How to randomly and not repeatedly select elements from an array? - random

As the title describes, I want to select 2 or 3 elements from an array without replacement.
I know I can do this job with Base.rand function and if statement together,
but I'm still seeking some more elegant way to do this.
= = = Edit: 2020/01/21 = = =
#Gwang-Jin Kim, #phipsgabler
Thanks for your suggestion, and I make a small test according to your answers.
For the speed issue, maybe Base.rand is still a better way, although its time cost fluctuates from 1.3e-7 to 1.4e-7. But for an elegant way, both sample and shuffle can be an option.
Is my conclusion right?
using Base
using Random
using StatsBase
function _sampling1(M::Int64, N::Int64)
for i in 1:M
for j in 1:N
r1, r2, r3 = Base.rand(1:N, 3)
while (r1 == r2) | (r2 == r3) | (r1 == r3)
r2, r3 = Base.rand(1:N, 2)
function _sampling2(M::Int64, N::Int64)
for i in 1:M
for j in 1:N
r1, r2, r3 = Random.shuffle(1:N)[1:3]
function _sampling3(M::Int64, N::Int64)
for i in 1:M
for j in 1:N
r1, r2, r3 = StatsBase.sample(1:N, 3, replace=false)
M = 500
N = 100
time_cost1 = #elapsed _sampling1(M, N)
time_cost2 = #elapsed _sampling2(M, N)
time_cost3 = #elapsed _sampling3(M, N)
println(" rand: $(time_cost1 / (M * N))")
println("shuffle: $(time_cost2 / (M * N))")
println(" sample: $(time_cost3 / (M * N))")
#>>> rand: 1.3713026e-7
#>>> shuffle: 1.57786382e-6
#>>> sample: 5.6382496e-7

# thanks for #Bogumił Kamiński for hint that the `sample`
# function actually is from `StatsBase` package
# install `StatsBase` package or `Distributions` package
using Pkg
Pkg.add("StatsBase") # or: Pkg.add("Distributions")
# load it
using StatsBase # or: using Distributions
# the actual code for sampling 3 or 2 elements without replacement
sample(your_array, 3, replace = false) # 3 elements
sample(your_array, 2, replace = false) # 2 elements

Instead of a special shuffle function from a library, you can use shuffling. For example, shuffle the array of indices and choose the first 5 of them:
using Random
random_indices = shuffle(eachindex(your_array))
Fisher-Yates shuffling has linear complexity; in some cases, this has advantages over repeatedly calling sample (in terms of practicality or resources).
Instead of the indices, you can also shuffle the array directly (which is probably most cache-friendly). The most memory efficient way would be to use the in-place shuffle! once (e.g. for cross-validation or batching of large data sets).


Fastest way to generate a kmer count vector from a nucleotide sequence (Julia)

