Angular 8 router - loading wrong component - angular-ui-router

I am working on this example:
When runs it first shows navbar:
Home Settings
But when I select either Home or Settings I get the same navbar shown again and it looks like this now:
Home Settings
Home Settings
Also when I reload by clicking on Reload icon I dont get previously selected route selected again.
Please help me with these problems.

I had to create routers for child routes: Home and Settings. check the example again.


Checkout button in Magento not working after I upgraded from 1.6 to 1.7. - Am I missing something?

The store works when I add an item, but when I click to checkout the link re-directs to the home page store. It’s the same when I click on Proceed to checkout. Before, I had the cache management disabled and now is enabled. Is this related or what could be causing this problem? Thanks so much for the help, with kind regards.
Try deleting all the cache files stored in the /var/cache folder in magento.
Using chrome console or firebug check to see if you have any JS error before redirecting
Check your web logs to see if you have any php errors on the checkout page
It's most likely to be a Javascript issue when the checkout button does not work. Remove your theme to fall back to the base theme then see if it works.
I fixed and these where the steps I took to make it work. However, before you do any of the following work disable your cache management:
Open Magento admin panel
Go to System>Cache Management
Check all Cache types and in the Actions box select refresh
Then select all Cache types and in the Actions box select disable
Also click Flush Magento Cache and Flush Cache Storage buttons
Now you are free to perform any changes to your store.
Now, if you upgraded and nothing works make sure that under:
System/Configuration -> Web – Default Pages /that your ‘Home page’ is listed under
‘CMS Home Page’. Also check:
System/Configuration -> Design – Packages /that your ‘Template’ is listed under
‘Current Package Name’. Otherwise default takes over.
Note: your template will still come up with all its features and buttons in your browser, even if no home page is setup; this is because of the previous version configuration.
If the ‘Home Page’ and ‘Template’ are not listed, add them and go into your File System and erase everything under ‘var/cache’ and ‘var/session’. Reload your home page: it should work. After, all work is done enable your cache management.
Also, it’s good to check that your home page lands at the store, and to check - do the following:
Login to your Magento MySQL database.
Open the db [database_prefix] for your store.
Locate core_config_data.
Find the row with entry: 'web/unsecure/base_url' and 'web/secure/base_url' they should look like or whatever you name your magento store file.

can't navigate first uri segment (controller) in wamp

When i navigate to my main page in on localhost ( I have no problems. It displays the page as it should.
However, it asks to login, and when I click the link, it brings me straight back to the WAMP details page. It navigates to (
Any ideas why this is happening?
I use XAMP, but I think the environments are similar. The trick is to get the base url right.
What is your base url set to in config.php?
Mine look something like:
$config['base_url'] = "http://localhost/myWWWdirectory/MySpecificProject/";
where my CI files are in the 'MySpecificProject' folder.
On my machine, myWWWdirectory/MySpecificProject is in my htdocs folder.

how can i get my login page in area?

I have 2 areas in my project: Admins , Members
and I have Login.csthml in view folder.
Therefor,its Address is:
I want to create the text link "login" at home page of my site ,
when i click on it, it should go to login page that i said above.
i use this code:
#Html.Action("Login", "Members")
but , it doesnt know it should go to Members Area, and it throws an error:
{"The view 'Login' or its master was not found or no view engine
supports the searched locations. The following locations were
what should i do?
Do you have the area registeration on the Global.asax? When adding an area by right-clicking on the project and using the wizard all the coding for that is done automatically.
Also the address you posted is not correct... it should be something like http: localhost:[port]/[AreaName]/Members/Login
try using this url form to see if the routing is working or not

Change built-in webserver to use 'Index.aspx' as default page

When I run my application on localhost I get a directory listing and have to click on 'Index.aspx' to view the page.
I have already set the Set As Start Page to 'Index.aspx', which means when I press 'F5', 'Index.aspx' is opened.
This works fine, but when navigating through the site, if there is a link, such as '/FolderName', I get a directory listing, and have to manually change the URL to '/FolderName/Index.aspx'.
I believe this is because by default, the default page is 'Default.aspx'?
Is it possible to change this to 'Index.aspx'? It would save me a lot of time!
AFAIK this is not configurable. Your best option would be to rename all your index.aspx files to default.aspx. See the following link with an accepted answer to back up mine. Have fun with your renames :) application default file Index.aspx

Set up a cms page for Magento

I've been trying to set up a CMS page in magento to be the home page, and it's just killing me - how hard should this be? no matter what I set up, I get a 404.
Can somebody tell me basic steps to set up a CMS page as the home page for a Magento install, living at:
I can't have the url key for the CMS page be empty, but setting the default page in the System->Config->Default Pages->CMS Home Page (which seems like it should work), still gives me a 404.
thx for any help
Hours of head banging later .... I’ve changed the parameter “Use Web Server Rewrites” on System -> Configuration -> Web from Yes to No. And it worked! My provider set this by default, so had to change it. Only downside is that I now get the /index.php extension added.
Did you check to make sure that the page was enabled and visible in your store view?
Ok - figured it out. In the System->Config->Web, the Default Web URL needs to be 'cms' (no quotes) - I guess that tells Magento to use the cms page instead of a default url.
In csm - pages create some html in the page, eg start simple with My Homepage.
Give it a name and take care the url is "home" (without the quotes.
Now go to system - configuration - web and select your homepage (name) from the dropdown where in lets you choose the homepage.
That should do it.
Your CMS Page Identifier should be home
I was running into the same issue. No matter what I did, the home page came back as a 404. I had it working on a test server (with a different database) and compared the options side by side. Absolutely nothing worked, the home page, named 'home' and the 'cms' was properly set, mod_rewrite working, htaccess file just peachy...but wouldn't work. after a few hours I saw that did, though I swear it hadn't been.
Finally I wiped the blood off the keyboard where I'd been smashing my head against it and went into url rewrite management and set id path to '/', request path to '/' and target path to '/home/' and it works like it should have all along. Hope this helps someone else!
