How to parallelize computation of pairwise distance matrix? - parallel-processing

My problem is roughly as follows. Given a numerical matrix X, where each row is an item. I want to find each row's nearest neighbor in terms of L2 distance in all rows except itself. I tried reading the official documentation but was still a little confused about how to achieve this. Could someone give me some hint?
My code is as follows
function l2_dist(v1, v2)
return sqrt(sum((v1 - v2) .^ 2))
function main(Mat, dist_fun)
n = size(Mat, 1)
Dist = SharedArray{Float64}(n) #[Inf for i in 1:n]
Id = SharedArray{Int64}(n) #[-1 for i in 1:n]
#parallel for i = 1:n
Dist[i] = Inf
Id[i] = 0
Threads.#threads for i in 1:n
for j in 1:n
if i != j
println(i, j)
dist_temp = dist_fun(Mat[i, :], Mat[j, :])
if dist_temp < Dist[i]
println("Dist updated!")
Dist[i] = dist_temp
Id[i] = j
return Dict("Dist" => Dist, "Id" => Id)
n = 4000
p = 30
X = [rand() for i in 1:n, j in 1:p];
main(X[1:30, :], l2_dist)
#time N = main(X, l2_dist)
I'm trying to distributed all the i's (i.e. calculating each row minimum) over different cores. But the version above apparently isn't working correctly. It is even slower than the sequential version. Can someone point me to the right direction? Thanks.

Maybe you're doing something in addition to what you have written down, but, at this point from what I can see, you aren't actually doing any computations in parallel. Julia requires you to tell it how many processors (or threads) you would like it to have access to. You can do this through either
Starting Julia with multiple processors julia -p # (where # is the number of processors you want Julia to have access to)
Once you have started a Julia "session" you can call the addprocs function to add additional processors.
To have more than 1 thread, you need to run command export JULIA_NUM_THREADS = #. I don't know very much about threading, so I will be sticking with the #parallel macro. I suggest reading documentation for more details on threading -- Maybe #Chris Rackauckas could expand a little more on the difference.
A few comments below about my code and on your code:
I'm on version 0.6.1-pre.0. I don't think I'm doing anything 0.6 specific, but this is a heads up just in case.
I'm going to use the Distances.jl package when computing the distances between vectors. I think it is a good habit to farm out as many of my computations to well-written and well-maintained packages as possible.
Rather than compute the distance between rows, I'm going to compute the distance between columns. This is because Julia is a column-major language, so this will increase the number of cache hits and give a little extra speed. You can obviously get the row-wise results you want by just transposing the input.
Unless you expect to have that many memory allocations then that many allocations are a sign that something in your code is inefficient. It is often a type stability problem. I don't know if that was the case in your code before, but that doesn't seem to be an issue in the current version (it wasn't immediately clear to me why you were having so many allocations).
Code is below
# Make sure all processors have access to Distances package
#everywhere using Distances
# Create a random matrix
nrow = 30
ncol = 4000
# Seed creation of random matrix so it is always same matrix
X = rand(nrow, ncol)
function main(X::AbstractMatrix{Float64}, M::Distances.Metric)
# Get size of the matrix
nrow, ncol = size(X)
# Create `SharedArray` to store output
ind_vec = SharedArray{Int}(ncol)
dist_vec = SharedArray{Float64}(ncol)
# Compute the distance between columns
#sync #parallel for i in 1:ncol
# Initialize various temporary variables
min_dist_i = Inf
min_ind_i = -1
X_i = view(X, :, i)