Given a nucleotide sequence, I'm writing some Julia code to generate a sparse vector of (masked) kmer counts, and I would like it to run as fast as possible.
Here is my current implementation,
using Distributions
using SparseArrays
function kmer_profile(seq, k, mask)
basis = [4^i for i in (k - 1):-1:0]
d = Dict('A'=>0, 'C'=>1, 'G'=>2, 'T'=>3)
kmer_dict = Dict{Int, Int32}(4^k=>0)
for n in 1:(length(seq) - length(mask) + 1)
kmer_hash = 1
j = 1
for i in 1:length(mask)
if mask[i]
kmer_hash += d[seq[n+i-1]] * basis[j]
j += 1
haskey(kmer_dict, kmer_hash) ? kmer_dict[kmer_hash] += 1 : kmer_dict[kmer_hash] = 1
return sparsevec(kmer_dict)
seq = join(sample(['A','C','G','T'], 1000000))
mask_str = "111111011111001111111111111110"
mask = BitArray([parse(Bool, string(m)) for m in split(mask_str, "")])
k = sum(mask)
#time kmer_profile(seq, k, mask)
This code runs in about 0.3 seconds on my M1 MacBook Pro, is there any way to make it run significantly faster?
The function kmer_profile uses a sliding window of size length(mask) to count the number of times each masked kmer appears in the nucleotide sequence. A mask is a binary sequence, and a masked kmer is a kmer with nucleotides dropped at positions at which the mask is zero. E.g. the kmer ACGT and mask 1001 will produce the masked kmer AT.
To produce the kmer hash, the function treats each kmer as a base 4 number and then converts it to a (base 10) 64-bit integer, for indexing into the kmer vector.
The size of k is equal to the number of ones in the mask string, and is implicitly limited to 31 so that kmer hashes can fit into a 64-bit integer type.
There are several possible optimizations to make this code faster.
First of all, one can convert the Dict to an array since array-based indexing is faster than dictionary-based indexing one and this is possible here since the key is an ASCII character.
Moreover, the extraction of the sequence codes can be done once instead of length(mask) times by pre-computing code and putting the result in a temporary array.
Additionally, the mask-based conditional and the loop carried dependency make things slow. Indeed, the condition cannot be (easily) predicted by the processor causing it to stall for several cycles. The loop carried dependency make things even worse since the processor can hardly execute other instructions during this stall. This problem can be solved by pre-computing the factors based on both mask and basis. The result is a faster branch-less loop.
Once the above optimizations are done, the biggest bottleneck is sparsevec. In fact, it was also taking nearly half the time of the initial implementation! Optimizing this step is difficult but not impossible. It is slow because of random accesses in the Julia implementation. One can speed this up by sorting the keys-values pairs in the first place. It is faster due to a more cache-friendly execution and it can also help the prediction unit of the processor. This is a complex topic. For more details about how this works, please read Why is processing a sorted array faster than processing an unsorted array?.
Here is the final optimized code:
function kmer_profile_opt(seq, k, mask)
basis = [4^i for i in (k - 1):-1:0]
d = zeros(Int8, 128)
d[Int64('A')] = 0
d[Int64('C')] = 1
d[Int64('G')] = 2
d[Int64('T')] = 3
seq_codes = [d[Int8(e)] for e in seq]
j = 1
premult = zeros(Int64, length(mask))
for i in 1:length(mask)
if mask[i]
premult[i] = basis[j]
j += 1
kmer_dict = Dict{Int, Int32}(4^k=>0)
for n in 1:(length(seq) - length(mask) + 1)
kmer_hash = 1
j = 1
for i in 1:length(mask)
kmer_hash += seq_codes[n+i-1] * premult[i]
haskey(kmer_dict, kmer_hash) ? kmer_dict[kmer_hash] += 1 : kmer_dict[kmer_hash] = 1
sorted_kmer_pairs = sort(collect(kmer_dict))
sorted_kmer_keys = [e[1] for e in sorted_kmer_pairs]
sorted_kmer_values = [e[2] for e in sorted_kmer_pairs]
return sparsevec(sorted_kmer_keys, sorted_kmer_values)
This code is a bit more than twice faster than the initial implementation on my machine. A significant fraction of the time is still spent in the sorting algorithm.
The code can still be optimized further. One way is to use a parallel sort algorithm. Another way is to replace the premult[i] multiplication by a shift which is faster assuming premult[i] is modified so to contain exponents. I expect the code to be about 4 times faster than the original code. The main bottleneck should be the big dictionary creation. Improving further the performance of this is very hard (though it is still possible).
Inspired by Jérôme's answer, and squeezing some more by avoiding Dicts altogether:
function kmer_profile_opt3a(seq, k, mask)
d = zeros(Int8, 128)
d[Int64('A')] = 0
d[Int64('C')] = 1
d[Int64('G')] = 2
d[Int64('T')] = 3
seq_codes = [d[Int8(e)] for e in seq]
basis = [4^i for i in (k-1):-1:0]
j = 1
premult = zeros(Int64, length(mask))
for i in 1:length(mask)
if mask[i]
premult[i] = basis[j]
j += 1
kmer_vec = Vector{Int}(undef, length(seq)-length(mask)+1)
#inbounds for n in 1:(length(seq) - length(mask) + 1)
kmer_hash = 1
for i in 1:length(mask)
kmer_hash += seq_codes[n+i-1] * premult[i]
kmer_vec[n] = kmer_hash
return sparsevec(kmer_vec, ones(length(kmer_vec)), 4^k, +)
This achieved another 2x over Jérôme's answer on my machine.
The auto-combining feature of sparsevec makes the code a bit more compact.
Trying to slim the code further, and avoid unnecessary allocations in sparse vector creation, the following can be used:
using SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra
function specialsparsevec(nzs, n)
vals = Vector{Int}(undef, length(nzs))
j, k, count, last = (1, 1, 0, nzs[1])
while k <= length(nzs)
if nzs[k] == last
count += 1
vals[j], nzs[j] = (count, last)
count, last = (1, nzs[k])
j += 1
k += 1
vals[j], nzs[j] = (count, last)
resize!(nzs, j)
resize!(vals, j)
return SparseVector(n, nzs, vals)
function kmer_profile_opt3(seq, k, mask)
d = zeros(Int8, 128)
foreach(((i,c),) -> d[Int(c)]=i-1, enumerate(collect("ACGT")))
seq_codes = getindex.(Ref(d), Int8.(collect(seq)))
premult = foldr(
(i,(p,j))->(mask[i] && (p[i]=j ; j<<=2) ; (p,j)),
1:length(mask); init=(zeros(Int64,length(mask)),1)) |> first
kmer_vec = sort(
[ dot(#view(seq_codes[n:n+length(mask)-1]),premult) + 1 for
n in 1:(length(seq)-length(mask)+1)
return specialsparsevec(kmer_vec, 4^k)
This last version gets another 10% speedup (but is a little cryptic):
julia> #btime kmer_profile_opt($seq, $k, $mask);
367.584 ms (81 allocations: 134.71 MiB) # other answer
julia> #btime kmer_profile_opt3a($seq, $k, $mask);
140.882 ms (22 allocations: 54.36 MiB) # 1st this answer
julia> #btime kmer_profile_opt3($seq, $k, $mask);
127.016 ms (14 allocations: 27.66 MiB) # 2nd this answer

