Firebase Auth Token validation with Spring Security for REST API - spring

I am planning to use Firebase for auth purpose for my Application. The app has a java based back-end using Spring Boot. My understanding so far is that Firebase will handle different type of login options interacting directly with my front-end code and in return will give a token after user has logged in(primarily email based,Google or FB login). I have a few questions:
Does it provide a JWT type token that can be used in conjunction with my back-end without having to talk to Firebase servers from my back-end? I guess its not and SDK provides ways to validate token
Is there a good example of configuring my spring security to validate the the token and get user details?
I could not find a working example with Admin SDK of firebase using spring security.
What other tech stack options I have? I read Amazon Cognito could be one. My app is more of a POC and don't want to host my auth server as well.
What the recommendation on storing the user info in my own back-end or should I just rely on firebase servers to handle my user base?
Pardon my primitive understanding of Auth frameworks!


Authentication with google firebase and spring

I want to use auth from google firebase, and integrate it with spring boot.
I am not sure that I have good idea how to implement roles/authorities.
I have in mind this scenario:
On success authentication with firebase, frontend send request to secured spring backend endpoint, and data on this endpoint contains which roles should user have, so frontend use this data to set claims for user. Backend use claims to authorize user when accessing endpoints.
Is this okey, or is there faster/better solution?
That sounds like a good approach. Have a look at the Firebase documentation on verifying ID tokens as that'll be your starting point once your backend receives the token from the client.
The only addition I can make at this point is that many of Firebase's own backend services cache recently decoded tokens (with the undecoded token as the key) to allow subsequent requests to more quickly look up the information for that token. While this is not required, it's an easy speed up once you're ready for that.

Elixir Phoenix Absinthe GraphQL API authentication in both web and mobile app's

I'm working on an Absinthe GraphQL API for my app. I'm still learning the procedure(so please go easy on me).
I've a Absinthe/GraphQL MyAppWeb.schema.ex file in which I use for my queries and mutations. My question is how do I use this API for authenticating the user on both Mobile and Web app?
How do set a cookie(httpOnly & secure) in my web app and access/refresh tokens in a single Absinthe API to serve my website and mobile app. Basically what I'm trying to learn is how do I authenticate the user based on specific platform.
If my question sounds bit confusing, I would be happy to provide more information related to my question. I would really be grateful if someone could explain the procedure, I've been very stuck on this for a while.
I would avoid using authentication mechanisms provided by absinthe(if there are any). Depending on what front-end you are using, I would go with JSON API authentication. The flow on server goes the following way:
Create a endpoint for login that will receive a user and password and will return a refresh token.
Create a endpoint for exchanging refresh token for access token.
Use a library like guardian to generate your refresh/access tokens.
Create a phoenix plug for authentication that will check your tokens, guardian has some built-in plugs for this.
Now on device you have to implement:
Ability to save refresh and access token on device.
Have a global handler for injecting access token on authorized requests.
Have a global handler for case when access token is expired. (you usually check if your request returns Unauthorized, then you should request a new access token from the server using your refresh token)
This seems like a crude implementation, however I would advise in implementing your system instead of using a black box library that you have no idea how it works under the hood.

How implement a basic IAM oauth2 flow with spring security?

