How to create different suites and define their order of execution in Godog? - go

I want to create different test suites for execution of my test cases. The main idea is that I want to load some sample data into database using a feature file in a single suite. After this suite is completed I want to execute different suite containing the test scenarios. Is it possible in GoDog?

There is an example in DATA-DOG repo with DB connection it could be helpful. It gives you an opportunity to roll back inserted data before every scenario or suite if you want.


Which approach should I choose for testing my Spring Batch Job?

Currently I'm working on some integration tests for a Spring Batch application. Such application reads from a SQL table, writes on another table and, at the end, generates a report as a .txt file.
Initially I thought of just assuring that I had another file with the expected output and compare it with the report file and check the table content.
(For some context, I'm not very experienced on Spring).
But, after reading some articles on Baelung, I'm having doubts about my initial methodology.
Should I manipulate the table content on my code to assure that I have the expected input? Should I use the Spring Test framework tools? Without them, I'm able to run the job from my test?
The correct approach for batch job integration testing is to test the job as a black box. If the job reads data from a table and writes to another table or a file, you can proceed as follows:
Put some test data in the input table (Given)
Run your job (When)
Assert on the output table/file (Then)
You can find more details in the End-To-End Testing of Batch Jobs section of the reference documentation. Spring Batch provides some test utilities that might help in testing your jobs (like mocking batch domain objects, asserting on file content, etc). Please refer to the org.springframework.batch.test package.

Can i have Test execution (Robot FR) statistics as custom statistics chart in teamcity statistics Tab?

i'm trying to display test results statistics in the statistics tab in Teamcity, so i will be able to see if a test is always failed (for example) via the static chart.
I'm not trying to have dashboard of the last tests executed (LINK) can't help me.
I can't use Robot Framework listeners because i use scheduletask on the remote machine to run test cases.
Any suggestions?
Solved by using the : "Providing data using the teamcity-info.xml file" here
after creating the "teamcity-info.xml" file in the root of the build, i create a custom chart with the keys : chart1Key / chart2Key (existing in the "teamcity-info.xml" file). So i will be able to see the OK/KO tests percents.
Find here the Result

How to generate and print executive summary after running scripts in UFT

I have a keyword driven framework in UFT. List of scripts listed in an excel file. Driver script simply executes one script at a time. After the test run, I get this executive summary from UFT.
How can I customize the executive summary so I can see the more information on the summary like steps details, which steps passed, failed, etc.? Also how can I print the executive summary?
I have a keyword driven framework in UFT. List of scripts listed in an excel file.
Most likely, you are using only one Action in your test suite, you are seeing only 1 test execution report. This is a general drawback of having Excel driven keyword framework. What you need to do is to create your own custom test script start/stop markers and then generate a report (preferably by using a custom XSL).
Sample test result
Notice that in the sample result, the tests are anything which starts with ▬▬ UC_. I've further divided each tests into various parts grouped under ●●● TD_. You then have to read the UFT generated results.xml and convert it into meaningful result. For example, I converted it into an Excel file.

Query for Test plan Children

Is there a way in Visual Studio to query for work items by specifying the name or id of the test plan of which they're part?
I have multiple test plans in a single team project so querying on team project alone does not suffice.
As it's not possible to query for all tests by test plan in VS, how are test case linked at database level?
TFS does allow execution of SQL queries using the the MS client libraries using a WorkItemStore instance.
$wiStore = $Collection.GetService([type]"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore")
$workitems = $wiStore.Query("")
Ultimately I'm attempting to iterate all attachments contained in a test project. Right now this is achieved by retrieving all tests and their (shared) steps and listing their attachments.
Unfortunately,there is no this option in work item queries for now. Example work item queries
Can't find the association between the test plan and test suite (children). The simplest way to query all test suit childrens, you may specify the test suite parent ID {usually =(Test Plan ID+1)}
I'm not sure if I understood it correctly. If you want to list all tests including the child suite as below. This can be achieved as below.
And it can't be achieved by query for work items in Visual Studio.

fitnesse: update test scenario file from fixture

is it possible to find test scenario file from fixture, i want to update content.txt and use this update in future test runs.
Idea :1st test run records data from application, other runs compares data with returned from application
${PAGE_PATH}.${PAGE_NAME} will generate path to current test from fitnesse root, put it into setup