Faster way to compute distributions from Markov chain?

Suppose that I have a probability transition matrix, say a matrix of dimensions 2000x2000, that represents a homogeneous Markov chain, and I want to get some statistics of each probability distribution of the first 200 steps of the chain (the distribution of the first row at each step), then I've written the following
using Distributions, LinearAlgebra
# This function defines our transition matrix:
function tm(N::Int, n0::Int)
[pdf(Hypergeometric(N-l,l,n0),k-l) for l in 0:N, k in 0:N]
# This computes the 5-percentile of a probability vector
function percentile5(M::Vector)
while s <= 0.05
i += 1
s += M[i]
return i-1
# This function compute a matrix with three rows: means, 5-percentiles
# and standard deviations. Each column represent a session.
function stats(N::Int, n0::Int, m::Int)
A = tm(N,n0)
B = I # Initilizing B with the identity matrix
sup = 0:N # The support of each distribution
sup2 = [k^2 for k in sup]
stats = zeros(3,m)
for i in 1:m
C = B[1,:]
stats[1,i] = sum(C .* sup) # Mean
stats[2,i] = percentile5(C) # 5-percentile
stats[3,i] = sqrt(sum(C .* sup2) - stats[1,i]^2) # Standard deviation
B = A*B
return stats
data = stats(2000,50,200)
My question is, there is a more efficient (faster) way to do the same computation? I don't see a better way to do it but maybe there are some tricks that speed-up this computation.
This is what I have running so far:
using Distributions, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays
# This function defines our transition matrix:
function tm(N::Int, n0::Int)
[pdf(Hypergeometric(N-l,l,n0),k-l) for l in 0:N, k in 0:N]
# This computes the 5-percentile of a probability vector
function percentile5(M::AbstractVector)
s = zero(eltype(M))
res = length(M)
#inbounds for i = 1:length(M)
s += M[i]
if s > 0.05
res = i - 1
return res
# This function compute a matrix with three rows: means, 5-percentiles
# and standard deviations. Each column represent a session.
function stats(N::Int, n0::Int, m::Int)
A = sparse(transpose(tm(N, n0)))
C = zeros(size(A, 1))
C[1] = 1.0
sup = 0:N # The support of each distribution
sup2 = sup .^ 2
stats = zeros(3, m)
for i = 1:m
stats[1, i] = sum(C .* sup) # Mean
stats[2, i] = percentile5(C) # 5-percentile
stats[3, i] = sqrt(sum(C .* sup2) - stats[1, i]^2) # Standard deviation
C = A * C
return stats
It is around 4x faster (on smaller parameters - possibly much more speedup on large parameters). Basically uses the tips I've made in the comment:
using sparse arrays.
avoiding whole matrix multiply but using vector-matrix multiply instead.
Further improvement are possible (like simulation/ensemble method I've mentioned).