# Check distance against all other columns
for j in 1:ncol
# Skip comparison with itself
if i==j
# Tell us who is doing the work
# (can uncomment if you want to verify stuff)
# println("Column $i compared with Column $j by worker $(myid())")
# Evaluate the new distance...
# If it is less then replace it, otherwise proceed
dist_temp = evaluate(M, X_i, view(X, :, j))
if dist_temp < min_dist_i
min_dist_i = dist_temp
min_ind_i = j
# Which column is minimum distance from column i
dist_vec[i] = min_dist_i
ind_vec[i] = min_ind_i
return dist_vec, ind_vec
# Using Euclidean metric
metric = Euclidean()
inds, dist = main(X, metric)
#time main(X, metric);
#show dist[[1, 5, 25]], inds[[1, 5, 25]]
You can run the code with
1 processor julia testfile.jl
% julia testfile.jl
0.640365 seconds (16.00 M allocations: 732.495 MiB, 3.70% gc time)
(dist[[1, 5, 25]], inds[[1, 5, 25]]) = ([2541, 2459, 1602], [1.40892, 1.38206, 1.32184])
n processors (in this case 4) julia -p n testfile.jl
% julia -p 4 testfile.jl
0.201523 seconds (2.10 k allocations: 99.107 KiB)
(dist[[1, 5, 25]], inds[[1, 5, 25]]) = ([2541, 2459, 1602], [1.40892, 1.38206, 1.32184])


Fastest way to generate a kmer count vector from a nucleotide sequence (Julia)

Given a nucleotide sequence, I'm writing some Julia code to generate a sparse vector of (masked) kmer counts, and I would like it to run as fast as possible.
Here is my current implementation,
using Distributions
using SparseArrays
function kmer_profile(seq, k, mask)
basis = [4^i for i in (k - 1):-1:0]
d = Dict('A'=>0, 'C'=>1, 'G'=>2, 'T'=>3)
kmer_dict = Dict{Int, Int32}(4^k=>0)
for n in 1:(length(seq) - length(mask) + 1)
kmer_hash = 1
j = 1
for i in 1:length(mask)
if mask[i]
kmer_hash += d[seq[n+i-1]] * basis[j]
j += 1
haskey(kmer_dict, kmer_hash) ? kmer_dict[kmer_hash] += 1 : kmer_dict[kmer_hash] = 1
return sparsevec(kmer_dict)
seq = join(sample(['A','C','G','T'], 1000000))
mask_str = "111111011111001111111111111110"
mask = BitArray([parse(Bool, string(m)) for m in split(mask_str, "")])
k = sum(mask)
#time kmer_profile(seq, k, mask)
This code runs in about 0.3 seconds on my M1 MacBook Pro, is there any way to make it run significantly faster?
The function kmer_profile uses a sliding window of size length(mask) to count the number of times each masked kmer appears in the nucleotide sequence. A mask is a binary sequence, and a masked kmer is a kmer with nucleotides dropped at positions at which the mask is zero. E.g. the kmer ACGT and mask 1001 will produce the masked kmer AT.
To produce the kmer hash, the function treats each kmer as a base 4 number and then converts it to a (base 10) 64-bit integer, for indexing into the kmer vector.
The size of k is equal to the number of ones in the mask string, and is implicitly limited to 31 so that kmer hashes can fit into a 64-bit integer type.
There are several possible optimizations to make this code faster.
First of all, one can convert the Dict to an array since array-based indexing is faster than dictionary-based indexing one and this is possible here since the key is an ASCII character.
Moreover, the extraction of the sequence codes can be done once instead of length(mask) times by pre-computing code and putting the result in a temporary array.
Additionally, the mask-based conditional and the loop carried dependency make things slow. Indeed, the condition cannot be (easily) predicted by the processor causing it to stall for several cycles. The loop carried dependency make things even worse since the processor can hardly execute other instructions during this stall. This problem can be solved by pre-computing the factors based on both mask and basis. The result is a faster branch-less loop.
Once the above optimizations are done, the biggest bottleneck is sparsevec. In fact, it was also taking nearly half the time of the initial implementation! Optimizing this step is difficult but not impossible. It is slow because of random accesses in the Julia implementation. One can speed this up by sorting the keys-values pairs in the first place. It is faster due to a more cache-friendly execution and it can also help the prediction unit of the processor. This is a complex topic. For more details about how this works, please read Why is processing a sorted array faster than processing an unsorted array?.
