OAuth2 SSO with User Roles and Permissions - spring-boot

I am going to deploy a small spring boot application on a server running on my company network. Its a Spring boot application and i need to implement the Authentication/Authorization using an existing OAtuh2 authentication server .
Now the requirement says:  If i am already logged in to my network, it should do an SSO sign-in to the application using a token from existing oAuth server that is being used. If not logged into the network,  it should not allow me to get to the application. 
Also I  wanted to know if i can extract various roles and permissions associated with a user from an oAuth2 token as i need to populate data based on user Permissions . Is this possible to extract this info from an oAuth token or  Is this possible  only possible via a JWT token?  Which will be the best approach to solve this?


What is the best way for implementing keycloak sso with existing spring-boot gateway service?

We're currently using jwt token based authentication in spring gateway service, where we generate token by providing username and passwords, then token is generated with required attributes.
Planning to integrate current login flow along with keycloak sso using IDP for this instance let's say azure-ad.
What would be better way to implement it, keeping the flow in sync with normal credential flow for generating JWT tokens at gateway?
As of now, We've tried the flow where user is sent to IDP's login screen, login event is captured on keycloak and sent to custom event handler (SPI), SPI fetches user attributes and generates token from project's user database and adds to keycloak specific db if it's not there.

Keycloak integration to an existing JHipster JWT app while keeping the JWT authentication process

I have an existing JHipster application generated with the JWT authentication process. Which means that user accounts are handled by the application itself. And every user have to log in with his username and password directly into the application.
Now we are developping some microservices and mobile apps that will communicate with the first JHipster app. And for that, we want to use Keycloak to manage the authentication process for the microservices and mobile apps, while keeping the existing JWT authentication process.
What we want is that: users with username and password will log in directly to the application (they will not be redirected to Keycloak to authenticate), and the microservices and mobile apps will need tokens from Keycloak (by sending the client id and secret to Keycloak) to get access to the JHipster app resources.
All the tutorials that I saw are about replacing the JWT authentication process by Keycloak. With this, every user will be redirected to Keycloak, and we don't want that for now (maybe in the future we will upgrade all of that).
Please if you have any resource that can help me, it will be nice.

Firebase Auth Token validation with Spring Security for REST API

I am planning to use Firebase for auth purpose for my Application. The app has a java based back-end using Spring Boot. My understanding so far is that Firebase will handle different type of login options interacting directly with my front-end code and in return will give a token after user has logged in(primarily email based,Google or FB login). I have a few questions:
Does it provide a JWT type token that can be used in conjunction with my back-end without having to talk to Firebase servers from my back-end? I guess its not and SDK provides ways to validate token
Is there a good example of configuring my spring security to validate the the token and get user details?
I could not find a working example with Admin SDK of firebase using spring security.
What other tech stack options I have? I read Amazon Cognito could be one. My app is more of a POC and don't want to host my auth server as well.
What the recommendation on storing the user info in my own back-end or should I just rely on firebase servers to handle my user base?
Pardon my primitive understanding of Auth frameworks!

spring boot oauth2.0 and spring security: How to grant permission(authorities) to user login via facebook or slack

I have an auth server built using spring boot oauth2.0 and follows david_syer model.
My auth server does following -
Let user login via third party oauth provider like google or let user create his account on our server using username and password and generate token.
So, when user uses external oauth like google to login then I simply store the token and pass the same(google) token to my UI app for accessing resource api servers. I have an authentication filter that verifies token and allow api access.
When user uses username and password to get token we store user and his permissions and generate a token for him. Now UI uses our auth servers generated token to access resource api servers.
Now my question is
Is this the correct way of using token from external api and using the same to access our resource api server?
And how do I add authorities to user who are signing up using 3rd party oauth provider since I don't add user entry and authorities for them?
So, spring security which loads user and user authorities (loadUserByUsername() from UserDetailsService) will not have any thing if user came from eternal provider.
I have a suggestion for step 2:
After the user uses the google authentication, and gets redirected back to your application page, do the claims transformation on your server and generate your own token issued by the identity server that you have.
The reason is you will be able to provide specific claims and the claims names does not necessarily required to match up.
That way you keep verifying your own token all the time on the client app. So lets say the user uses Facebook instead of Google and even in that scenario as you will assign your own token, you need not to verify the token coming from different third party Identity servers.
That way, your identity server trusts Facebook, Google provided token and your application will trust only your identity server so your app doesn't need to know about what IDP is issuing the token.
And with the approach I suggested above, you will be able to even modify the claims for the user on your own and don't have to depend upon the third party identity server to provide claims.

External OAuth2 integration with own OAuth2 spring server

I'm trying to integrate Facebook OAuth2 authentication with my own OAuth2 server. Just to be clear the scenario is the following:
I have a OAuth2 Server that is responsible for authenticating our users. I implemented a custom AuthenticationProvider that checks for the credentials provided and builds a UserDetails object if successful.
I also have a rest-api that is also a ResourceServer (runs in a different application). So users after being authenticated they can access our rest-api providing therefore the token.
The token information is shared using JDBC.
Everything works fine as expected, but now I want to add external authentication providers such as Facebook.
My question is: what's the best way to do this? What's the expected flow? From the top of my head I would imagine something like:
User authenticates with facebook
Facebook provides a token
User sends the token to our OAuth2 server
I check the token validity with facebook
I authenticate the user using the authentication provider
The server gets back to the user with a new token issued by my OAuth2 server which the user will use from now on to ask for resources
Is this right? If so, how can I send the facebook token to my OAuth2 server? Is there some kind of standard? Should I make up new parameters for that? For instance I will be needing some way to differentiate facebook authentications from user/password ones.
Am I suppose to use my own AuthenticationProvider to validate this facebook user? It seems strange then return a UserDetails object that doesn't have a password...
Also, how to register users and auto log them in? Do I have to expose an endpoint of my own or is there some OAuth2 magic for that as well?
Any thoughts?
Facebook has some very good documentation on this with the correct flow and how you should handle the process.
You are on the right track, and I think the facebook documentation should help clear up any questions you may be having.
Additional Information is here:
