How do I execute autoconf on Windows as installed with Cygwin? - windows

I'm trying to build a Linux-developed C++ project on a Windows 7 machine, and I figured that Cygwin would be one of the easiest ways to run the necessary build and compilation scripts (in my case, autoconf, make, and g++). I'm starting to run into problems, and I'd appreciate it if someone could showing me if I'm installing or doing something incorrectly.
I can install Cygwin with Chocolatey with the command
choco install -y cygwin
which places Cygwin in the C:\tools\cygwin directory. For convenience, I add C:\tools\cygwin\bin to my PATH.
Next I install the necessary packages in quiet mode with
C:\tools\cygwin\cygwin_setup.exe -q -P autoconf,make,gcc-g++
If I enter the command make, then that program runs and gives me the expected error message. But if I enter autoconf, then I get the following error:
'autoconf' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I assume the reason is because, unlike most of the scripts in Cygwin's bin directory (such as make), this one is not a .exe file. When check the contents of autoconf in a text editor, I see just a single garbled line:
The initial characters seem pretty suspect, but my guess is that the script is supposed to call the C:\tools\cygwin\usr\share\autotools\ script.
So I tried to run that script as an executable with
The first time I did this, it successfully generated the configure executable. I thought I had everything solved. But after I cleaned up the autoconf outputs and tried again, nothing happened. Even if I close the shell window and try again, a window briefly appears with a message and disappears, but nothing else happens.
I can see the message if I run the wrapper script with
sh C:\tools\cygwin\usr\share\autotools\
The message turns out to be the following error:
ac-wrapper: Unable to locate any usuable version of autoconf.
I tried these versions: 2.69:2.5 2.68:2.5 9999:2.5 2.99:2.5 2.98:2.5 2.97:2.5 2.96:2.5 2.95:2.5 2.94:2.5 2.93:2.5 2.92:2.5 2.91:2.5 2.90:2.5 2.89:2.5 2.88:2.5 2.87:2.5 2.86:2.5 2.85:2.5 2.84:2.5 2.83:2.5 2.82:2.5 2.81:2.5 2.80:2.5 2.79:2.5 2.78:2.5 2.77:2.5 2.76:2.5 2.75:2.5 2.74:2.5 2.73:2.5 2.72:2.5 2.71:2.5 2.70:2.5 2.69:2.5 2.68:2.5 2.67:2.5 2.66:2.5 2.65:2.5 2.64:2.5 2.63:2.5 2.62:2.5 2.61:2.5 2.60:2.5 2.59:2.5 2.5x:2.5 2.13:2.1
C:\tools\cygwin\usr\share\autotools\ line 19: printf: missing unicode digit for \u
With a base name of 'C: ools\cygwin\usr\'.
I assume that last Unicode-related error is due to the CJK characters in the autoconf file, but the issue with finding a usable version of autoconf is more concerning. What's going on here? Shouldn't I be able to run autoconf from the Windows command-line with Cygwin installed?

Most of the cygwin programs are implemented as special link, that works only
from a cygwin shell (like bash):
$ cd /usr/bin
$ ls -l autoconf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 Marco Kein 34 Oct 15 2018 autoconf -> /usr/share/autotools/
$ autoconf --version
autoconf (GNU Autoconf) 2.69
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+/Autoconf: GNU GPL version 3 or later
<>, <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Written by David J. MacKenzie and Akim Demaille.
These links for not-cygwin programs are normal files and they can not use them
D:\cygwin32T\bin>dir /a:s autoconf.*
Datenträger in Laufwerk D: ist DATA
Volumeseriennummer: D603-FB6E
Verzeichnis von D:\cygwin32T\bin
15.10.2018 08:53 82 autoconf
1 Datei(en), 82 Bytes
0 Verzeichnis(se), 662.133.735.424 Bytes frei
The best way to use cygwin effectively is to run the provided Cygwin Terminal (aka Mintty) that will start a cygwin shell. Running Cygwin programs from windows CMD could cause unexpected results.