Here is the final optimized code:
function kmer_profile_opt(seq, k, mask)
basis = [4^i for i in (k - 1):-1:0]
d = zeros(Int8, 128)
d[Int64('A')] = 0
d[Int64('C')] = 1
d[Int64('G')] = 2
d[Int64('T')] = 3
seq_codes = [d[Int8(e)] for e in seq]
j = 1
premult = zeros(Int64, length(mask))
for i in 1:length(mask)
if mask[i]
premult[i] = basis[j]
j += 1
kmer_dict = Dict{Int, Int32}(4^k=>0)
for n in 1:(length(seq) - length(mask) + 1)
kmer_hash = 1
j = 1
for i in 1:length(mask)
kmer_hash += seq_codes[n+i-1] * premult[i]
haskey(kmer_dict, kmer_hash) ? kmer_dict[kmer_hash] += 1 : kmer_dict[kmer_hash] = 1
sorted_kmer_pairs = sort(collect(kmer_dict))
sorted_kmer_keys = [e[1] for e in sorted_kmer_pairs]
sorted_kmer_values = [e[2] for e in sorted_kmer_pairs]
return sparsevec(sorted_kmer_keys, sorted_kmer_values)
This code is a bit more than twice faster than the initial implementation on my machine. A significant fraction of the time is still spent in the sorting algorithm.
The code can still be optimized further. One way is to use a parallel sort algorithm. Another way is to replace the premult[i] multiplication by a shift which is faster assuming premult[i] is modified so to contain exponents. I expect the code to be about 4 times faster than the original code. The main bottleneck should be the big dictionary creation. Improving further the performance of this is very hard (though it is still possible).
Inspired by Jérôme's answer, and squeezing some more by avoiding Dicts altogether:
function kmer_profile_opt3a(seq, k, mask)
d = zeros(Int8, 128)
d[Int64('A')] = 0
d[Int64('C')] = 1
d[Int64('G')] = 2
d[Int64('T')] = 3
seq_codes = [d[Int8(e)] for e in seq]
basis = [4^i for i in (k-1):-1:0]
j = 1
premult = zeros(Int64, length(mask))
for i in 1:length(mask)
if mask[i]
premult[i] = basis[j]
j += 1
kmer_vec = Vector{Int}(undef, length(seq)-length(mask)+1)
#inbounds for n in 1:(length(seq) - length(mask) + 1)
kmer_hash = 1
for i in 1:length(mask)
kmer_hash += seq_codes[n+i-1] * premult[i]
kmer_vec[n] = kmer_hash
return sparsevec(kmer_vec, ones(length(kmer_vec)), 4^k, +)
This achieved another 2x over Jérôme's answer on my machine.
The auto-combining feature of sparsevec makes the code a bit more compact.
Trying to slim the code further, and avoid unnecessary allocations in sparse vector creation, the following can be used:
using SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra
function specialsparsevec(nzs, n)
vals = Vector{Int}(undef, length(nzs))
j, k, count, last = (1, 1, 0, nzs[1])
while k <= length(nzs)
if nzs[k] == last
count += 1
vals[j], nzs[j] = (count, last)
count, last = (1, nzs[k])
j += 1
k += 1
vals[j], nzs[j] = (count, last)
resize!(nzs, j)
resize!(vals, j)
return SparseVector(n, nzs, vals)
function kmer_profile_opt3(seq, k, mask)
d = zeros(Int8, 128)
foreach(((i,c),) -> d[Int(c)]=i-1, enumerate(collect("ACGT")))
seq_codes = getindex.(Ref(d), Int8.(collect(seq)))
premult = foldr(
(i,(p,j))->(mask[i] && (p[i]=j ; j<<=2) ; (p,j)),
1:length(mask); init=(zeros(Int64,length(mask)),1)) |> first
kmer_vec = sort(
[ dot(#view(seq_codes[n:n+length(mask)-1]),premult) + 1 for
n in 1:(length(seq)-length(mask)+1)
return specialsparsevec(kmer_vec, 4^k)
