from scratch as the current build was unusable.
the hosting company "cleaned" it and rendered it unusable.
I personally never used joomla and i just downloaded the Joomla files and folders hoping i could find the original text and images used when the website was still up and running.
No such luck.
Does anyone know where the client uploaded images and text is in a joomla 1.5 folder tree?
Thanks in advance.
The text is stored in the database in #__content. Each article will be in a new row. The user uploaded images are stored in the images subfolder of the joomla installation. However remember some may be stored within a component or modules sub-folders if installed with them.

One click download component for joomla

I am working on one joomla(2.5.1) site and i need one module for one click download option in front end.
Let me clear more.
Admin should be able to upload zip folder from administrator.(There are some files in this zip folder)
User will be able to download that zip folder in front site.
I googled a lot for similar components but i didnt find anything related to this one.
Advise me what would better way for my requirement.
All feedback are welcome.
Some links:
Phoca Download
Downloads category in JED