Installing Perl and PDL

I am currently trying - unsuccessfully to install perl PDL as I would like to automate some of my data analysis and graphics generation.
Unfortunately I seem unable to even install the necessary modules without issue, let alone create a small script to deal with my data files.
I have some rudementary experience with Perl but Nothing fancy and am using Windows 10 x64.
Initially I went for the x64 strawberry perl v5.24 installation, followed by ppm installations of Astro::FITS::Header, Convert::UU, OpenGL and PDL - as instructed here However, there were issues with the installation of Inline::C and after trying the example listed on page 5 of the PDL_Book_Latest there wasn't any image appearing, nor image file in any location I could think to search. Back to Google and still no luck finding any information on the source of this issue so I decided to go back to square one and use an older version in the hopes that it would be more well documented.
So, uninstallation of strawberry perl through Windows installed programs dialog, deletion of strawberry folder and registry entries containing "strawberry". Then a new installation of perl, with the Padre IDE, v5.14 - maybe some debugging fonctionality will help pinpoint the errors. Started installing the same modules (Astro::FITS::Header, Convert::UU, OpenGL, PGPLOT). Astro and Convert worked fine, but the OpenGL started throwing errors about ExtUtils::F77 which I am apparently missing after a few more hours searching. I go to install this module and it keeps giving errors about 'gfortan' being an unknown command... It was my understanding that the idea of PDL was to avoid fortran and C, and I have found next to no information about this installation problem so far.
So i decided to try an alternative approach. I installed the ppm module from cpan and repeated the initial installation process through the ppm command. This time i get:
"Unknown element 'PROVIDE' found inside SOFTPKG. at C:/Dwimperl/perl/site/lib/ line 1462."
So my question is as follows:
Am I missing some critical step in the installation process? Is my system just handing this really badly, and if so is there any sort of possible work around? Is the fact that I tried two different versions liable to create path issues that could be at the root of this problem?
Could anyone provide an alternative and preferably not too complex route to install PDL with a given perl installation on Windows 10?
Here is the code for the error I got trying to install Inline::C, an apparent pre-requisite for PDL
code deleted to make space for updates...
I reinstalled GnuWin32 in the directory specified by PATH, rather that changing PATH, and the tried the installation again. Inline::C gave the same 'diff' and 'rm' errors. So i ran "cpanm --notest 'package'" to install Inline::C and then PDL, both said they were successful. However, even using '--notest' cpanm could not install OpenGL and PGPLOT.
The final objectif is to be able to produce graphics using the fonctions from PGPLOT: for example
# use PDL;
# use PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT;
# imag(sin(rvals(200,200)+1));
yet this doesn't work of course if PGPLOT can't install.
Tried the fix found by #Dr.Avalange at sourceforge and noticed that I seem to have multiple copies of this file.
Is this normal...?
So i uninstalled perl, deleted any lingering files I could find in %APPDATA%, %USERPROFILE% and C:/DWIM, and then ran ccleaner just in case I missed anything.
I then downloaded Strawberry perl 5.24.1 x64 for Windows and installed it.
After this, I ran 'cpanm Astro::FITS::Header', cpanm 'Convert-UU' and 'cpanm OpenGL' as per This all worked fine. Then I ran 'cpanm PDL' which installed Inline, Pegex, Win32::Mutex and Module::Compile dependencies. However, if had the same error with Inline::C that you mentioned previously.
I already had GetGnuWin32 installed before so not sure why this isn't working. The Windows 'Path' environment (not PATH - this doesn't exist according to the advaced system dialogue) is noted as
In this directory I have the folder GetGnuWin32 which should have installed all the packages from the link you provided, unless there is a supplementary step that I missed to install this correctly? So I redownloaded the DiffUtils setup and ran that, installing to \programfiles(x86) (default option). I then reran 'cpanm PDL'.
I still get the same 'diff' error message. So is DiffUtils, not installing properly? (I did close and re-open the commandline between tries and after the installation)
So after installing PDL and PGPLOT with --notest I tried to run the following test and it failed. See below
perlDL shell v1.357
PDL comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see the file
'COPYING' in the PDL distribution. This is free software and you
are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions, see
the same file for details.
ReadLines, NiceSlice, MultiLines enabled
Reading PDL/default.pdl...
Found docs database C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/PDL/pdldoc.db
Type 'help' for online help
Type 'demo' for online demos
Loaded PDL v2.017 (supports bad values)
Note: AutoLoader not enabled ('use PDL::AutoLoader' recommended)
pdl> use PDL::Graphics//PLplot
Unknown regexp modifier "/P" at (eval 62) line 4, at end of line
Unknown regexp modifier "/L" at (eval 62) line 4, at end of line
Unknown regexp modifier "/t" at (eval 62) line 4, at end of line
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at (eval 62) line 5, <DATA> line 207.
pdl> use PDL::Graphics::PLplot
Can't locate PDL/Graphics/ in #INC (you may need to install the PDL::Graphics::PLplot module) (#INC contains: C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/MSWin32-x64-multi-thread C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib C:/Strawberry/perl/vendor/lib C:/Strawberry/perl/lib .) at (eval 72) line 5.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted
pdl> use PDL
pdl> use lib 'C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/PDL/Graphics'
pdl> use PGPLOT
pdl> use PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT
pdl> imag(sin(rvals(200,200)+1))
Undefined subroutine &PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT::pgqinf called at C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/PDL/Graphics/ line 408, <DATA> line 90.
pdl> exit
C:\Windows\system32>cpanm PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT::pgqinf
! Finding PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT::pgqinf on cpanmetadb failed.
! Finding PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT::pgqinf () on mirror failed.
! Couldn't find module or a distribution PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT::pgqinf
C:\Windows\system32>cpan PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT::pgqinf
Loading internal null logger. Install Log::Log4perl for logging messages
CPAN: CPAN::SQLite loaded ok (v0.211)
Database was generated on Thu, 13 Apr 2017 13:49:14 GMT
There was already a directory problem but I managed to point it in th right direction I had thought. Also tried installing the PLplot 'cpanm' said the installation was successful but there is no .pm file, only a .pd in another directory and so the use PDL::Graphics::PLplot fails as there is no .pm file to find.
So retrying ppm install seemed to work this time as the links int he explanation you provided are no longer in use
And while this seemed to work, there are no traces of the files that were listed as necessary for the installation, unless they were just for this specific method?
finally, trying the example again gives the following; no errors, but no image either...
Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.14393]
(c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés.
perlDL shell v1.357
PDL comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see the file
'COPYING' in the PDL distribution. This is free software and you
are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions, see
the same file for details.
ReadLines, NiceSlice, MultiLines enabled
Reading PDL/default.pdl...
Found docs database C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/PDL/pdldoc.db
Type 'help' for online help
Type 'demo' for online demos
Loaded PDL v2.017 (supports bad values)
Note: AutoLoader not enabled ('use PDL::AutoLoader' recommended)
pdl> use PDL
pdl> use PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT
pdl> imag(rvals(200,200)+1)
%PGPLOT, Unable to read font file: grfont.dat
%PGPLOT, Use environment variable PGPLOT_FONT to specify the location of the PGPLOT grfont.dat file.
Displaying 200 x 200 image from 1 to 142.421356201172, using 240 colors (16-255)...
pdl> $ENV{PGPLOT_FONT} = "C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/PGPLOT/pgplot_supp"
pdl> imag(rvals(200,200)+1)
Displaying 200 x 200 image from 1 to 142.421356201172, using 240 colors (16-255)...
After translating from French I can see that you don't have diff in your system. Either install diff (part of gnu32: or just skip the tests. See also:
With Strawberry 5.24.1 simply type the following from the command prompt:
cpanm --notest PDL
or if you want to watch everything that's going on:
cpanm -v --notest PDL
This will take some time to run.