Julia #spawn and pmap() on an embarrassingly parallel problem that requires JuMP and Ipopt

I'd really appreciate some help on parallelizing the following pseudo code in Julia (and I do apologize in advance for the long post):
P, Q # both K by N matrix, K = num features and N = num samples
X, Y # K*4 by N and K*2 by N matrices
tempX, tempY # column vectors of size K*4 and K*2
ndata # a dict from parsing a .m file to be used by a solver with JuMP and Ipopt
# serial version
for i = 1:N
ndata[P] = P[:, i] # technically requires a for loop from 1 to K since the dict has to be indexed element-wise
ndata[Q] = Q[:, i]
ndata_A = run_solver_A(ndata) # with a third-party package and JuMP, Ipopt
ndata_B = run_solver_B(ndata)
kX = 1, kY = 1
for j = 1:K
tempX[kX:kX+3] = [ndata_A[j][a], ndata_A[j][b], P[j, i], Q[j, i]]
tempY[kY:kY+1] = [ndata_B[j][a], ndata_B[j][b]]
kX += 4
kY += 2
X[:, i] = deepcopy(tempX)
Y[:, i] = deepcopy(tempY)
So obviously, this for loop can be executed independently as long as no columns of P and Q is accessed twice and the same column i of P and Q are accessed at a time. The only thing I need to be careful about is that column i of X and Y are correct pairs of tempX and tempY, and I don't care as much about whether the i = 1, ..., N order is maintained (hopefully that makes sense!).
I read both the official documentation and some online tutorials, and wrote the following with #spawn and fetch that works for the insertion part by replacing the ndata[j][a] etc. with placeholder numbers 1.0 and 180:
using Distributed
num_proc = nprocs()
#everywhere function insertPQ(P, Q)
data = zeros(4*length(P))
k = 1
for i = 1:length(P)
data[k:k+3] = [1.0, 180., P[i], Q[i]]
k += 4
return data
P = [0.99, 0.99, 0.99, 0.99]
Q = [-0.01, -0.01, -0.01, -0.01]
for i = 1:5 # should be 4 x 32
global P = hcat(P, (P .- 0.01))
global Q = hcat(Q, (Q .- 0.01))
datas = zeros(16, 0) # serial result
datap = zeros(16, 32) # parallel result
#time for i = 1:32
s = fetch(#spawn insertPQ(P[:, i], Q[:, i]))
global datap = hcat(datap, s)
#time for i = 1:32
k = 1
for j = 1:4
datas[k:k+3, i] = [1.0, 180., P[j, i], Q[j, i]]
k += 4
println(datap == datas)
The above code is fine but I did notice the output was consistently worker 2->3->4->5->2... and was much slower than the serial case (I'm testing this on my laptop with only 4 cores, but eventually I'll run it on a cluster). It took forever to run when added in the run_solver_A/B in the insertPQ() that I had to stop it.
As for pmap(), I couldn't figure out how to pass an entire vector to the function. I probably misunderstood the documentation but "Transform collection c by applying f to each element using available workers and tasks" sounds like I can only do this element-wise? That can't be it. I went to a Julia intro session last week and asked the lecturer about this. He said I should use pmap and I've been trying to make it work since.
So, how can I parallelize the my original pseudo code? Any help or suggestion is greatly appreciated!

How to parallelize computation of pairwise distance matrix?

My problem is roughly as follows. Given a numerical matrix X, where each row is an item. I want to find each row's nearest neighbor in terms of L2 distance in all rows except itself. I tried reading the official documentation but was still a little confused about how to achieve this. Could someone give me some hint?
My code is as follows
function l2_dist(v1, v2)
return sqrt(sum((v1 - v2) .^ 2))
function main(Mat, dist_fun)
n = size(Mat, 1)
Dist = SharedArray{Float64}(n) #[Inf for i in 1:n]
Id = SharedArray{Int64}(n) #[-1 for i in 1:n]
#parallel for i = 1:n
Dist[i] = Inf
Id[i] = 0
Threads.#threads for i in 1:n
for j in 1:n
if i != j
println(i, j)
dist_temp = dist_fun(Mat[i, :], Mat[j, :])
if dist_temp < Dist[i]
println("Dist updated!")
Dist[i] = dist_temp
Id[i] = j
return Dict("Dist" => Dist, "Id" => Id)
n = 4000
p = 30
X = [rand() for i in 1:n, j in 1:p];
main(X[1:30, :], l2_dist)
#time N = main(X, l2_dist)
I'm trying to distributed all the i's (i.e. calculating each row minimum) over different cores. But the version above apparently isn't working correctly. It is even slower than the sequential version. Can someone point me to the right direction? Thanks.
Maybe you're doing something in addition to what you have written down, but, at this point from what I can see, you aren't actually doing any computations in parallel. Julia requires you to tell it how many processors (or threads) you would like it to have access to. You can do this through either
Starting Julia with multiple processors julia -p # (where # is the number of processors you want Julia to have access to)
Once you have started a Julia "session" you can call the addprocs function to add additional processors.
To have more than 1 thread, you need to run command export JULIA_NUM_THREADS = #. I don't know very much about threading, so I will be sticking with the #parallel macro. I suggest reading documentation for more details on threading -- Maybe #Chris Rackauckas could expand a little more on the difference.
A few comments below about my code and on your code:
I'm on version 0.6.1-pre.0. I don't think I'm doing anything 0.6 specific, but this is a heads up just in case.
I'm going to use the Distances.jl package when computing the distances between vectors. I think it is a good habit to farm out as many of my computations to well-written and well-maintained packages as possible.
Rather than compute the distance between rows, I'm going to compute the distance between columns. This is because Julia is a column-major language, so this will increase the number of cache hits and give a little extra speed. You can obviously get the row-wise results you want by just transposing the input.
Unless you expect to have that many memory allocations then that many allocations are a sign that something in your code is inefficient. It is often a type stability problem. I don't know if that was the case in your code before, but that doesn't seem to be an issue in the current version (it wasn't immediately clear to me why you were having so many allocations).
Code is below
# Make sure all processors have access to Distances package
#everywhere using Distances
# Create a random matrix
nrow = 30
ncol = 4000
# Seed creation of random matrix so it is always same matrix
X = rand(nrow, ncol)
function main(X::AbstractMatrix{Float64}, M::Distances.Metric)
# Get size of the matrix
nrow, ncol = size(X)
# Create `SharedArray` to store output
ind_vec = SharedArray{Int}(ncol)
dist_vec = SharedArray{Float64}(ncol)
# Compute the distance between columns
#sync #parallel for i in 1:ncol
# Initialize various temporary variables
min_dist_i = Inf
min_ind_i = -1
X_i = view(X, :, i)
# Check distance against all other columns
for j in 1:ncol
# Skip comparison with itself
if i==j
# Tell us who is doing the work
# (can uncomment if you want to verify stuff)
# println("Column $i compared with Column $j by worker $(myid())")
# Evaluate the new distance...
# If it is less then replace it, otherwise proceed
dist_temp = evaluate(M, X_i, view(X, :, j))
if dist_temp < min_dist_i
min_dist_i = dist_temp
min_ind_i = j
# Which column is minimum distance from column i
dist_vec[i] = min_dist_i
ind_vec[i] = min_ind_i
return dist_vec, ind_vec
# Using Euclidean metric
metric = Euclidean()
inds, dist = main(X, metric)
#time main(X, metric);
#show dist[[1, 5, 25]], inds[[1, 5, 25]]
You can run the code with
1 processor julia testfile.jl
% julia testfile.jl
0.640365 seconds (16.00 M allocations: 732.495 MiB, 3.70% gc time)
(dist[[1, 5, 25]], inds[[1, 5, 25]]) = ([2541, 2459, 1602], [1.40892, 1.38206, 1.32184])
n processors (in this case 4) julia -p n testfile.jl
% julia -p 4 testfile.jl
0.201523 seconds (2.10 k allocations: 99.107 KiB)
(dist[[1, 5, 25]], inds[[1, 5, 25]]) = ([2541, 2459, 1602], [1.40892, 1.38206, 1.32184])

numpy: evaluating function in matrix, using previous array as argument in calculating the next

I have an m x n array: a, where the integers m > 1E6, and n <= 5.
I have functions F and G, which are composed like this: F( u, G ( u, t)). u is a 1 x n array, t is a scalar, and F and G returns 1 x n arrays.
I need to evaluate each row of a in F, and use previously evaluated row as the u-array for the next evaluation. I need to make m such evaluations.
This has to be really fast. I was previously impressed by scitools.std StringFunction evaluaion for a whole array, but this problem requires using the previously calculated array as an argument in calculating the next. I don't know if StringFunction can do this.
For example:
a = zeros((1000000, 4))
a[0] = asarray([1.,69.,3.,4.1])
# A is a float defined elsewhere, h is a function which accepts a float as its argument and returns an arbitrary float. h is defined elsewhere.
def G(u, t):
return asarray([u[0], u[1]*A, cos(u[2]), t*h(u[3])])
def F(u, t):
return u + G(u, t)
dt = 1E-6
for i in range(1, 1000000):
a[i] = F(a[i-1], i*dt)
i += 1
The problem with the above code is that it is slow as hell. I need to get these calculations done by numpy milliseconds.
How can I do what I want?
Thank you for our time.
Kind regards,
This sort of thing is very difficult to do in numpy. If we look at this by column we see a few simpler solutions.
a[:,0] is very easy:
col0 = np.ones((1000))*2
col0[0] = 1 #Or whatever start value.
np.cumprod(col0, out=col0)
np.allclose(col0, a[:1000,0])
As mentioned earlier this will overflow very quickly. a[:,1] can be done much along the same lines.
I do not believe there is a way to do the next two columns inside numpy alone quickly. We can turn to numba for this:
from numba import auotojit
def python_loop(start, count):
out = np.zeros((count), dtype=np.double)
out[0] = start
for x in xrange(count-1):
out[x+1] = out[x] + np.cos(out[x+1])
return out
numba_loop = autojit(python_loop)
%timeit python_loop(3,1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 4.14 s per loop
%timeit numba_loop(3,1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 42.5 ms per loop
Although its worth pointing out that this converges to pi/2 very very quickly and there is little point in calculating this recursion past ~20 values for any start value. This returns the exact same answer to double point precision- I didn't bother finding the cutoff, but it is much less then 50:
%timeit tmp = np.empty((1000000));
tmp[:50] = numba_loop(3,50);
tmp[50:] = np.pi/2
100 loops, best of 3: 2.25 ms per loop
You can do something similar with the fourth column. Of course you can autojit all of the functions, but this gives you several different options to try out depending on numba usage:
Use cumprod for the first two columns
Use an approximation for column 3 (and possible 4) where only the first few iterations are calculated
Implement columns 3 and 4 in numba using autojit
Wrap everything inside of an autojit loop (the best option)
The way you have presented this all rows past ~200 will either be np.inf or np.pi/2. Exploit this.
Slightly faster. Your first column is basicly 2^n. Calculating 2^n for n up to 1000000 is gonna overflow.. second column is even worse.
def calc(arr, t0=1E-6):
u = arr[0]
dt = 1E-6
h = lambda x: np.random.random(1)*50.0
def firstColGen(uStart):
u = uStart
while True:
u += u
yield u
def secondColGen(uStart, A):
u = uStart
while True:
u += u*A
yield u
def thirdColGen(uStart):
u = uStart
while True:
u += np.cos(u)
yield u
def fourthColGen(uStart, h, t0, dt):
u = uStart
t = t0
while True:
u += h(u) * dt
t += dt
yield u
first = firstColGen(u[0])
second = secondColGen(u[1], A)
third = thirdColGen(u[2])
fourth = fourthColGen(u[3], h, t0, dt)
for i in xrange(1, len(arr)):
arr[i] = [,,,]
