Spring Security: transferring passwords - https

Im developing a web application with java and Spring Security 3.0.5 and I am pretty new to it. I have a community where users can register and log in. Now I wonder how informations (like password) can be securely transferred to the server so that other people cant read it out. I guess it would work of course with HTTPS, but are there any other solutions/possibilities? (Maybe some offered by Spring Security?)

I'd say SSL/HTTPS is the best choice.
You just need to enable it on your server. You can map your SSL port in your namespace config like this.
This might help you if you're using Tomcat.


How to generate csr for a spring boot application

Problem description
I've faced a problem with setting up ssl. I need to send a csr to namecheap for registering ssl.
I went to namecheap guidline for generating csr and I found no information about spring-boot applications.
Is there any way to generate it for spring-boot?
Supposed solution
As I know spring-boot uses tomcat as an application server, so probably I need to use guide for tomcat. But I'm not sure in that.
Just use the guide for Tomcat. There is nothing specific about Spring Boot that you need to worry about for an SSL certificate.

How to implement 1-way SSL in Spring Boot

I am building a middle tier which will consume information from multiple downstream systems. The ask is to talk to them over 1 way SSL. I looked up samples but this concept is a bit if a mystery to me. Please help.
The question is too vague IMHO, I'll try to provide general insights
The answer may vary depending on the actual requirements in your organization security department and your actual spring boot configuration.
Spring Boot is a Java framework that usually allows the deployment architecture with an embedded tomcat, jetty or undertow servers that serve Http endpoints exposed by Spring MVC or without an embedded server at all (usually for legacy deployments)
If you in a "legacy" mode (build a WAR) - then HTTPs configuration should be done on the actual server and not in spring boot application.
If you use an embedded server, then the actual technical solution can actually depend on the server you use underneath, at least to some extent.
Indeed like Steffen Ullrich has stated in the comment section, there are many examples of doing this.
For example, take a look at This one
If you want to redirect HTTP requests to HTTPs you should configure your server to do so, and this solution is Tomcat specific.
Another thing to consider is whether you want to use SSL at the level of spring boot at all. Maybe you're running under the gateway / some kind of proxy. In this case, it can make sense to use https for accessing the proxy from outside, but from a proxy to java application you could use HTTP.
I know I'm just speculating about this solution, I've just decided to mention it because in my experience there are many organizations that work like this.
In addition, since spring boot is used for microservice development, the chances are that you have many spring boot artifacts that somehow "talk" to each other, so maybe running HTTPs between them is redundant.

Container Managed Security, Spring Security and Authentication

I have been looking everywhere on how I can implement Spring Security based on a Container Managed Security Model. In my test case, I am using Tomcat and it's corresponding tomcat-users.xml file. The issue is, I cannot get Spring Security to play well (meaning pass authentication over to Tomcat) to let the app server perform the Authentication and have Spring manage the role based security once someone is authenticated. I am using the latest Spring versions, so it's all Java config as I am just not familiar enough with XML based config. I have read many examples that talk about using a PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider but the examples are poor not to mention the Spring documentation is quite confusing IMHO. I even downloaded the sample preauth code from the Spring Security GIT hub but I still cannot see how the example code is tied to the authentication that Tomcat is performing. When I run the Spring sample code for preauth, it doesn't authenticate with any of the users in my tomcat-users XML file as I deployed my code to Tomcat 8. Wondering if anyone has any ideas on where I can look in order to understand how Spring Security and the authentication performed by Tomcat (container managed) happens?
It appears I had to start from scratch and simply get the authentication to work with a very simply app created in my IDE. Basically I had a folder that was called secure, one folder that was called unsecure and I mapped the paths according to the Servlet 3 spec to secure and unsecure what I needed. I had to use a web.xml in order to contain the security constraints. Once I tested in both Tomcat 7 and 8, where I tried to hit a secure URL, I was challenged to enter an ID and password. Please note you have to define the path to a login page, mine was a simple JSP. I also had to submit to the j_security_check and also make sure to use the j_username and j_password field names. Once I knew I could hit a secure page, I then started introducing the Spring components. This involved Spring Security, Spring Boot etc. The key was in the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. Where I normally would have basic auth or form based security enabled, I removed those and instead used the jee() setting based on the same fluent builder API used to configure your security settings. I left all antmatcher settings in the web.xml, so my WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter was very basic. When you are debugging controllers, you can inject the HttpServletRequest directly in the method and that request contains a userPrincipal request value containing things such as the user ID, and roles. Good luck, hope this helps others because it was painfully long for me to figure out such a simple solution.
See the update for a detailed explanation on my solution.

Camunda authentication and identity service with Spring boot

We're using the Camunda RestAPI to communicate with the camunda-engine in the backend, so far so good, but we haven't been able to enable the Camunda authentication service so that users/rolls can only instanciate/claim/complete/see (when requesting via http) the tasks and processes which are assigned to them or their groups.
We're also using the spring boot implementation of the configuration, we have tried several things, but non has work so far as anyone can do anything and it's not even asking for credentials, so I was thinking I may be doing something wrong considering how complicated it has been.
So the question is, what are the standard steps we need to take to make these services work?
Thanks in advance.
Camunda is running bundled with a Tomcat server which allows LDAP, so one way might be to let your Tomcat do the permission management. In other words, you might limit the user access via the hosting web server.

Spring security tied to Apache Tomcat tomcat-users.xml UserDatabaseRealm

I'm adding Spring security to an internal website. I've been asked to have the authentication be tied to tomcat-users.xml, so that we can cut down on the number of passwords to change/remember.
From what I've been able to Google up, this isn't very straighforward, if at all possible.
Things are working fine, for now, with a user + role hardcoded in springSecurity.xml.
You can treat container security as a pre-authenticated scenario.
There's a sample app in the codebase which uses this approach. It uses explicit bean configuration, but there is also a <jee> namespace element available.
This could be done as a pre-authenticate scenario as Luke indicates but I do not suggest that option. When you are using tomcat xml file you are using MemoryRealm but you could switch to JDBCRealm and have both users (Spring and Tomcat) stored in the database. I suggest this for maintenance, consistency and security. If you change your servlet container you will have to migrate your security users and roles.