This last version gets another 10% speedup (but is a little cryptic):
julia> #btime kmer_profile_opt($seq, $k, $mask);
367.584 ms (81 allocations: 134.71 MiB) # other answer
julia> #btime kmer_profile_opt3a($seq, $k, $mask);
140.882 ms (22 allocations: 54.36 MiB) # 1st this answer
julia> #btime kmer_profile_opt3($seq, $k, $mask);
127.016 ms (14 allocations: 27.66 MiB) # 2nd this answer

Optimizing matrix multiplication with varying sizes

Suppose I have the following data generating process
using Random
using StatsBase
m_1 = [1.0 2.0]
m_2 = [1.0 2.0; 3.0 4.0]
DD = []
y = zeros(2,200)
for i in 1:100
push!(DD, m_1)
push!(DD, m_2)
idxs = sample(1:200,10)
for i in idxs
DD[i] = DD[1]
and suppose given the data, I have the following function
function test(y, DD, n)
v_1 = [1 2]
v_2 = [3 4]
for j in 1:n
for i in 1:size(DD,1)
if size(DD[i],1) == 1
y[1:size(DD[i],1),i] .= (v_1 * DD[i]')[1]
y[1:size(DD[i],1),i] = (v_2 * DD[i]')'
I'm struggling to optimize the speed of test. In particular, memory allocation increases as I increase n. However, I'm not really allocating anything new.
The data generating process captures the fact that I don't know for sure the size of DD[i] beforehand. That is, the first time I call test, DD[1] could be a 2x2 matrix. The second time I call test, DD[1] could be a 1x2 matrix. I think this could be part of the issue with memory allocation: Julia doesn't know the sizes beforehand.
I'm completely stuck. I've tried #inbounds but that didn't help. Is there a way to improve this?
One important thing to check for performance is that Julia can understand the types. You can check this by running #code_warntype test(y, DD, 1), the output will make it clear that DD is of type Any[] (since you declared it that way). Working with Any can incur quite a performance penalty so declaring DD = Matrix{Float64}[] cuts the time to a third in my testing.
I'm not sure how close this example is to the actual code you want to write but in this particular case the size(DD[i],1) == 1 branch can be replaced by a call to
y[1:size(DD[i],1),i] .= dot(v_1, DD[i])
this cuts the time by another 50% for me. Finally you can squeeze out just a tiny bit more by using mul! to perform the other multiplication in place:
mul!(view(y, 1:size(DD[i],1),i:i), DD[i], v_2')
Full example:
using Random
using LinearAlgebra
DD = [rand(i,2) for _ in 1:100 for i in 1:2]
y = zeros(2,200)
function test(y, DD, n)
v_1 = [1 2]
v_2 = [3 4]'
for j in 1:n
for i in 1:size(DD,1)
if size(DD[i],1) == 1
y[1:size(DD[i],1),i] .= dot(v_1, DD[i])
mul!(view(y, 1:size(DD[i],1),i:i), DD[i], v_2)

A faster alternative to all(a(:,i)==a,1) in MATLAB

It is a straightforward question: Is there a faster alternative to all(a(:,i)==a,1) in MATLAB?
I'm thinking of a implementation that benefits from short-circuit evaluations in the whole process. I mean, all() definitely benefits from short-circuit evaluations but a(:,i)==a doesn't.
I tried the following code,
% example for the input matrix
m = 3; % m and n aren't necessarily equal to those values.
n = 5000; % It's only possible to know in advance that 'm' << 'n'.
a = randi([0,5],m,n); % the maximum value of 'a' isn't necessarily equal to
% 5 but it's possible to state that every element in
% 'a' is a positive integer.
% all, equal solution
for i = 1:n % stepping up the elapsed time in orders of magnitude
%%%%%%%%%% all and equal solution %%%%%%%%%
ax_boo = all(a(:,i)==a,1);
% alternative solution
for i = 1:n % stepping up the elapsed time in orders of magnitude
%%%%%%%%%%% alternative solution %%%%%%%%%%%
ax_boo = a(1,i) == a(1,:);
for k = 2:m
ax_boo(ax_boo) = a(k,i) == a(k,ax_boo);
but it's intuitive that any "for-loop-solution" within the MATLAB environment will be naturally slower. I'm wondering if there is a MATLAB built-in function written in a faster language.
After running more tests I found out that the implicit expansion does have a performance impact in evaluating a(:,i)==a. If the matrix a has more than one row, all(repmat(a(:,i),[1,n])==a,1) may be faster than all(a(:,i)==a,1) depending on the number of columns (n). For n=5000 repmat explicit expansion has proved to be faster.
But I think that a generalization of Kenneth Boyd's answer is the "ultimate solution" if all elements of a are positive integers. Instead of dealing with a (m x n matrix) in its original form, I will store and deal with adec (1 x n matrix):
exps = ((0):(m-1)).';
base = max(a,[],[1,2]) + 1;
adec = sum( a .* base.^exps , 1 );
In other words, each column will be encoded to one integer. And of course adec(i)==adec is faster than all(a(:,i)==a,1).
I forgot to mention that adec approach has a functional limitation. At best, storing adec as uint64, the following inequality must hold base^m < 2^64 + 1.
Since your goal is to count the number of columns that match, my example converts the binary encoding to integer decimals, then you just loop over the possible values (with 3 rows that are 8 possible values) and count the number of matches.
a_dec = 2.^(0:(m-1)) * a;
num_poss_values = 2 ^ m;
num_matches = zeros(num_poss_values, 1);
for i = 1:num_poss_values
num_matches(i) = sum(a_dec == (i - 1));
On my computer, using 2020a, Here are the execution times for your first 2 options and the code above:
Elapsed time is 0.246623 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.553173 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.000289 seconds.
So my code is 853 times faster!
I wrote my code so it will work with m being an arbitrary integer.
The num_matches variable contains the number of columns that add up to 0, 1, 2, ...7 when converted to a decimal.
As an alternative you can use the third output of unique:
[~, ~, iu] = unique(a.', 'rows');
for i = 1:n
ax_boo = iu(i) == iu;
As indicated in a comment:
ax_boo isolates the indices of the columns I have to sum in a row vector b. So, basically the next line would be something like c = sum(b(ax_boo),2);
It is a typical usage of accumarray:
[~, ~, iu] = unique(a.', 'rows');
C = accumarray(iu,b);
for i = 1:n
c = C(i);

Efficient partial permutation sort in Julia

I am dealing with a problem that requires a partial permutation sort by magnitude in Julia. If x is a vector of dimension p, then what I need are the first k indices corresponding to the k components of x that would appear first in a partial sort by absolute value of x.
Refer to Julia's sorting functions here. Basically, I want a cross between sortperm and select!. When Julia 0.4 is released, I will be able to obtain the same answer by applying sortperm! (this function) to the vector of indices and choosing the first k of them. However, using sortperm! is not ideal here because it will sort the remaining p-k indices of x, which I do not need.
What would be the most memory-efficient way to do the partial permutation sort? I hacked a solution by looking at the sortperm source code. However, since I am not versed in the ordering modules that Julia uses there, I am not sure if my approach is intelligent.
One important detail: I can ignore repeats or ambiguities here. In other words, I do not care about the ordering by abs() of indices for two components 2 and -2. My actual code uses floating point values, so exact equality never occurs for practical purposes.
