I have two different spring boot application with SSL enabled in it and also there is an eureka discovery server and these two applications are linked to eureka server.I need to make some https call between these two SSL enabled applications. So I decided to go ahead with feign client .Eureka is able to resolve https url properly for feign client. But while making the call I'm getting "unable to find valid certification path to requested target". I can understand this error is because public key of my client application is not present in truststore of the application from which I'm making feign call. I have already added the public key in my custom truststore, But it is of no use.Property file for the same is below
server.ssl.key-store-password= Pass#123
server.ssl.keyStoreType= PKCS12
server.ssl.keyAlias= springboot
After digging more into the issue I found that "server.ssl.trust-store" property will set truststore in the embeded tomcat server of spring boot application, But some have my https call is taking default JDK truststore. When I added system properties in my application then everything is working fine. But with spring boot properties file configuration it is not working .
System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore", trustStorePath);
I feel setting system properties is an workaround and I'm looking for a better solution .
I even tried enabling ribbon client and added "ribbon.IsSecure=true" property also. But still getting the same issue.
Can someone please provide a suggestion for the same.
Thank you
I am using Apache Camel Spring DSL to call a REST service over HTTPS. The application is a Spring Boot application and the dependency camel-http is added in pom.xml. I have the certificate file Test.p12 and the password of the certificate. To add the certificate while calling the HTTPS URL, I am following the instructions given in
and trying to add the following bean definition:
but not able to create a bean. Can anyone please guide me how to call a REST service using HTTPS in Camel and how to add the certificate while calling?
Check out the Spring-Boot configuration of SSLContextParameters in the YAML (or property) file of the application.
You can find it at the bottom of this page.
Problem description
I've faced a problem with setting up ssl. I need to send a csr to namecheap for registering ssl.
I went to namecheap guidline for generating csr and I found no information about spring-boot applications.
Is there any way to generate it for spring-boot?
Supposed solution
As I know spring-boot uses tomcat as an application server, so probably I need to use guide for tomcat. But I'm not sure in that.
Just use the guide for Tomcat. There is nothing specific about Spring Boot that you need to worry about for an SSL certificate.
I have a spring boot application running on SSL programmatically using TomcatServletWebServerFactory where we set the following from configuration file:
However, i would like to enable on SSL on the actuator endpoint too. I found online that we do this using the following in application.properties:
This is not working in my case as i need to reuse the above certificate. If i add an additional connector to TomcatServletWebServerFactory programmatically, it throws an error as already bind port as if actuator have different tomcat connector. How can i programmatically enable SSL on actuator while providing the certificate files as above?
I ended up removing my programmed configuration and used the following:
without using SSL of actuator: management.server.ssl.xxx configuration
Can anybody provide me with a code sample to access rest service url secured with https using spring rest template.
I have the certificate(.pfx format) password and send cient side certificate to server. server side is used on the client side certificate and established the connection
I want to create a springboot application that work as 2 way SSL between client and server.
I created a sample Spring Boot application that demonstrates how to create a RestTemplate that is configured for SSL client authentication. The sample application acts as the server as well which requires SSL mutual authentication (to demonstrate usage via the test case). In practice, the RestTemplate bean would interact with an external service. Hope this helps.
I should note that the most important part of the example is creating the SSLContext. There are plenty of ways to create the SSLContext, I chose a method that uses the SSLContextBuilder from the org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient library. Other methods such as using the Java API directly, or setting the javax.net.ssl.* JVM properties would also work.
I am new to spring web services and am currently trying to implement spring-ws security for secure transport and encryption/decryption of incoming and outgoing SOAP messages. We have a keystore on our server that is installed in the conf directory under Tomcat. How do I reference that keystore in my spring web app? I'd like to avoid having to move the keystore since it will be utilized by other applications in the future. I've searched for answers most of yesterday, but all the examples I've come across put the keystore file on the class path.
I am assuming you are using WSS4J with Spring-WS, you can put any valid resource to refer to the certificate location.
<property name="keyStoreLocation" value="file://C:/tomcat/.."/>