How to generate csr for a spring boot application - spring-boot

Problem description
I've faced a problem with setting up ssl. I need to send a csr to namecheap for registering ssl.
I went to namecheap guidline for generating csr and I found no information about spring-boot applications.
Is there any way to generate it for spring-boot?
Supposed solution
As I know spring-boot uses tomcat as an application server, so probably I need to use guide for tomcat. But I'm not sure in that.

Just use the guide for Tomcat. There is nothing specific about Spring Boot that you need to worry about for an SSL certificate.


SpringBoot - Reload SSL Cert using Spring Cloud Config

I'm learning about using SSL Certificates with Spring Boot. Specially using Let's Encrypt ones.
They have the limitation of being expired after 3 months, so they should be renewed and as far as I know, when renewing the certificate we need to restart the Spring Boot app in order to make it load the new one instead.
Some time ago, I was playing around with Eureka and Zuul Gateway, to develop microservices... And I recall I also set a git repo to be used as a Spring Cloud Config. I do not remember well, I think we can use Spring Cloud Config without using the microservice arch.
So my question is: Can we use this Spring Cloud Config mechanism that reload properties to reload the SSL Certificate? The idea would be to trigger the properties reloading mechanism, and as the ssl is configured via those properties, I think maybe it can be reloaded.
I'm planning on automating the process of getting and renewing the Let's Encrypt certificate and avoid the downtime on my app.
Best regards!
SSL certs are applied at the JVM level - neither Spring Boot nor Spring Cloud Config has any control over this, and so to apply a new cert would require a restart of the JVM instance your app runs in, because you've updated your keystore. Being able to dynamically add certs without shutting down the JVM would be a major security flaw.
In the AWS ecosystem, the idea is that if you ever shut down your VM, you lose that VM, and the contents on it are gone forever. With Spring Cloud (Config, Zuul, Eureka) you can spin up VMs that get registered with Eureka via Config, and Zuul uses the info in Eureka to do the load balancing. So, the way it should be done is you spin up another VM with your Spring Boot instance with the updated cert, and kill off the older VM which evaporates thanks to AWS, and Zuul takes care of the dirty work of being a "reverse web proxy", routing the requests to the new web server as required.
The can of worms you open going this route is that now you have to implement 4 servers and a VPN to support them, your Zuul server becomes the target of external web requests, and you might need to look into the "circuit breaker" pattern on how to handle HTTP request failures - Hystrix is the next thing to look into.
With Digital Ocean, I'm not sure what you might have to do differently, but a JVM restart is unavoidable.
Actually, it depends. Certificates are applied on SSLContext level and SSLContext can be refreshed during runtime. It is completely possible to update the certificate in KeyStore and refresh the SSLContext, moreover, Tomcat has a special helper function reloadSslHostConfigs that helps you to do that.
So what you ask is completely doable:
Spring Cloud triggers certificate update event notification or via polling
Your application loads updated certificate either from Spring-Cloud or from some shared storage
Your application issues reloadSslHostConfigs, so that Tomcat updates its SSLContext
For implementation details of the certificate reloading, you can take a look at the letsencrypt-helper library. It allows generating and keeping-up fresh your LetsEncrypt certificate without JVM restart.

TrustStore configuration issue in Spring feign with SSL enabled

I have two different spring boot application with SSL enabled in it and also there is an eureka discovery server and these two applications are linked to eureka server.I need to make some https call between these two SSL enabled applications. So I decided to go ahead with feign client .Eureka is able to resolve https url properly for feign client. But while making the call I'm getting "unable to find valid certification path to requested target". I can understand this error is because public key of my client application is not present in truststore of the application from which I'm making feign call. I have already added the public key in my custom truststore, But it is of no use.Property file for the same is below
server.ssl.key-store-password= Pass#123
server.ssl.keyStoreType= PKCS12
server.ssl.keyAlias= springboot
After digging more into the issue I found that "" property will set truststore in the embeded tomcat server of spring boot application, But some have my https call is taking default JDK truststore. When I added system properties in my application then everything is working fine. But with spring boot properties file configuration it is not working .
System.setProperty("", trustStorePath);
I feel setting system properties is an workaround and I'm looking for a better solution .
I even tried enabling ribbon client and added "ribbon.IsSecure=true" property also. But still getting the same issue.
Can someone please provide a suggestion for the same.
Thank you

Sending JKS file from open app to another using Spring Stack

I'm looking for the Spring project which is providing some secure capability to sending JKS file between two Spring apps. I found a Spring Cloud Config project (currently I'm using it in my apps) and I found topics with same question in internet but no one answer it. Is there any feature that can I use from this project or maybe someone know another project with this features?
There is no project that provides such capability AFAIK. You could serve the JKS file as a resource which is exposed at a certain web endpoint. Add Spring Security to your project so the other application can request the JKS file over HTTPS, and maybe add basic authentication for that specific web endpoint so others can't download it too.
Hope that helps!

Multiple ssl certificates for different domaines in Spring boot or tomcat

I have one server with two domain names. Currently I use only one self signed certificate with such configuration in
I like to make register normally signed certificates for future using. But I don't understand how I may configure spring-boot or tomcat for that... There is a think to use TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory but will it working? If someone have such practice please help.
Finally I configure Apache for two domaines with different certificates and make ProxyPass to spring-boot. Now it is working as I wanted.

Spring Security: transferring passwords

Im developing a web application with java and Spring Security 3.0.5 and I am pretty new to it. I have a community where users can register and log in. Now I wonder how informations (like password) can be securely transferred to the server so that other people cant read it out. I guess it would work of course with HTTPS, but are there any other solutions/possibilities? (Maybe some offered by Spring Security?)
I'd say SSL/HTTPS is the best choice.
You just need to enable it on your server. You can map your SSL port in your namespace config like this.
This might help you if you're using Tomcat.