# initialize a vector for testing
x = [-3,-2,4,1,0,-1]
x2 = copy(x)
k = 3 # num components desired in partial sort
p = 6 # num components in x, x2
# what are the indices that sort x by magnitude?
indices = sortperm(x, by = abs, rev = true)
# now perform partial sort on x2
select!(x2, k, by = abs, rev = true)
# check if first k components are sorted here
# should evaluate to "true"
isequal(x2[1:k], x[indices[1:k]])
# now try my partial permutation sort
# I only need indices2[1:k] at end of day!
indices2 = [1:p]
select!(indices2, 1:k, 1, p, Base.Perm(Base.ord(isless, abs, true, Base.Forward), x))
# same result? should evaluate to "true"
isequal(indices2[1:k], indices[1:k])
EDIT: With the suggested code, we can briefly compare performance on much larger vectors:
p = 10000; k = 100; # asking for largest 1% of components
x = randn(p); x2 = copy(x);
# run following code twice for proper timing results
#time {indices = sortperm(x, by = abs, rev = true); indices[1:k]};
#time {indices2 = [1:p]; select!(indices2, 1:k, 1, p, Base.Perm(Base.ord(isless, abs, true, Base.Forward), x))};
#time selectperm(x,k);
My output:
elapsed time: 0.048876901 seconds (19792096 bytes allocated)
elapsed time: 0.007016534 seconds (2203688 bytes allocated)
elapsed time: 0.004471847 seconds (1657808 bytes allocated)
The following version appears to be relatively space-efficient because it uses only an integer array of the same length as the input array:
function selectperm (x,k)
if k > 1 then
kk = 1:k
kk = 1
z = collect(1:length(x))
return select!(z,1:k,by = (i)->abs(x[i]), rev = true)
x = [-3,-2,4,1,0,-1]
k = 3 # num components desired in partial sort
print (selectperm(x,k))
The output is:
... as expected.
I'm not sure if it uses less memory than the originally-proposed solution (though I suspect the memory usage is similar) but the code may be clearer and it does produce only the first k indices whereas the original solution produced all p indices.
selectperm() has been edited to deal with the BoundsError that occurs if k=1 in the call to select!().

Speeding up MATLAB code for FDR estimation

I have 2 input variables:
a vector of p-values (p) with N elements (unsorted)
and N x M matrix with p-values obtained by random permutations (pr) with M iterations. N is quite large, 10K to 100K or more. M let's say 100.
I'm estimating the False Discovery Rate (FDR) for each element of p representing how many p-values from random permutations will pass if the current p-value (from p) will be the threshold.
I wrote the function with ARRAYFUN, but it takes lot of time for large N (2 min for N=20K), comparable to for-loop.
function pfdr = fdr_from_random_permutations(p, pr)
%# ... skipping arguments checks
pfdr = arrayfun( #(x) mean(sum(pr<=x))./sum(p<=x), p);
Any ideas how to make it faster?
Comments about statistical issues here are also welcome.
The test data can be generated as p = rand(N,1); pr = rand(N,M);.
Well, the trick was indeed sorting the vectors. I give credit to #EgonGeerardyn for that. Also, there is no need to use mean. You can just divide everything afterwards by M. When p is sorted, finding the amount of values that are less than current x, is just a running index. pr is a more interesting case - I used a running index called place to discover how many elements are less than x.
Edit(2): Here is the fastest version I come up with:
function Speedup2()
N = 10000/4 ;
M = 100/4 ;
p = rand(N,1); pr = rand(N,M);
pfdr = arrayfun( #(x) mean(sum(pr<=x))./sum(p<=x), p);
out = zeros(numel(p),1);
[p,sortIndex] = sort(p);
pr = sort(pr(:));
pr(end+1) = Inf;
place = 1;
N = numel(pr);
for i=1:numel(p)
x = p(i);
while pr(place)<=x
place = place+1;
exp1a = place-1;
exp2 = i;
out(i) = exp1a/exp2;
out(sortIndex) = out/ M;
And the benchmark results for N = 10000/4 ; M = 100/4 :
Elapsed time is 0.898689 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.007697 seconds.
and for N = 10000 ; M = 100 ;
Elapsed time is 39.730695 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.088870 seconds.
First of all, tr to analyze this using the profiler. Profiling should ALWAYS be the first step when trying to improve performance. We can all guess at what is causing your performance drop, but the only way to be sure and focus on the right part is to inspect the profiler report.