gendef returning invalid syntax error

I am trying to install Theano for machine learning on my Windows 7 computer.
One of the last steps in installing the dependencies is to 'create a link library for GCC' by 'Opening up the Python shell and cd to C:\SciSoft. Then execute:
gendef WinPython-64bit-\python-2.7.9.amd64\python27.dll
dlltool --dllname python27.dll --def python27.def --output-lib WinPython-
I've tried doing this but I get a invalid syntax error highlighted on 'WinPython'. I tried changing directory to go deeper and running gendef again and it also returned the same error. This is a copy and paste job from
I also followed the tutorial at the link to install Theano.
The line "Finally we need to create a link library for GCC. Open up the Python shell and cd to c:\SciSoft" is probably an error; "the Python shell" should be modified to "cmd.exe".
The two-line scripts are not python scripts, and can be successfully run on cmd.exe after changing directory to c:\SciSoft.

How to install Net::SSH2 from CPAN on Cygwin

I needed to install Net:SSH2 in a Cygwin environment under Windows 7 (64 bit). As usually I tried to install it with cpanm.
I already had the necessary Cygwin packages (see below) installed but the Perl build failed because it couldn't find the libssh2 library.
There is a special text file BUILDING.WIN32 in the Net::SSH2 package but this is only useful when building the module by hand and it refers mainly to MinGW. So this no help.
This is the log of the build:
Entering Net-SSH2-0.53
Checking configure dependencies from META.yml
Checking if you have ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.59 ... Yes (7.02)
Running Makefile.PL
Configuring Net-SSH2-0.53 ... Subroutine checklibs redefined at inc/Module/Install/ line 11.
Subroutine assertlibs redefined at inc/Module/Install/ line 25.
Subroutine _author_side redefined at inc/Module/Install/ line 39.
The libssh2 library is required by this module. If you don't have it, you can
download it from; you may also need OpenSSL, which can
be obtained from , or libgcrypt, which can be obtained
from .
Debian: sudo aptitude install libssh2-1-dev
OpenSUSE: sudo zypper in libssh2-1 libssh2-devel
You can pass your libssh2 lib and include dirs (and extra link args) on the
command line. E.g.:
perl Makefile.PL lib=$HOME/libssh2/lib inc=$HOME/libssh2/include \
These can also be set through the LIBSSH2_LIB/LIBSSH2_INCLUDE/LIBSSH2_LDARGS
environment variables.
To build with libgcrypt instead of OpenSSL, pass 'gcrypt' as a parameter to
Makefile.PL, e.g.:
perl Makefile.PL gcrypt
If you want to build on Windows, see the file BUILDING.WIN32 in the
Can't link/include C library 'ssh2', aborting.
First install the libssh2-devel package from Cygwin, e.g. with apt-cyg the command line frontend for installing packages from within a cygwin shell.
apt-cyg install libssh2-devel
Then set some environment variables to the right path for getting Net::SSH2 to work with the Cygwin packages:
LIBSSH2_LIB=/usr/lib/ LIBSSH2_INCLUDE=/usr/include/ cpanm -v Net::SSH2
That worked for me. Much easier than what the readme file linked above looked like.