I am currently developing using spring security oauth2.
Currently, the frontend is SPA, and it is developed as react that operates with client side redering.
My rest api has the spring security starters libraries. But I don't know how to use oauth2 flow provided by spring.
So my question is: Can I use spring security as IAM to protect my web and api?
Does spring security have the known oauth2 grants and how use them ?
Implicit grant
Client Credentials Grant
Password grant
Don't use implicit grant
It is not recommended to use the implicit flow (and some servers prohibit this flow entirely) due to the inherent risks of returning access tokens in an HTTP redirect without any confirmation that it has been received by the client.
With implicit grant, access token is returned immediately without an extra authorization code exchange step. This extra step is usually performed in your backend.
Web > token > Api
SPA frontend and its Rest Api is a very common approach, used since simple startups until big companies. The flow summarized is:
Your users will start the web application.
As they were not signed in before, you web app will show them a login screen (a page provided by the authorization server).
After authenticating, a consent form is showed to the user.
After user consent, the authorization server will send you an authorization code.
The web app will exchange this code for a token.
After getting back this token, the web app store it in the client(browser) and send it as a header when apis needs to be consumed.
Your private rest apis must validate if token of the web app (header) is valid by sending it to one endpoint of the authorization server
If token is valid, your api rest is allowed to respond to the web client. For instance a json with products, employes, some update of customer order details, etc
For this flow to work, you will need:
web spa with a hint of backend. Backend is required because you cannot have a proper user session in static solutions like apache or nginx.
authentication and authorization server: Known as identity and access management (IAM) or some third app which provide you the basic oauth2 endpoints to manage a proper security for your apps.
your apis: foo-api , bar-api, baz-api, etc
spring security
In the minimal scenario in which:
you will have only one web + one rest api, and nothing more in the future (mobiles, iot, etc)
you don't have an authentication/authorization server
you have a mix of functional apis (employee, products, etc) and its security (spring-security) in just one artifact
you don't need user session in your web
you don't need a logout feature
Flow could be reduced to:
Your users will start the web application.
As they were not signed in before, you web app will show them a login screen (a page provided by spring-security).
After authenticating, a consent form is showed to the user.
After user consent, the authorization server will send you an authorization code.
The web app will exchange this code for a token. Since your api is using Spring security, the token generation is covered.
After getting back this token, the web app store it in the client(browser) and send it as a header when apis needs to be consumed.
Your private rest apis must validate if token of the web app (header) is valid by sending it to one endpoint of the authorization server I think the spring security chain filters handle this.
If token is valid, your api rest is allowed to respond to the web client. For instance a json with products, employes, some update of customer order details, etc
Here some samples of token generation and protected endpoints with spring security. I will try to upload a ready to use sample:
If you will have more applications and complex scenarios in the future, I advice you to choose some open-source iam like:
Glewlwyd,Keycloak,,ORY Hydra,SimpleLogin,SSQ signon,
Commercial services like:
Auth0,Curity Identity Server,FusionAuth,Okta,Red Hat Single Sign-On,cidaas.
Or try to develop a new one using pure spring-security
Some recommended answers with more oauth2 details:

Using access token to get additional user info from cognito?

I have have integrated a OAuth 2.0 Resource Server in my spring boot application using JWT and issuer URL as describe here: I am integrating against AWS Cognito service and everything is working, however I am missing the information I want.
I am currently receiving the Access Token from the React front-end which does not contain any custom attributes for the user, only groups. As stated by the documentation here:
Is there a way to get the custom attributes through the use of an access token, through a callback or something to Cognito?
Alternatively I could receive the ID token directly however after browsing around this does not seem like the best practice? I am pretty new to implementing OAuth 2.0 so I am not sure about all the pros and cons.
The /oauth2/userInfo endpoint will provide you information about the authenticated user.

SSO with Laravel Passport

I'm thinking to develop a full-fledged Identity System in Laravel 5 with Passport.
Following is my requirement:
I should have main identity management app like where all of my users are stored.
I have 2 other applications APP1, APP2.
When user request restricted resource on APP1, (s)he should get authenticated by
Once authenticated, let user access resources on APP1
Meantime, if user decided to access restricted resources on APP2, (s)he should not be asked to put credentials again.
Things I've tried:
simpleSAMLphp - SAML is an option which does these things for me. But it is not as mature as OneLogin and I'm not thinking to go in SaaS model at this stage unless it is necessity.
Laravel Passport - oAuth 2.0 seems tempting. I can even use, Passport Grant Tokens but I'm unsure on how reliable it is over SAML. Also, Laravel Passport is being widely used to authenticate API. Is it going to be useful while authenticating traditional session based apps? I haven't seen any example where the proper SSO is implemented with more than one application and laravel passport.
I know OAuth 2.0 is not an authentication protocol. Rather it uses something called Authorization but we probably can make it work to support Authentication protocol as mentioned here. Is it something, that Laravel passport supports?
This is what I call a resource oriented approach where all the clients(app1, app2...) want to know weather requesting user is authorized to access the resource or not...
Here we need to shift all the authenticating logic to oauth and make all our requesting apps dependent on OAuth. This way if user request app to access resources then if:
Token is present then app will request oauth server to validate given token and if found true then app will provide access to user.
If token is not present then you can solve it by asking for credential and app will transfer user data to oAuth server and validate it respond with the token.
As per my experience I use to implement this approach and I think Laravel Passport is an abstraction layer over top of your authenticating system. You can mold it however you need. There are few more enhancement and advancement can be done but this would work as a basic layer over top of your SSO.
You can achieve this with passport however you are right about the examples as there are not many or lacking on some steps.
You could to create a new middleware in App1 and App2 side that communicates with and gets the user data (token, scopes, etc, id) then it will verify if the token is valid.
On the passport server side you need an endpoint to return whether the token is valid or not and any additional info.
To avoid making too many requests to your passport server i would recommend to create a service that get the TTL of the access token and set it as the time on cache on App1 or App2 for the user data.