I didn't run the profiler on your code, as I don't want to generate test data to do so; but I have some ideas about what work is being carried out in vain. In your function mean(sum(pr<=x))./sum(p<=x), you are repeatedly summing over p<=x. All in all, one call includes N comparisons and N-1 summations. So for both, you have behavior that is quadratic in N when all N values of p are calculated.
If you step through a sorted version of p, you need less calculations and comparisons, as you can keep track of a running sum (i.e. behavior that is linear in N). I guess a similar method could be applied to the other part of the calculation.
The implementation of my idea as expressed above:
function pfdr = fdr(p,pr)
[N, M] = size(pr);
[p, idxP] = sort(p);
[pr] = sort(pr(:));
pfdr = NaN(N,1);
parfor iP = 1:N
x = p(iP);
m = sum(pr<=x)/M;
pfdr(iP) = m/iP;
pfdr(idxP) = pfdr;
If you have access to the parallel computing toolbox, the parfor loop will allow you to gain some performance. I used two basic ideas: mean(sum(pr<=x)) is actually equal to sum(pr(:)<=x)/M. On the other hand, since p is sorted, this allows you to just take the index as the number of elements (in the assumption that every element is unique, otherwise you'll have to work with unique to do the full rigorous analysis).
As you should already know very well by running the profiler yourself, the line m = sum(pr<=x)/M; is the main resource hog. This can be tackled similarly to p by making use of the sorted nature of pr.
I tested my code (both for identical results and for time consumption) against yours. For N=20e3; M=100, I get about 63 seconds to run your code and 43 seconds to run mine on my main computer (MATLAB 2011a on 64 bit Arch Linux, 8 GiB RAM, Core i7 860). For smaller values of M the gain is larger. But this gain is in part due to parallelization.
edit2: Apparently, I came to very similar results as Andrey, my result would have been very similar had I pursued the same approach.
However, I realised that there are some built-in functions that do more or less what you need, i.e. quite similar to determining the empirical cumulative density function. And this can be done by constructing the histogram:
function pfdr = fdr(p,pr)
[N, M] = size(pr);
[p, idxP] = sort(p);
count = histc(pr(:), [0; p]);
count = cumsum(count(1:N));
pfdr = count./(1:N).';
pfdr(idxP) = pfdr/M;
For the same M and N as above, this code takes 228 milliseconds on my computer. It takes 104 milliseconds for Andrey's parameters, so on my computer it turns out a bit slower, but I think this code is far more readable than intricate for loops (as was the case in both our examples).
Following the discussion between me and Andrey in this question, this very late answer is just to prove to Andrey that vectorized solutions are still faster than JIT'ed loops, they sometimes just aren't as easy to find.
I am more than willing to remove this answer if it is deemed inappropriate by the OP.
Now, on to business, here's the original arrayfun, looped version by Andrey, and vectorized version by Egon:
function test
N = 10000/4 ;
M = 100/4 ;
p = rand(N,1);
pr = rand(N,M);
%% first option
pfdr = arrayfun( #(x) mean(sum(pr<=x))./sum(p<=x), p);
%% second option
out = zeros(numel(p),1);
[p2,sortIndex] = sort(p);
pr2 = sort(pr(:));
pr2(end+1) = Inf;
place = 1;
for i=1:numel(p2)
x = p2(i);
while pr2(place)<=x
place = place+1;
exp1a = place-1;
exp2 = i;
out(i) = exp1a/exp2;
out(sortIndex) = out/ M;
%% third option
[p2,sortIndex] = sort(p);
count = histc(pr2(:), [0; p2]);
count = cumsum(count(1:N));
out = count./(1:N).';
out(sortIndex) = out/M;
Results on my laptop:
Elapsed time is 0.916196 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.011429 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.007328 seconds.
and for N=1000; M = 100; :
Elapsed time is 38.082718 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.127052 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.042686 seconds.
So: vectorized is 2-3 times faster.