Invoke MSYS2 Shell from Command Prompt or PowerShell

Starting from Command Prompt or PowerShell (either is fine; I can figure out how to do the other given one), how can I invoke the MSYS2 shell to run a command?
More specific issue
I'm including this information to avoid an XY problem, but I strongly believe this is best solved by the answer to the above (more general) question.
In particular, I'm hoping to write a shell script to update the packages listed in Part III, Step 3 here. So I need something like:
[invoke msys2 bash] -c "pacman -Sy --needed msys2-runtime"
Calling the bash executable directly doesn't work:
C:\>C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe -c "pacman -Sy --needed msys2-runtime"
/usr/bin/bash: pacman: command not found
I assume it's an environment problem. Changing PATH to include the path to MSYS2's bin directory doesn't fix the problem either. When it tries to install a package, bad things happens (nano is just an example):
C:\>bash -c "pacman -Sy --needed --noconfirm nano"
:: Synchronizing package databases...
mingw32 is up to date
mingw64 is up to date
msys is up to date
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
Packages (1) nano-2.3.6-2
Total Installed Size: 1.81 MiB
Net Upgrade Size: 0.17 MiB
:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
(1/1) checking keys in keyring [########################################################] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity [########################################################] 100%
(1/1) loading package files [########################################################] 100%
(1/1) checking for file conflicts [########################################################] 100%
(1/1) checking available disk space [########################################################] 100%
(1/1) upgrading nano [########################################################] 100%
error: command (/usr/bin/bash /usr/bin/bash -c . /tmp/alpm_shqjUE/.INSTALL; post_upgrade 2.3.6-2 2.3.2-1 ) failed to execute correctly
Trying to invoke the batch file (C:\msys64\msys2_shell.bat) opens a new shell in a new window, which leaves me not knowing whether it failed or succeeded.
So how can I get the shell into MSYS2's normal state?
We're working hard to fix our messy update procedure, we want it to be trouble-free.
You can see some examples of how we invoke MSYS2 from a batch file when we create a new installer in:
But as #StevenPenny suggests,
bash -l -c "pacman ..."
is the correct way.

Trouble compiling mono from source via cygwin on windows

I work off my i: drive
I've downloaded the following mono source file mono-2.11.2.tar.bz2
I've installed the windows version of mono v2.11.2 to "I:\Mono-2.11.2"
I installed cygwin as per the following instructions found on the following webpage
I replaced the "make.exe" with the one from the mono website as per instruction. I had to get one more file "cygintl-2.dll" which resides in cygwin package libintl2/libintl2-0.12.1-3
I added the following my .bashrc file. I had to change "c/Mono-2.11.2/bin" to "i/Mono-2.11.2/bin"
I placed my mono source under the folder specified: /usr/src/mono/
So my dirs looks like:
i:\cygwin\usr\src\mono\mcs etc etc
i:\Mono-2.11.2\bin etc
Now the instructions says I must change dirs to /usr/src/mono/mono and run "./ --prefix=/usr/local" from the cygwin terminal
However that doesnt work. Running the above command from /usr/src/mono/ works fine.
Now heres the problem. The next instruction is to run "make". However this comes up with :
$ make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
I even tried running it from the /usr/src/mono/mono dir. Still no luck.
Can someone please suggest what I should do to be able to build the mono source on windows 7?
I needed to install the **gnu c++ compiler (g++)**. I just ran the cygwin setup again, searched for g++ and installed that. The ran to completion
The last lines of ./ --prefix=/usr/local output should
look like bellow with Now type make to compile at the end. And it
generats Makefile in the same directory.
I think in your case ./ failed. You can keep a log file
and check what it is complaining about.
./ --prefix=/usr/local 2>&1 | tee autogen.log
More info:
The end of the ./ ouptut:
config.status: executing quiet-libtool commands
config.status: executing default commands
mcs source: mcs
olive source:
GC: sgen and bundled Boehm GC with typed GC and parallel mark
TLS: __thread
Engine: Building and using the JIT
oprofile: no
BigArrays: no
DTrace: no
LLVM Back End: no (dynamically loaded: no)
Moon Profile: no (boehm)
MonoDroid: no
MonoTouch: no
Mobile: no
JNI support: IKVM Native
libgdiplus: assumed to be installed
zlib: system zlib
Now type `make' to compile
